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Chapter 8 Into The Dungeon

  • Vanessa slowly lifted her feet, shocked, her eyes wide. She staggered and quickly moved to Alexander, staying behind him with her hands over her mouth. She didn't expect Alexander to tell Lynx the truth. She looked like she was about to faint and leaned on Alexander for support.
  • Lynx's heart pounded in his chest, and it looked like he was finding it hard to breathe. He looked deeply into Alexander's eyes, who stood elegantly and proud.
  • "This can never be true," Lynx said, his voice low but audible. "How can you be the father of the baby when you've not even met her before?" Lynx questioned.
  • Alexander took a step closer to Lynx, his expression softening. "I know it's hard to believe, but that's the truth. Vanessa is my mate too, and I will always be there for her and protect her," Alexander said.
  • Vanessa was surprised that Alexander didn't tell her about being his mate. She wondered if since Lynx had already marked her, he didn't want to bother again.
  • Suddenly, Lynx remembered the way Alexander and Vanessa looked at each other when Alexander first arrived at his house. There was a look of recognition in their eyes as if they had met before, but Lynx brushed it off. Now, it all made sense to him that they had known each other all along. Lynx felt betrayed. "You snitched on me, Alexander?" Lynx said, his voice low and frightening. "And I allowed you in my pack all this while, Alexander."
  • "Lynx, I didn't snitch on you," Alexander replied. "When I arrived at your pack, I met her crying in a bar. However, she happens to be my mate, and I didn't even know she is your mate too," Alexander tried to explain.
  • Lynx's anger heightened, and he moved towards Alexander, ready to fight him. His eyes changed to a blazing red, and his fangs elongated, his inner wolf taking over.
  • Alexander reacted in his own way, his fangs protruding, his inner wolf assuming control.
  • They circled each other, snarling and growling. Lynx was the first to attack. He jumped swiftly at Alexander, using his claws, but Alexander was very fast and dodged the attack. Lynx turned swiftly again and delivered a punch to Alexander's stomach. However, Alexander reacted quickly and delivered a counterattack, punching Lynx in the face and knocking him to the ground with a powerful kick.
  • Lynx's guards rushed in and surrounded Alexander and Elliott, who had jumped in to fight alongside his Alpha. Both of them struggled against the large number of guards, eventually getting overpowered and held tight, making them unable to move.
  • Vanessa, who had been silent before, suddenly cried out. "Please, Lynx, I beg you," Vanessa pleaded, her voice breaking.
  • Lynx ignored her, anger still very visible on his face. "Take them out," Lynx said, his voice hard and harsh. The guards began to drag Alexander, Elliott, and Vanessa towards the door, while Vanessa continued begging.
  • "Take them to the dungeon! Don't give them water or food," Lynx ordered.
  • The guards obeyed. Alexander, Elliott, and Vanessa were tied, their hands behind their backs, and were taken away to the dungeon. Alexander turned to look at Lynx, but Lynx looked away, refusing to meet his gaze.
  • "Lynx, please, I'm very sorry. Please forgive me," Vanessa continued to beg.
  • However, Lynx refused to listen to her, and he watched as the guards carried her away. As the door closed behind them, Lynx felt a small part of his heart break, but he brushed it off. He was too furious to be bothered.
  • Alexander, Elliott, and Vanessa were thrown into the darkness of the dungeon. They could hear the sounds of the guards making their way out, their footsteps echoing through the dungeon walls.
  • Vanessa fell against the wall, crying frantically. "I don't want to lose my baby," she said, her voice filled with fear.
  • Alexander held her close, trying to comfort her. "We will get out of this place, I promise you," he said, his voice showing determination.
  • However, Vanessa couldn't stop crying. She rested on Alexander, her body shaking with fear. Alexander held her close, his heart aching for her. He knew they had to escape, but he didn't know how they could do that.
  • Two days passed, and Vanessa's hunger grew stronger and stronger. She had not eaten since she came back from the hospital, and the effects were starting to show as her strength diminished. She tried to brush off the hunger, but it was overwhelming.
