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Chapter 7

  • Emily's pov
  • "What?" I breathed out, my heart rate kicking up a notch.
  • Bryson voiced. "I can't sleep. I desired to see you."
  • That word. Desire....
  • He probably should not use it in a sentence when it involves me.
  • He stops, and under the moonlight, I swore I could see the faint color of a blush. But that could just be my imagination.
  • He clears his throat and lifts his hand in his hair where he scratches behind his nape. "I want you to join me for a run Em. Let's go to our special creek." He murmured.
  • I looked around. It really wasn't a good idea to be here with him, especially since in a few days he'll be mated.
  • This wasn't appropriate, especially at the time. Before it would not have been a problem but I didn't want any of the patrolling wolves to notice us outside together, alone.
  • "It's pretty late Bryce and the creek is a good few miles from here. I'll be back in my bed by morning." I pointed out and crossed my arms under my chest because of the sudden cold wind that brushed against my shirt.
  • I don't normally sleep with a bra and I didn't have one tonight. So when that cold wind smacked against the material of my shirt, it managed to bead my nipples.
  • I really hope Bryson doesn't notice it. That would be so embarrassing.
  • "Come on Em I can't go without you." The plea in his voice caught me and my shoulders sagged in defeat.
  • The corners of his mouth lifted into a dazzling smirk that had my stomach twisting with butterflies.
  • I rolled my eyes, playing annoyed when all I wanted to do was giggle at the boyish look on his face.
  • "I knew you couldn't resist my charms." He joked winking and wiggling his brows.
  • This time I can't stop the giggle that fluttered out of my mouth.
  • "You think so highly of yourself." I joked only for my eyes to widen and for me to choke on my spit when Bryson suddenly started to unbutton the khaki pants.
  • "What are you doing?" My words come out like a jumbling mess as I can't help but make my eyes roll down his masculine alpha male figure.
  • Bad idea.
  • Because now I'm fighting off my arousal and hoping he would not pick up on it.
  • If he does, I will have to make a quick lie and say that I was masturbating in my room prior...
  • No, that lie was way too ridiculous.
  • Think about toads Emily. Think about their rough skin and how slimy they feel when you touch them...
  • Think about anything other than Bryson's broad chest. Or his toned six-pack. Or the little fine hairs trailing from the bottom of his navel to disappear in those khaki pants he was currently unbuttoning.
  • I whip my eyes up quickly, blushing furiously when his eyes are already staring at me deeply into my soul.
  • Great he caught me looking.
  • But instead of teasing me like I expected him to, his mouth only tilted into a grin and he joked.
  • "Well, I have to get rid of those," He tugged at the khaki pants, his eyes dancing with mirth. "So that I can shift into my wolf Em."
  • Oh right.
  • How embarrassing, I forgot.
  • Bryson's lips spread into a teasing smirk. "Or did you think I was removing it for something else?"
  • I stuttered and that had him chuckling at my expense. Glaring at him, I puffed and turned around.
  • "You're annoying. Has anyone else told you that before?" I asked and bit the inside of my cheek as I fought the urge to turn back around when I heard the fabric that coveted his lower half fall to the ground.
  • "You. Many times." He snorted. "But how can I take those words seriously when you know you love it when I'm 'annoying'?"
  • I rolled my eyes and waited for the air to shift.
  • And it does a few seconds later. I felt the aura of his wolf strike through the air powerfully as he growled.
  • Then the bones cracked and then a growl emerged from his throat.
  • Seconds later his snout nudges my bottom and I swear he had done it on purpose.
  • 'Get on'
  • He demanded through our mind link.
  • Even though my wolf has yet to awaken, I could still mind-link others from the pack. I still had werewolf genes after all.
  • I turned around and now faced my best friend who was staring down at me through the pupils of his wolf.
  • I reach up and run my hand through his thick soft brown coat. " You're such a cute handsome pup," I joked, knowing he hated being called a pup.
  • "Bryson!" I gasped seconds later when he snouted between my thighs, forcing my legs to part.
  • Then his entire head gets between my thighs before he raises his head, causing me to get off the ground and slide down to his back.
  • "Bryson Taylor!" I snapped, my face burning up.
  • 'And that's what you get for calling me a pup'
  • He snorted through the link.
  • I twisted around so that I would face the front instead of facing the back. " This just proves how annoying you are," I murmured, not even having the courage to argue with him about what he had done.
  • 'Since you think this is annoying, I'll have to do this quite more often'
  • He joked.
  • The blush on my cheeks got hotter and I was thankful that the wind was extremely cold tonight. It would help cool down my cheeks.
  • Bryson grabbed his khaki pants in his jaw and then straightened up to his full height. He was nearly his father's size and was the biggest among our peers.
  • Well, that was expected seeing as he was from an alpha bloodline and they were usually the biggest and strongest in the pack.
  • 'Hold on tight ba- Em'
  • Bryson demanded, his wolf rumbling under me as he took a stance to get ready to race through the thick foliage.
  • I gripped his thick brown coat, marveling at the softness.
  • 'One two-
  • Bryson darted and I squealed, gripping his coat harder. He laughed through the mind link and joked.
  • 'Still not fancy of fast rides?'
  • With the way he said it, I knew that there was a secretive meaning behind it.
  • 'No, I rather slow. That way I can enjoy it more.'
  • I said through the link, knowing exactly what I was doing and how he would take it.
  • His wolf growls under me powerfully.