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Chapter 2

  • The morning started early for me, as usual. I, Robert Parker, the CEO of Parker Technology, was gearing up for a crucial presentation meeting for our new tablet. Expectations were high, and I wanted to ensure that everything went off perfectly. I rose before dawn, went through my exercise routine, and had my espresso to be sharp for what lay ahead.
  • At exactly 8 a.m., I entered the meeting room, where my top executives were already present. Benjamin Cook, our Chief Marketing Officer, was at the front of the room, wearing a nervous expression that didn't go unnoticed. Timothy Parker, my brother and the Chief Operating Officer of the company, sat beside Benjamin. The tension in the air was palpable.
  • James Donahoe, our Chief Financial Officer, was poring over a stack of financial documents. He was the most reserved and serious among us, always focused on numbers and results. Nathaniel Shepherd, Chief Technology Officer, was checking his tablet, likely preoccupied with the latest technical details.
  • The new tablet represented months of hard work by the entire team, and I was confident that we would impress the market with our innovation. Benjamin was tasked with leading the presentation.
  • I took my usual seat at the head of the long conference table, closely observing the situation. Benjamin began the introduction, but something was amiss. He attempted to connect his laptop to the presentation screen, but things weren't going well. He pressed random buttons and tried to restart his laptop, but nothing worked.
  • Timothy shot Benjamin a quizzical look and finally asked, “Any issues, Cook?”
  • Benjamin was sweating and stammering as he replied, “Well, I'm having some... technical difficulties.”
  • That raised an eyebrow with me. Technical difficulties? That wasn't something you'd expect from our Chief Marketing Officer, especially in such an important meeting.
  • Nathaniel leaned forward, assessing the situation. “Cook, do you need some help?”
  • Benjamin continued his battle with the laptop, ignoring Timothy's reproachful look. “No, no, I can figure this out.”
  • Minutes dragged on, and frustration was evident on everyone's faces. The new tablet was our big bet for the year, and this presentation was crucial for our success. The situation was becoming awkward, and I knew it was time to intervene.
  • “Mr. Cook,” I called, my voice firm, “perhaps it's best if someone more experienced handles this.”
  • He finally gave up, pushing the laptop in my direction with a look of defeat. I sighed, taking the laptop and connecting it to the presentation screen. I quickly adjusted the settings and opened the presentation for the new tablet. Within seconds, it was projected on the large screen, perfectly aligned and ready for everyone to see.
  • Benjamin looked at me with a mixture of gratitude and embarrassment, while Timothy appeared relieved. James merely went back to his documents, seemingly indifferent, as if he had expected this turn of events.
  • Timothy, on the other hand, seemed genuinely curious and surprised. “Since when do you dabble in technology, Bobby?”
  • I shrugged, maintaining my impassive expression. “Just the basics, Tim. Sometimes it's necessary.”
  • The presentation for the new tablet proceeded smoothly, and Benjamin managed to regain his composure despite his visible discomfort. Throughout the meeting, I couldn't help but think about how disoriented he had become in the face of such a simple technical issue. As the Chief Marketing Officer of the company, he should have been prepared for situations like this.
  • As the presentation continued, my focus remained unwavering. The tablet was amazing, and I knew our efforts would pay off. However, the shadow of Benjamin Cook's lack of preparedness hung over the conference room.
  • At the end of the meeting, as everyone dispersed, I approached Benjamin Cook, who was visibly relieved to have gotten through the tense moment.
  • “Mr. Cook, stay,” I began with a firm tone. “We need to have a conversation about your responsibility and your technological knowledge. We can't afford to go through a situation like this again.”
  • “I triple-checked everything, Mr. Parker. I thought it was all set,” he said.
  • I took a deep breath before continuing. “I know you're capable of doing better, Benjamin. Our company depends on this presentation to showcase the potential of the new tablet to the world. We can't afford to not impress.”
  • He looked at me with determination. “Understood, Mr. Parker. I'll do whatever it takes to fix this.”
  • “That's good to hear,” I said, my tone stern, even intimidating. “Because I won't tolerate such mistakes anymore.”
  • Benjamin nodded, clearly aware of the seriousness of the situation. “I understand, Mr. Parker. I'll rectify this immediately.”
  • Benjamin left, and I remained alone in the conference room for a moment. That had been a clear reminder that, as the CEO, I needed to be aware of everything happening in the company, including the skills and limitations of my executives. It was my responsibility to ensure that our team was up to the challenges we would face.
  • My focus was on ensuring that Parker Technology continued to thrive and lead the hardware industry in Silicon Valley. After all, the responsibility rested on my shoulders, and I was determined not to let the company falter.
  • ***
  • My office at the top of Parker Technology's headquarters offered a stunning view of Silicon Valley. It was a spacious and elegant space, but at that moment, my attention wasn't on the inspiring horizon view; it was on a conversation I was about to have with my younger brother, Timothy.
  • Timothy, or Tim, as I affectionately called him, was the Chief Operating Officer of the company, and though we worked together, we rarely had the opportunity to discuss personal matters during work hours. Sitting behind my imposing mahogany desk, I was engrossed in a report when Timothy entered my office with a serious expression.
  • “Bobby, I need to talk to you about the wedding,” he said, taking a seat in the chair across from my desk. “About your date for the wedding.”
  • I knew exactly what he was talking about, but I had been trying to delay this conversation. Timothy's wedding to Charlotte O'Connor was approaching, and I hadn't yet signaled who I would be bringing as my date. It was a dilemma I would have preferred not to face.
  • “I haven't communicated it yet, Tim, because… well, because I haven't found someone suitable yet,” I admitted, feeling a bit uncomfortable.
  • He raised an eyebrow, looking intrigued. “You haven't found someone suitable? You're Robert Parker, the CEO of Parker Technology, a successful and handsome man—women flock to you. I'm sure it's not for lack of options.”
  • I sighed, not wanting to get into the details. “You know how it is, Tim. I don't want to show up with just anyone. I need someone who's up to the occasion.”
  • He arched an eyebrow, clearly surprised. “Robert, the wedding is just a few weeks away. You need to make a decision soon. What about Ava?”
  • The memory of Ava, a stunning model I had dated for a few weeks, came to mind. I had met her at a charity event, and for a brief period, she had been my girlfriend. But our relationship had been short-lived, and I wasn't willing to invite her to such an important event.
  • “No, Tim,” I replied, shaking my head. “I don't want wedding photos that include someone I dated for a few weeks. It wouldn't be appropriate. Besides, I don't want the focus to shift away from the real purpose of the event, which is to celebrate the love between you and Charlotte.”
  • He seemed to understand my perspective. “I get it, Bobby, but remember, Mom won't like this at all.”
  • Mentioning our mother made me chuckle. Abigail Parker was a woman of strong opinions and a clear idea of what was suitable for the family's image. She always made it clear that a single CEO of Parker Technology shouldn't appear at essential events without a suitable date.
  • I let out a heavy sigh. “I know, Tim. She'll be furious.”
  • Timothy looked at me with a concerned expression. “You have to sort this out soon, Bobby. The wedding is approaching, and our mother won't wait forever.”
  • I nodded, recognizing the truth in his words. “You're right, Tim. I'll fix it.”
  • Timothy got up from the chair, relieved. “Great, Bobby. You still have some time, but the sooner you resolve this, the better.”
  • I nodded, determined to find the right companion for the wedding. It was time to put an end to the uncertainty and ensure that Timothy and Charlotte's day was perfect. As my brother left the room, I knew I had an important task ahead of me. Finding the right person to accompany me wouldn't be easy, but I was determined to do it to ensure that Timothy's wedding would be unforgettable for all of us.