  • Alexander and Elliott were also suffering from lack of food, but they tried to stay strong for Vanessa. They were worried that showing any sign of weakness would worsen Vanessa's condition. However, they knew they wouldn't be able to survive much longer without help.
  • In the darkest hour of the night, Isabella cautiously made her way through the dark tunnels leading to the dungeon, careful not to make a sound. She was on a mission to reach Alexander, Elliott, and Vanessa, who were locked up, and help them escape.
  • Turning a corner, Isabella nearly collided with a guard on duty. She froze, her heart pounding in her chest. The guard glanced around, but didn't notice her, continuing on his patrol. Isabella breathed a sigh of relief.
  • Inside the dungeon, Vanessa heard the approaching footsteps and stirred from her sleep. She tried to sit up, but her weakened body wouldn't cooperate, causing her to slump back onto the cold ground.
  • The door of the dungeon squeaked open, and a figure moved forward. Vanessa squinted her eyes, trying to make out who it was. "Isabella?" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
  • Isabella's face lit up with relief. She nodded, a small smile gracing her lips. "I'm so glad I found you," she said. "I've brought some food for you guys." Alexander's eyes filled with gratitude.
  • As Isabella reached for the door to their cell, she felt an invisible barrier blocking her path. She pulled her hand back, fear clouding her eyes. Looking down, she noticed a coating of ash along the threshold. "Oh no," she whispered, her shoulders slumping in defeat.
  • "The cell is guarded by mountain ash," Isabella said, her voice tinged with worry. "They must have placed it there to prevent your escape."
  • Alexander and Elliott exchanged glances, their faces grim. "We're trapped," Elliott muttered.
  • Alexander's eyes flashed with determination. He moved towards the barrier and focused all his strength, attempting to push through it. However, despite his efforts, the barrier remained impassable, and the mountain ash burned his skin, eliciting a silent growl of frustration.
  • "It seems there's no way," Isabella said, her shoulders slumping in defeat.
  • Elliott stepped forward, his eyes glowing. He stretched his hand to push open the barrier, but as soon as his hand came in contact with the mountain ash, he let out a sound of pain. "Hell, we're damn trapped," he said, and sat down on the floor, placing his hands on his head.
  • Vanessa's heart sank as she looked around the cell, searching for another way out, but there was none. They were completely at the mercy of Alpha Lynx.
  • Alexander refused to give up. "We can't just relent like that," he said. "There must be a way out." He stepped forward again, focusing all his mind and strength this time to break open the barrier. Suddenly, he felt something give way. The barrier began to break, and a small opening appeared. He continued pushing, and the opening grew larger and larger until it was big enough for them to pass through.
  • The three of them passed through the opening, their chests heaving. However, as Alexander passed through, he felt as if something left him, and he slumped to the ground. Vanessa turned to him, her face filled with fear. She reached out to touch Alexander's shoulder, but he flinched at her touch.
  • "What's happening to me?" Alexander asked, his voice low and dull.
  • "Let me help you," Vanessa said, pulling him into her arms. Alexander rested his head on her shoulder, his body shaking.
  • Isabella stood there, her heart aching for the three of them. Something was happening to Alexander, but they couldn't figure it out. They just knew they had to help him and quickly find a way to escape before it's too late.
  • Vanessa looked into Alexander's eyes and noticed that they were turning black. "His eyes!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling. "His eyes are turning black."
  • Elliott and Isabella rushed to Alexander, their eyes wide with fear. "What does this mean?" Isabella asked, her voice jittery.
  • Alexander struggled to sit up, breathing heavily. "I... I don't know what's happening to me. I feel very different," he said, his voice weak.
  • Vanessa stroked his hair, her face filled with concern. "Alexander, you will be fine," she said, her voice full of conviction. "Let's help you get out of here."
  • At that instant, they heard the sounds of footsteps approaching. They all turned, their hearts pounding in their chests. A figure then appeared from the corner, and they immediately recognized the figure.
  • It was Edward, one of Lynx's most trusted confidants. His eyes were cold as he looked at the four of them.
  • "Well... well… well... Nice try, guys," Edward said, clapping his hands. "Isabella, I can see that you are carrying out some extracurricular activities," he said calmly.