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Chapter 4 - Mr & Mrs Winston

  • LAKE
  • Damn. She’s fucking gorgeous. The picture in her background profile did not do any justice. She even looked younger than her age.
  • The shock on her face and those beautiful, expressive olive-green fox eyes were prominent. She even paled. By then, she realized she would not marry my father but me. She thought she was about to sell her soul to the devil by being Wallace’s wife.
  • I felt the desperation in her voice when she called Owen. I was there listening, and she had a confident and determined voice as she asked for money— not so much right now.
  • I took my time skimming at her heart-shaped face. Those eyes widened even more.
  • She put some makeup on her beautiful face and light lipstick on her pouty lips. Her nose was cute in celestial shape. Maverick was not that tall compared to the woman I slept with, but she seemed to be the most authentic among them.
  • “Maverick,” I called her name while patiently waiting for her reply.
  • “You tricked me.” Her face went white, cringing, realizing her mistake was too late to back out.
  • “Excuse me?”
  • “I thought—”
  • My heart instantly pounded as I watched her lick her lips. “I left the documents blank. When Owen told me that you thought you were marrying Wallace Winston, I told him not to correct you.”
  • “Why is that?”
  • “I thought it would be fun?”
  • “Fun?”
  • Silence stretched between us, and so did her stare.
  • “Mr. Winston and Miss Bates?”
  • “I believe that’s us.” I offered my hand as I stood up, fixing my suit with the other.
  • “I can’t do this.” She shook her head, her eyes flashing with emotion before she blinked them away. “I can’t marry you.”
  • “Give us a minute,” I told the staff as I sat down. “Maverick, you can’t humiliate me here. People know me, and I’m looking forward to this marriage.”
  • “Why?” She met my gaze. She looked terrified with a fiery exchange of rage.
  • “I’m taking over a CEO position from my father. That’s the truth. I ignored his condition for me to get a bride for months, and now he only gives me three weeks to fulfill that demand, or I will lose the position.”
  • “You have a girlfriend, why me? Because I need money? I’m desperate and a loser?”
  • “I don’t have a girlfriend. I’ve never been in a relationship since college. Can we talk about this later?”
  • “I will give back your—”
  • “You can arrange another appointment, Mr. Winston,” the staff said, interrupting us.
  • “Five seconds.” I raised my finger, giving them a warning instead. “If you marry me today, I will give you a house. You can choose it yourself.”
  • Hopeful, she stared at me for a second before she shifted her look at the people waiting for us and back to me. She then grabbed her bag and took something from it. It was the engagement ring I bought for her.
  • When she finally put it on, I let go of a shuddering breath of relief. I was desperate, too, and I had a feeling this contract marriage would be a roller coaster ride for twelve months.
  • The moment we stood before the officiant, Owen, my witness, had our rings, while my other bodyguard, Homer Huxley, was next to Maverick.
  • “We are gathered here in the presence of witnesses for the purpose of uniting in matrimony, Lake and Maverick.” The officiant probably said those words a million times. “The contract of marriage is most solemn and is not to be entered into lightly, but thoughtfully and seriously of its obligations and responsibilities.”
  • “Repeat after me. I, state your name.”
  • I held her trembling hands as we faced each other and instantly felt the softness, the warmth, and the jolt of electricity running through me. “I, Lake Archer Colter Talon Braddson Winston, take Augustine Maverick Morgan Bates II.” Then I slipped the ring into her finger.
  • Maverick did the same. “With this ring, I thee wed.”
  • “You have joined yourselves in solemn matrimony. I have now declared, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the State of New York as Deputy Marriage Commissioner, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”
  • Owen and Huxley applauded us, and I couldn’t help but smile while Maverick hadn’t loosened up a bit but could pull off a slight smile on her lips. I held her hand tight, leaned in, and dipped my head to kiss her on the lips.
  • It was a quick peck on the lips, barely a brush, just a straightforward, gentle kiss because I wouldn’t expect a passionate kiss like a couple in love shared. Still, I felt every softness, suppleness, and wetness of her lips and the tiny gasp escaping from her, just enough for me to float away to make me forget that I barely met her five minutes ago.
