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Chapter 5 Prince

  • “The Greek mythology He describes his deities as belonging to a large family, and it is likely that people today can recognize their most prominent members. Most people may be familiar with the12 Olympic gods, the main deities of the Greek pantheon. Many would have also heard ofthe Titans, the predecessors of the Olympian gods. However, the family tree of the Greek gods consists of more than just the Olympian gods and the Titans. There are gods whose existence predates even that of the Titans. One of them is Morpheus.
  • MorpheusHe was the God of Dreams, the one who had theamazing ability to appear in the dreams of mortals in any way. As his name indicates, the Greek word “morphe” means “form” and he was the one who shaped and formed dreams.
  • He was known as the god of dreams. Through which he could appear to mortals in any form. This talent made Morpheus amessenger of the gods, capable of communicating divine messages to sleeping mortals. Although he could take any human form, his true form was that of awinged demon.
  • It is said thataction of Nyx, the personification of Night. The Romans believe, however, that he was the son of Hypnos, the personification of sleep, who in turn was a son of Nyx. Regardless of his lineage, Morpheus is said to have numerous siblings, known collectively as the Oneiroi (the Greek word for dream). Aside from Morpheus, two other important Oneiroi can be identified by their names: Phobetor and Phantasos.”
  • Ovid the poet wrote in his Metamorphosis:
  • “The King's Dream” was the father of a thousand children, in fact a tribe, and of all of them, the one he chose was Morpheus, who had such ability to imitate any human form at will. No other Dream (Oneiro, Morpheus' brother) can match his art in the falsification of men: his voice, his walk, his face, his moods; And, also, imitate their clothing accurately and the words they use most frequently. But he only imitates men”…
  • The entire editorial was in turmoil and, of course, the impending storm did not pass Kathy by unnoticed, leaving a wave of uncertainty when she received the news.
  • "I have a bombshell to tell you," Samantha said over the phone, looking shocked. The news had set the editorial on fire. Everyone was afraid of losing their jobs. It was completely unexpected because as far as they knew, the editorial was not up for sale. Then one day, BOOM, the bombshell news arrived. The editorial had a new owner.
  • Although they weren't close friends, Kathy was one of Samantha's first writers and she held a special affection for her. Despite not being intimate friends, they spoke regularly and had a close bond. Kathy, a reserved person by nature, had gradually opened up to Samantha. When the news broke, Samantha immediately thought of sharing the news with Kathy, whether it was good or bad.
  • Kathy had no idea what the news could be, but, being naturally curious as a cat person (as opposed to a dog person), she was eager to hear it. The suspense that Samantha was maintaining was killing her...
  • "And? Tell me already, spill it out... Warner offered us a movie deal?? Or is it for Netflix?" Kathy asked excitedly, crossing her fingers. She was hopeful.
  • "No... I wish! I wish!," Samantha replied, clearly enjoying the suspense that Kathy hated. Then she dropped the bombshell: "THE EDITORIAL HAS BEEN SOLD!" She just threw it out there. She hoped Kathy wouldn't be too affected by the news.
  • "What??? How? I don't understand... was it even for sale?" Kathy thought to herself. How could Samantha not tell her something like this?
  • "It wasn't for sale, but a billionaire investor made a tempting offer that they couldn't refuse... Luckily, they said there won't be any changes in the company for now..." Samantha tried to reassure Kathy, one of their most important writers. She also felt it was better for Kathy to hear about it from her.
  • "Do we know who this mysterious investor is?" Kathy's curiosity was piqued now. Samantha had infected her with her anxiety.
  • "No one knows. They say he's like a Soros, but everything was done through lawyers and representatives. No one saw his face and there's almost no information available about him. They say he's a very private person, almost to the point of paranoia... sound familiar?" Samantha teased Kathy, referring to her own reclusive nature.
  • "Haha! I wish I had Soros' fortune," Kathy replied sarcastically. She added, "I'm not paranoid, I just don't like crowds. I've told you many times..."
  • "Hello, can I speak to 'social phobia'?" Samantha retorted with sarcasm.
  • "Enough, Samantha! It's not funny!"
  • "Ok, ok... Getting back to the point, no one has seen him... apparently, he lives on an island away from everything and everyone..."
  • "Wow, I'm envious! I love the sea as much as I hate crowds. And I haven't had many opportunities to be in those kinds of places... another fear of mine is traveling alone to unknown places... and I don't have many friends to organize a trip with..." Kathy confessed.
  • "Haha, see! I knew it! And then you say you don't have a phobia!" Samantha teased her.
  • "Well, would you reject the chance to live on a tropical island?" Kathy countered with irony, trying to steer the conversation back to the main topic.
  • "Well... as long as they don't kick us out..."
  • "Fingers crossed," said Samantha. "From what I've gathered, as part of the sale agreement, they promised to keep all the staff and writers... but you know how it is, we won't know for sure until the new company takes over. That's when we'll see what direction they want to take the editorial."
  • Samantha truly hoped their heads wouldn't roll. But there was no concrete way of knowing. For now, they were still there, and she needed to find a way to stay afloat. Having successful writers like Kathy and June on their side was definitely a plus.
  • "Do we at least know the name of this mysterious man or his company?" Kathy asked.
  • "We do know his name. In fact, it's quite unusual..." Samantha pondered. "Our mysterious man is called MORPHEUS, Morpheus Prince."