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Chapter 3 A Fraud

  • Chapter 3
  • A Fraud
  • Nathan's Pov;
  • I came out of the bathroom to find my phone ringing.
  • A towel tied round my waist, I walked to the bed and picked it up, then looked into it.
  • Dad!.
  • I picked it up hastingly, placing it on my ear.
  • " Hey, Dad," I said casually.
  • " How are you son?" he asked.
  • " I'm fine. About to go meet a client" I said.
  • " Good. How's it going over there?" he asked again.
  • " It's going pretty well...but slow" I replied.
  • There was a short silence at the other end.
  • "Just wanted to check up on you and know how things are going over there. I had a meeting with the board of directors some days back" he informed.
  • I arched my brows, although he couldn't see me.
  • " W...why?" I asked lowly.
  • " They are worried, son. They think your reason for being there isn't yielding in any way - it's not bringing any help.We haven't seen results" he cooed.
  • I itched my forehead with my index finger.
  • " I'm trying my best, Dad. I'm still meeting with them today. I believe there'll be progress when I get there. I've already discussed it with most of them and they promised to get back to me".
  • " I'm expecting something positive. Let's just keep our fingers crossed " I explained.
  • I heard him sigh at the other end.
  • " Alright, get back to me when you're back. We need to pull this off as soon as possible" he said.
  • I nodded even if he couldn't see me.
  • The call ended and I quickly dressed up, after taking a look at the wall clock.
  • I was almost running late.
  • I dressed in my formal wear -a suit, tie, shoes and the rest.
  • Soon, I was down the stairs and out of the house in no time.
  • I half ran to my car, got in and drove off immediately.
  • *
  • *
  • The drive was a tedious one and even more difficult, because I wasn't familiar with the roads.
  • I was finally able to locate the Restaurant we were meeting at,after much struggle.
  • By the time I got there,they were all seated - waiting for me.
  • Damn!.
  • I apologized for my lateness and quickly sat down.
  • *
  • *
  • The meeting ended on a fair note. I shook hands with virtually all of them, before we parted, going our separate ways.
  • I exhaled and inhaled deeply when I got to my car.
  • That was a close one!. I'm glad this ones aren't as strict as the first ones I had come in contact with.
  • They were quite easy to talk to.
  • Damn!! I'm hungry.
  • I ignited the engine, and drove off - looking for the best chicken place in the environment.
  • I must admit, their chicken is one of a kind - very lovely and tasting.
  • It's one of the things I'll miss when I go back home.
  • I drove into the Restaurant, and ordered plenty of it.
  • They wasted no time in bringing it to me and I set to work immediately, doing justice to it.
  • nice! I moaned.
  • *
  • *
  • Mr Staffers Pov;
  • " I'm sorry sir, but we have to get this case to the police to handle. It's beyond us now" Jonah, my secretary, said.
  • " How much more do we have in the accounts?" I asked him.
  • " I'm afraid we don't have a lot sir, and we have to do something fast about it before we go bankrupt. The business might collapse when that happens" he said with shaken emotions.
  • I shut my eyes tight for sometime.
  • " I've heard all you've said. I'll get back to you"I dismissed.
  • He nodded and walked out of the office.
  • God!!.
  • How did this happen? How could I have let this happen?.
  • I thought and sat back on my chair frustratedly.
  • It all started with a merger. I had planned on merging my company with someone else's, and was just looking for the right company,when a guy approached me. He claimed to own a software company in Korea, and even brought proof and everything.
  • I agreed to merge with him and we agreed to share the profits 50-50; but then,as soon as we merged his company with ours - I mean....mine, he was able to get access to the company's fund and deducted a very large amount, then disappeared Into thin air, taking alongside with him the money the Company has given to him which he requested for - claiming it was for a project.
  • I don't know why I didn't suspect he was a scam. I mean... I couldn't, no one could. He looked so genuine and responsible; plus, the documents and everything he showed us, really match the details of a company when we made researches and enquiries.
  • The company really does exist.
  • The question now is 'How did he get hold of the company's documents and files when he's not even a worker there?.
  • Yeah....we also did a background check on the workers, but it was too late - we did it at the wrong time, after we've been duped of millions, enough to bring down my company.
  • I don't think I can ever recover from this. I have to get to the bottom of this. I have to make him pay.
  • He has to be caught and dealt with, but how?. How do I get him, when even his name, identity, passport and everything he showed to us are all fake?.
  • God!!.
  • I don't even know where to start from. I'm so confused and this thing is really eating me up.
  • Should I just follow my secretary's advice and get the police involved?.
  • Of course, the police are gonna come in sooner or later, I don't just think it's time to involve them yet.
  • I don't really like dealing with them.
  • Ring, Ring.
  • The cellphone on the desk rang out noisily.
  • I picked it up absentmindedly.
  • " Is this REELS ENTERPRISE?" The voice asked over the phone.
  • " Yeah, yeah. This is it" I responded, tiredly.
  • " Alright. We'll like you to come clear out some issues with your bank" the female voice spoke again.
  • I removed the cellphone from my ear and stared at it, before placing it back, saying nothing.
  • " Hello, hello. Are you there?" she asked.
  • I itched my forehead in frustration.
  • " I'm here. I heard what you said" I said.
  • "Okay" she replied and hung up.
  • I placed the cellphone back on the table, with shaky hands
  • I can't really explain how I am feeling. It's's like,
  • I dunno know what to say.
  • How can my life be ruined in less than a month? It's not possible. It doesn't make sense.
  • I stood up again, and walked out to the window.
  • My whole body was on fire, as I thought and lamented in regret.
  • This can't be just doesn't feel right.
  • Taking a few steps back to my desk, I picked up the cell phone and dialled Jonah's number.
  • " Come to my office immediately" I said as soon as he picked up, then placed the phone back.
  • I need to act... and I need to act very fast
  • *
  • *
  • Ruby's Pov;
  • I woke up just a few minutes to the time I was supposed to go pick up Michael from class.
  • Oh, no! How did I get to sleep this long?. I haven't been able to do that for a while now.
  • I fled from the couch in haste, picking up my car key from the table. Good thing I had kept it there and not gone to drop it in my room.
  • I ran to the garage, got into my car and drove off, with speed.
  • *
  • *
  • Boom!!
  • I heard a loud noise. It was a hit. I looked up to see a car in front of me, and it looked like my car had hit the car.
  • I stepped down in rage, going to confront the owner of the car, not minding if it was my car that had hit the other.
  • It's partially my fault, because I was in haste and driving speedily, but hell no...I'm not gonna own up to that.
  • No way!!
  • Yeah...I admit it...I was in haste, but the car should have checked well to see if any car was coming, before attempting to reverse.
  • I checked for any scratches on the car and when there was none, I marched forward to meet the owner of the other car.
  • Just before I got to the car, a very slim, brunette girl stepped down from the car.
  • She also went to the back of her car first, to see if there were any damages, before turning to me when she found out there was none.
  • She was about my age and very beautiful, but I wasn't there to take in her details.
  • " Are you blind or what? Didn't you see a car coming before trying to reverse?" I lashed out at her.
  • She scoffed and looked at her both sides, like she's trying to look at the person I was talking to.
  • " Who's that Ella?" another girl stepped down from the car, then two others.
  • Guess they are all her friends.
  • They were all dressed. Seems they were going out.
  • I thought and then looked to my left, and realized we were in front of a mall.