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Chapter 7 His Identity

  • Alejandro's POV
  • I glared at Mateo and Lorenzo. Who the fuck allowed them into this restaurant, and how did they know I had booked the whole place for Emily and I. Clenching my fist, I watched how their devious and malicious black orbs were totally eye-rapping Emily.
  • "She is beautiful." Lorenzo said, grazing the machine well and trigger of the revolver hidden away in his back pocket.
  • I watched his actions in silence. Slowly, my hand moved beneath the table to my own pistol. Any wrong move from any of them and their head would be blown off in a second. I clicked down the hammer of my pistol then my fingers curled around the trigger.
  • "I guess the almighty mafia king has a good taste." Lorenzo chipped in again.
  • My eyes drifted from them to Emily. I saw how dumbfounded and taken aback she looked. With my attention still on Mateo and Lorenzo, for the first time in my life, my heart dropped to my stomach and I felt absolutely disappointed. I never wanted Emily to have found out about my identity this way. Now, she was going to hate me. Perhaps, dread the day she laid her eyes on me and proclaim to never see me again.
  • A part of me never wanted our relationship to end just yet. Not now, not ever.
  • "What do you guys want?" I spat.
  • Lorenzo chuckled and Mateo smirked.
  • "What do you think, Alejandro?" Mateo fired back. "it's hightime you paid for your sins, for everything you did to me."
  • Flashing back at what had transpired between Mateo and I, I rolled my eyes and twitched my lips. For one thing, I hated when someone dared me and that was what Mateo did. Several months back, he had trespassed my territory to steal some of my merchandise, killing one of my men, Gabriele in the process. Unfortunately for him, I caught him red-handed. His crime was neither one or two. Trespassing was a first, followed by the killing of my man coupled with the mindset to steal from me. He did too much, and I was going snuff out every single breath in him until he was lifeless and useless.
  • But Carmelo begged me on his behalf. Luckily for him, he was his childhood best friend and he pledged to get something I had wanted for a very long time in return. I agreed but not without torturing the living hell out of Mateo and I ceased all his asset. At least, that was better than killing him.
  • While Lorenzo on the other hand, wanted to join my mafia team but I bluntly refused. The guy looked too feeble and untrustworthy.
  • "Mateo." I called, sternly.
  • "And now, I'm going to kill your little pretty bitch in front of you." Mateo's tone hinted absolute fierceness and seriousness.
  • "Who knew the heartless almighty mafia could also fall in love?" Lorenzo chipped.
  • "What's your name, pretty girl?" Mateo asked with a smug smile plastered on his face.
  • "E-m-i-lly." She stuttered.
  • "Oh! Emily. What a pretty name." He complimented her but she made no effort to smile. Instead, her face was point blank with no expression except from the fear of the unknown.
  • With a swift manoeuvre, I brought out my gun and pointed it to Mateo's head the moment he brought out his gun and held it at Emily's head. I watched her let out a whimpering sound, her gaze held mine with fear and uncertainty clearly evident on her face. She was fucking shivering in fear and my heart tore at the sight.
  • There was no way I would allow Emily die today.
  • "Say your last prayer, pretty Emily." Mateo said.
  • Emily flinched and I saw those beautiful blue orbs of hers teared up. Her lips quivered as she stared at me with her teary cute face. Deep down, I knew she wanted me to save her, her eyes pled mercy because she did not want to die and my heart skidded a beat.
  • Taking a quick glance at Lorenzo, who still had his hand clasped around his gun, I focused my attention on Mateo.
  • "Don't do anything stupid, Mateo." I warned. "Drop the damn gun!"
  • "Why should I ?" Mateo asked, smirking as he slowly pressed down the hammer of his own pistol. "You can't do shit, Alejandro. You've been outnumbered.
  • The moment his fingers moved towards the trigger of his gun, I clicked mine. The gunshot reverberated across the whole room, making the waiters and chef standing around, all cowered in fear. And his dirty blood splattered on my face, shirt and Emily's body.