  • I’d kissed many women, but I certainly did not feel the enthusiasm, excitement, or eagerness for another kiss until Owen and Huxley interrupted us with loud applause and a flashing camera that pulled us apart.
  • “Congratulations, Mr. And Mrs. Winston,” said Owen, grinning like an idiot as he gave the bouquet back to Maverick. “Just one last pose.”
  • I wanted to roll my eyes, but we had an audience, and this was my wedding day, after all, so I put my hand on her waist, pulled her closer, and smiled while Owen and Huxley were taking pictures of us.
  • “Okay. That’s enough. We can do it outside. Another couple is waiting to be wed.” It was me, excusing myself. My heart still pumped so hard even though the kiss was over minutes ago.
  • As we walked outside the city hall, Maverick went silent and tensed while Huxley went to take the car.
  • “I’ll take you to lunch.”
  • “I’m good.” That was all she said.
  • “We will be living under the same roof. I know it will be a huge adjustment for both of us, but we have to make it work. You need to be flexible to be with me.”
  • “I know. I know what I signed up for, but Owen should have told me before I signed everything.” She looked away as she breathed deeply. “But it’s also my fault. I should have met you first and didn’t depend on your people, but it is what it is.”
  • “So you’d rather marry an old man?”
  • Her eyes glared. “In my head. I prepared my mind and myself to have an older husband.”
  • “Sorry to burst your bubble, Maverick, but my father no longer believes in marriage. And he’s not the man you always see on the screen. Believe me, you’d be grateful if you were married to me than to Wallace Winston.”
  • “Can I take a raincheck on the lunch?”
  • “Why? Do you have a place you’d rather be?”
  • “Um, yeah. Actually, after this, I’ll be free. Let me know where you want me to be. I’ll be there.”
  • I chuckled as I shook my head. “You’re unbelievable.”
  • “I believe a honeymoon is not in the package deal, so let me guess, I’m staying in my apartment—”
  • “Maverick, you’re my wife now. Starting today, you’ll be staying at my penthouse.” I tipped my chin at Owen.
  • “Here’s your keycard, Mrs. Winston.”
  • She hesitated before she took the card from Owen.
  • “Take it, or you have to wait outside the building.”
  • “Thank you.”
  • “You’re welcome. You have everything you need there. You don’t have to bring anything from your apartment. And we have a lot to talk about at home.” My phone just vibrated. It was probably my assistant, Venus, reminding me of my meetings.
  • “Owen will drive you wherever you want.”
  • “No. I don’t need him. I have my car parked over there.” She gestured over her shoulder shyly.
  • “Let me walk my wife to her car,” I told Owen. I knew the car she drove. It was old but still running. Even the word wife still sounded strange in my ears, but Maverick seemed the type of woman who obeyed and valued loyalty to her partner.
  • Huxley just parked my ride and waited while I walked Maverick to where she parked her car.
  • She unlocked her car door and murmured, “Thank you.”
  • “If you need anything, call me.”
  • “I don’t have your number,” she muttered, her voice shaky.
  • “Right. Give me your phone.”
  • Her phone was an old model, which twisted something deep inside me as I saved my number. “Why didn’t you wear the dress?”
  • “It’s too beautiful for a short ceremony.”
  • I smiled as I got her phone back. “You look stunning anyway.” Yes, she was. She could come to the ceremony in her pajamas, which wouldn’t change the fact that she knocked me out with her beauty.
  • “Thanks.” Her cheeks flushed.
  • “See you at the penthouse.” I went to the car as soon as she drove off.
  • “Do you want me to follow her?”
  • “No, OB. Let’s head to the office.” I dialed Venus.
  • “Mr. Winston, should I cancel your meeting?”
  • “No. I’m on my way. Buy a new iPhone model with 1TB memory, and put it on my personal account. Check a car dealer near the office.”
  • When I hung up the call, Owen was looking over the rearview. “What?”
  • “You’re buying your wife a car?”
  • “And how is it your business now?”
  • “Not my business, but I’ll still say it even if you don’t want me to talk. Take her with you. Let her be involved in the decision-making. She’d love that.”
  • “I got it. Now shut up.”