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Chapter 2

  • "Where is your brother?" Mrs Maxwell asks Betina with raised eyebrows, after she and Theo enter the livingroom,
  • "He told us that afte he finishes his email, he will start driving so...¨ Betina replies after pouring herself a drink.
  • "That boy! I asked him to be here on time, together with you two, now we have to wait again! And I hate waiting!" She groans.
  • "Link is going to be in so much trouble brother!" Betina smirks at her younger brother Theo.
  • "Good for him! He should have listened to us and on top of that he treated me like a little boy during the meeting so he should be punished!"
  • Theo says looking at his sister who nods agreeing.
  • "Yes he was very rude, yes! Well knowing mother she will deal with him! so don't you worry brother!" She says with an evil smirk.
  • Some time later the Butler comes in to anounce that Lincoln has arrived.
  • "Finally! What took you so long, Lincoln? We are all waiting for you!" His mother spits annoyed at him while he takes a seat at the dining table with a sigh.
  • "And why are you sighing?? I should be doing that, not you! You're the one that's late....again!" She mutters while sitting down again as the
  • Butler starts to serve their food and drinks.
  • "How are you doing dad, how was your day?" Lincoln asks his dad, while ignoring his mother.
  • His father sits at the other end of the table, silently staring with a blank face at his
  • family on the other side of the table.
  • "Fine son, not too much" he replied while he poured himself and Lincoln, some wine.
  • "Good to hear dad, well I was just finishing up some emails that had to be done, that was actually the reason why I am late but yeah...."
  • "No excuses Link, mom does not like excuses!" Theo says while smiling at his mother........the annoying butt kisser!
  • "Sorry son!" His dad mumbles with meak eyes and starts to eat his dinner.
  • Some time later after some whispering between the siblings and their mother, Mrs Maxwell turns her attention to Lincoln again.
  • "I have a request for you, Lincoln and I don't want a NO answer or excuse!" She states coldly.
  • "And that is mother?" He replies to her trying to figure out what she wants from him this time.
  • "Tomorrow night you go on a date with the daughter of a friend of mine, she is beautiful, talented, has a good head for business and she is
  • from a well mannered rich family, you can take her out to one of those fancy new restaurants we went to last time, to impress her!" She
  • states and drinks her wine in one go after that while still looking at Lincoln, who looks shocked and displeased.
  • "And why on earth would I do that, mother, I don't even know her!" He replies to her.
  • "That's why you are going out with her, to get to know her! She's a good match for you! So don't mess this! since you are very good at that
  • from what I've heard from your brother and sister!"
  • "What? What are you talking about?" He says surprised looking from one to another....
  • "You messed up this morning in the boardroom, as well after you've came in the office too late because you spent the night with one of your blond bimbo's! So not professional Lincoln! You better clean up your mess of a lifestyle otherwise the company goes to your siblings!" Mrs Maxwell
  • says coldly while Lincoln's jaw dropped.
  • "Lying rats!" He mutters while passing his siblings after he finished the dinner to go back home.
  • In his car he grips his steering wheel tightly as he drives off with high speed to get out of there as fast as possible.
  • "I can't believe this! What the hell mother!!" He mutters frustrated as he navigates through the busy traffic.
  • "Now what am I supposed to do now? I don't even know that woman and I don't want to know her either! Not that I don't like women or go on
  • dates but not like this! Not forced by my own mother! Wow!.....urgh, Link why can't you say it straight into her face!" He mutters again as he parks his
  • car and goes inside the elevator, straight up to his penthouse.
  • "Dad? Hi, do you know what the girl 's mom was talking about?" He asks his father after calling him and puts the phone on speaker so he can get
  • out of his tight suit.
  • "Sorry son, I don't know! You're mother has many business friends that I don't even know about it! And to be honest I don't even want to know about
  • it!....son i'm sorry! I feel like such a failure sometimes to you! I don't know what happened! She wasn't like this before we got married! She changed so much and unfortunately not for the good! I just wished!.....I wished I could do more for you! But my hands are kind of tight, you know that don't you dear son!" Mr Maxwell tells Lincoln in a sad voice.
  • "Yeah I know dad! She has a huge influence in the business world and lots of shares! It's difficult to get her! But I'm okay.....for now! I love you dad!"
  • "Love you too son! You're the best son I could wish for! I wished you're brother and sister would taken more after you, but unfortunately your
  • mother has spoiled them so much and trained them into what she wants them to be so i only have you"
  • "Yeah they are definitely on her side dad, you know what they told her was a lie! I just set my alarm late because the meeting was set an hour later
  • but I didn't know that my evil siblings changed the time after my back so as to make it look like I'm the one to blame!" He tells his father with a sigh
  • while sitting on his king size bed.
  • "I know, son! I believe you! Don't worry, no go have a rest! Talk to you tomorrow!"
  • "Okay later dad, goodnight!" Lincoln says and cuts the call and slides inbetween the fresh bed sheets.
  • He thinks of the unknown woman he has to take on a date tomorrow night, he hopes she will be okay so at least he can enjoy a nice dinner
  • because it has been a long time since he's been with a woman!
  • After all they are mostly the same types, either after his money or after his delicious sex!
  • "I just hope I will meet a normal girl someday who's not like that, who will love me for me!!" He whispers into the dark and with that in mind, he closes
  • his eyes and drifts off to sleep.