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Married To My Ex-husband's Brother

Married To My Ex-husband's Brother


Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1 One

  • 1
  • Anna's POV
  • I paced around the hospital ward restlessly. The smell of sterile water and antibiotics makes me feel disgusting and throwing up at the spot. The hum of the fluorescent lights above mingling with my anxious thoughts. I have been here for the past 2 hours, this has been my daily routine in this painful journey of being a mother. Missed periods, running countless tests and taking all sorts of medicines for the past years now. Nagging from mother-in-law seems unending.
  • I have been struggling with polycystic ovary syndrome (POS) which hurts like hell when tests are run.
  • I watched as the woman next to me is called into the examination room. My heart skips a beat. My palms became sweaty out of nervousness.
  • After what seemed like a very long time, the door slowly opened and Dr. Reynolds walked into the room. He wore a formal shirt and tie and had a serious look in his face, he was professional but did not smile. There was just shame, disappointment and I tensed myself for the potential bad news which I didn’t want to listen to.
  • “Anna, I think it’s time we talked about your results,” he sat down across the table form me.
  • I could feel my throat constrict as I looked at her and nodded. “Alright,”He glanced at the papers clamped to his clipboard, and his forehead crinkled. The room fell quiet – or perhaps it was only their breathing that I could hear even my own pulse throbbing. Dr. Reynolds at last glanced up and I attempted to assess his feelings, however, he showed none on his face at all.
  • “Well” He said slowly, “Your uterine condition is excellent for conception, you are expected to ovulate in the next 48 hours. ”
  • The words were said as a cold reminder and they really struck me hard, I momentarily blanked. Suddenly my mouth became very dry, I felt as though I was going to faint so I tightly griped the edge of the chair. “Therefore, we could begin with the attempt? Like, trying to conceive?”
  • Dr. Reynolds occularly agreed, his eyes looked into mine in reassurance “It is, indeed, the best opportunity you’ve been been waiting for so long. We both advise that you and Michael grasp this chance.”
  • It was as if the pent up tension which seems to have been growing inside me suddenly released. I heaved a sign of relief but this was embellished by disbelief. “You sure? Everything …”
  • Lingering for a while on the contemptuous gaze of the man sitting opposite him, he slightly tilted his head forward and fixed it. “Anna, this is a perfect condition as far as one can expect under the given circumstances, it is time to start.”
  • I caught my breath to take the implication of what she said. “I. … I never thought that this day would come.” My eyes are filled with tears of relief and joy. The news I had longed for was finally here!
  • I clutched the ultrasound report to her chest, feeling as if I'm holding a precious gift that could change my life forever.
  • “Thank you so much Doctor!” I managed to say happily. My voice is noticeably trembling with emotions.
  • “You’re welcome,” The Doctor replied, with a warm and supportive tone.
  • “Remember to keep track of your ovulation, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.” He added with a smile. I nodded repeatedly covering my mouth with the test results in tears of joy.
  • I stood up, my legs are feeling weak but the joy in my heart knew no bound. I left the hospital with a renewed sense of hope, the report clutched tightly in my hand.
  • The cool December air hit my curly hair blowing it upwards as I stepped outside.
  • I felt a sudden burst of energy. Everything seemed to sparkle with possibilities. The walked to the car with a replenishing smile spreading across my face.
  • The thought of sharing this incredible news with Michael filled me with so much excitement. We have been through a lot of situations and this moment felt like a victory that we had both earned.
  • I got into my car and hit the road heading home. But then, I decided to stop by a nearby shopping center to pick up gifts for Michael and my mother-in-law, Rachel.
  • I strolled around the mall with so much joy.The mall is decorated beautifully with holiday decorations and cheerful music played calmly. It instantly added to my festive mood.
  • I picked out a beautiful Rolex watch for Michael, something I knew he would love, and a delicate bracelet for Rachel. I hope she likes this though.
  • Throughout this journey of being a mother, my mother-in-law has been a pain on my neck. But I has to forgive her though, at least for the fact that I will be conceiving soon!
  • “How much?” I asked the cashier in the counter after she checked the items I bought.
  • “$20,000 ma'am.” The cashier responded politely. I checked out immediately and left for my car. My mind raced with thoughts of the future. The idea of finally starting a family felt surreal but thrilling.
  • I imagined Michael’s reaction when I let him know about this, his face lighting up with the same joy I felt. It was a dream we had held close for so long, and now it was within reach.
  • I pulled into the garage saw Michael’s car parked in the garage. My heart fluttered with anticipation. As I walked through the front door, I heard Michael’s voice from the living room. He was on the phone, his was talking so seriously.
  • “We will meet up later. My wife will be back soon!” He said with almost a whisper. I heard him from the dinning room.
  • I took a deep breath and carefully placed my mother-in-law's gift on the dining table, ensuring it was perfectly arranged.
  • “I will gift Micheal his watch later on…it should be on a Christmas Eve!” I smiled at myself.
  • I moved to the living room, my heart pounding with excitement. Michael looked up, he smile as he saw me. He ended the call and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me in a tender embrace.
  • “I heard you arguing on phone. Who was that?” I asked with a concerned face.
  • “Ugh, just a business partner. Nothing to worry about.” He said and kissed me.
  • “So love. How was the appointment?” he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.
  • I looked up at him, my eyes shining with tears of happiness. “Michael, you won’t believe it. Dr. Reynolds says that my uterine condition is perfect for conception, and I’m going to ovulate in the next 48 hours.”
  • His eyes widened in surprise and joy. He pulled me closer to himself, his hands gently cupping my face. “Really? That’s amazing news, Anna! I’m so proud of you.”
  • I nodded, my emotions overflowing. “I’ve been thinking about how much this means to us, and I wanted to get Mom something for Christmas celebration.”
  • Michael’s gaze softened as he looked at the neatly wrapped gifts on the table. He took my hand and led me to the dining area, where we unwrapped the present together.
  • “This is incredible,” Michael said, his voice filled with emotion. “You’ve made this day even more special. Mom will love this!”
  • “Where is she? I want to give it to her by myself.” I asked calmly.
  • “I think she is in the kitchen. Go ahead while I finish up what I have here and get to you.” Micheal responded.