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Chapter 5

  • Igor Smith
  • I left that room aimlessly, not knowing what to do! My head was boiling, I still felt a bit dizzy and nauseous, and my life was in complete chaos.
  • I didn't know whether to hide or look for Elisa, I was very lost. The day had not yet dawned, and now I doubted everything. What would Elisa think if she found out about all this? There was a naked woman lying in my room, and she spent the night with me. Elisa would never forgive me.
  • I was lucky to be able to get rid of that equipment from those two idiots. I don't know how that woman who calls herself Luana is involved in all this, but I already know that I can't fully trust her because she is related to those two who wanted to harm me. So how could I believe her?
  • The problem was also that I enjoyed being with her. She has soft, fragrant skin, and she's great in bed. I should be mad at myself for that, but unfortunately, I couldn't regret spending the night with her, even though that was the moment I had planned to propose to Elisa! How ironic, isn't it?
  • Everything was already well prepared in my head. I needed to resolve these matters here on the cruise, and it would also be the perfect occasion to propose to her since I've already spent a lot of money here. I'm tired of hearing my grandmother's requests for me to get married and give her an heir who can eventually take over the Smith group, and Elisa rejected me.
  • I was sure she would accept this time. Nothing could go wrong, so after that call, I decided to call again while on my way, before boarding the ship. I called Elisa, I needed to make sure nothing would go wrong.
  • Flashback on...
  • Phone call...
  • - Hi, beautiful! I know I just called, but I need to make sure... will you really come with me? - I asked hesitantly, my breathing was a bit agitated, and on the other end of the line, I heard only a sigh.
  • - But, you just called me, are you already having doubts again? - she asked.
  • - You stood me up five times in Paris and rejected me twice at Grand Central Station in New York. Will you come to the ship today? - I asked, already worried.
  • - Calm down, darling! The swan will stop flying and will go on the cruise! - she said, but from her voice, I could tell she didn't seem happy, and I can understand a bit.
  • - You didn't get the white swan, huh? I'm sorry! You'll get it soon! - I said to console her.
  • - No! I'm upset because I was sure I would be the white one, and now I'm left with the black one, so I won't go to rehearsals. You can relax, I'll go with you on the cruise! - she explained, and I felt more relieved.
  • - I'll support your ballet career, beautiful! Don't worry! We don't need to rush anything, and we don't need to have children yet. We can wait for your time, and I promised to wait, didn't I? - I spoke calmly to her.
  • - Alright, Igor! We'll talk about it later, now is not the time! And I need to get ready too! - she replied, avoiding the subject.
  • - Okay! I'll be there soon! Kiss, my (swan)!
  • - Kiss.
  • Call off.
  • In fact, Elisa is an excellent dancer and has been dreaming about it for years. She wanted to play the white swan, but the New York team let her play the black swan instead. So she decided to come with me on the cruise, and this would be my chance to officially propose to her.
  • I had everything well organized, the engagement ring was already in my pocket, and right after the meeting, we would meet and I would ask her to marry me!
  • So when I arrived in the room and found that girl, I never imagined it wasn't Elisa. And when I realized it wasn't anything like what I had planned, I suspected that everything was too perfect to be true. Elisa has different dreams and ambitions than mine, but it's amazing how she always runs away when I ask her to take a step further.
  • The bigger problem is that now I messed up, and I need to make sure this story never gets out. Since there's no evidence anymore and that woman is already leaving my room, I'll go to Elisa's room and make sure she's there, and figure out what to do to talk to her.
  • I waited for a few minutes, looking out into the dark expanse of water that swayed around the ship... it would be the perfect moment and place to propose to her, but right now, I need to gather my thoughts to be able to talk to her.
  • When I arrived at Elisa's room, I was surprised because there was nothing inside... neither she nor her belongings. I didn't understand what was happening, because none of this is in my favor, bad luck is haunting me once again. I sat on the bed, ran my hands through my hair, not knowing what to do.
  • I went out like a madman searching for that woman everywhere, but the ship was big and I probably wouldn't find her! So I decided I should go back to my room, as I probably wouldn't find anything else there. Until a man who was at the pool overheard me talking and commented:
  • - I think I know who you're talking about! Yesterday, early in the evening, a girl asked the captain to take her with a smaller boat to the coast because she had given up on the cruise. She had gotten the role of the white swan that she wanted so much, and the man promptly took her. I saw it myself!
  • - Are you sure? A white swan? - I asked incredulously!
  • - Yes! It seems that's what happened! - he replied, to my utter sadness.
  • - Thank you! - I replied curtly.
  • I couldn't believe what I had just heard from that man. How could Elisa do this to me? She promised she would stay here and the swan would stop flying, and now she flew again and far away from me! She never prioritizes me, it's getting tiresome always being in second, or third, or even fourth place in her life.
  • I walked slowly back to the room, trying to think of an excuse to give to my grandmother because once again, I failed in the task of proposing to Elisa. She will be very disappointed.
  • I am the only heir of the family, so it has always been made clear to me that the task of producing children and future heirs would be mine, and for a long time I have been procrastinating because Elisa does not accept me as her husband because of her career, as I know that it involves more her body than the marriage itself, she is afraid of getting pregnant and losing her "positions" ... which took her so long to achieve, she is very vain!
  • I was wondering... had Elisa not sent me any messages?
  • So as I was returning to the room, and passing through the corridor of the deck, I searched for my cellphone in my pocket, and couldn't find it, I remembered that it was probably in the room, so I hurried to check once and for all.
  • I almost fell backwards when I saw that crazy girl was still there, I was very annoyed but before that I needed to locate my cellphone, and see if there was any message from Elisa, so I ignored the girl with glasses and went to look for my device.
  • It was lying on the floor in the corner next to the bed and as soon as I picked it up, I found a message from Elisa, but once again, to my disappointment, it was not what I expected to read or hear from her:
  • "Dear Igor! I'm sorry, but I decided to go back home! I hope you're not upset with me, but the director called me from New York, and told me they reconsidered and I got the white swan. I'm sorry if once again I couldn't refuse the offer, but you know how much I've been waiting for this, so when he called me I didn't think twice and found a way to come back to the coast. Don't worry, we'll have other opportunities, but this is my main priority now, and I couldn't reject it! I hope you enjoy the trip!"
  • At that moment, I felt the urge to throw that cellphone against the wall, such was the disappointment I was feeling, because once again I was replaced by Elisa's career!
  • I really didn't expect all this to happen in just one night, my life seems to be crumbling more and more, and I don't know which direction to take anymore. I looked at the girl who was still in my bed and didn't even know what to do, I started running my hands through my hair, and pacing back and forth non-stop! My breathing was heavy and I was breaking out in a cold sweat, maybe it was even some effect of the tranquilizer they gave me, but maybe it wouldn't be possible because I was too nervous for someone who took a tranquilizer... I sighed tiredly...