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Chapter 62 Fall

  • After Patricia left, she also went to her room. To her, it was still early to sleep. She lay on her bed for hours, thinking. "I have a wolf, and now it's leaving me. Just nice." Even though she would have the chance to continue school, she couldn't help but feel Patricia's suggestion might not work.
  • She rolled on the bed many times, but she couldn't sleep. It was almost midnight when she left her room to get water in the kitchen. As she walked out of her room, she realized the lights were already dimmed. It was not too dark for her to walk.
  • She managed to walk down the stairs, but as she was about to go towards the kitchen, she felt a strange thing in the sitting room. It was a strange feeling as if someone were sitting there and staring at her. She felt strange chills run through her body. She couldn't run, nor could she say a word. Her phone was with her, and she couldn't press it.
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