  • Emily shrieked with terror and covered her face with her palm.
  • Almost at once, I yanked Lorenzo's gun out of his grip and pointed two guns at him. Mateo let out a sharp wheezed sound then he dropped to the floor in a loud thud. His blood shot eyes revealed how unexpected death had struck him. He clearly wasn't expecting I would pull the trigger on him. Then, a trickle of blood spluttered out of his open mouth down to his cheeks onto the tiled floor.
  • "Bastardo!" I sneered then turned my attention back to Lorenzo.
  • Slowly, Lorenzo went on his knees, raising his two hands in the air in surrender. But they knew me damn well. The fact that they had tresspassed my territory plus, they costed me my relationship with Emily clearly meant one thing. I was going to spare neither of them.
  • "Alejandro, I d-did-nn't s-stage this." He stuttered. "It was all Mateo's plan. Please d-ont k-kill me."
  • Without a second thought, I pulled the trigger and Lorenzo fell to the floor, face flat. Gradually, blood began seeping from his open gunshot wound to the ground, tainting the pure white tiled floor, red.
  • "Meterre via questa spazzatura." I instructed the chef and he immediately nodded, rushing forward with the rest of the waiters. Fear was clearly evident on their faces as they dragged the remains of Lorenzo and Mateo to the back, leaving a large blood trail behind.
  • Turning to Emily, I shoved both guns into my back pocket. Then I strode across the room, towards her.
  • Emily stood to her feet, scampering away from the table in fear. Her whole body was trembling and her lips quivered as she muttered; "don't you fucking dare come close to me."
  • "Emil—" I made an attempt to touch her but she flinched and stepped swiftly out of my grip.
  • ★Emily's POV★
  • "Don't come closer." I said, moving away from him in fear. My heart beat in trepidation as I stared at the men he had just shot in front of me, lying in a pool of blood.
  • "Let me explain, Emily." He pleaded but I didn't want to hear him.
  • He is Alejandro Russo. The man that everyone avoided. All this while, I thought he was just an ordinary man named Alejandro. A man who loved to read novels just like me but I was wrong.
  • "I won't hurt you." He said, but I shook my head.
  • All I wanted was to run far away from him. He is nothing but a monster. A cold blooded monster. My father always told me to stay away from the mafia because they were dangerous and I couldn't believe I had fallen in love with one.
  • With my eyes solely fixated on him, I picked up my handbag from the chair. He took a step forward towards me and I took two steps back.
  • My whole world was crumbling down at this moment. It felt as though the ground should open up and swallow me whole.
  • How could he? How dare he?
  • All this while, I had been kissing, making love and most of sharing all my vulnerable sides with a damn mafia. If I dare disclose this to my dad, he would give me an earful on how much he had clearly warned me not to be friends with the mafia. Not to talk of dating one.
  • "Emily, just listen to me." Alejandro begged.
  • "Why?" I scoffed. "Is there any reason to?"
  • "Yes." Alejandro said, his tone was gentle and warm. "just listen to me this once, I promise to let you go after."
  • I didn't utter a single word instead, my eyes drifted to the blood trail on the floor and I felt nauseated all over again. I hated the sight of blood. My knees were weak and wobbly and my vision blurred. Alejandro made an attempt to touch me again and I moved away from him.
  • I would rather die than let him lay a single finger on me.
  • "I guess you don't want me to touch you." He said with a tone of defeat. "But I was going to tell you about my identity until you clearly stated your hatred for the mafia. Yes, I am Alejandro, the mafia king but I couldn't bring myself to tell you afterwards because I had begun to develop feelings for you."
  • "Lies!" I yelled, then I ran out of the restaurant immediately.
  • My chest heaved at one thought that kept on plaguing my mind; Alejandro was a fucking mafia and he had just killed two people!
  • Tears shamelessly rolled down my cheeks.