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Chapter 13 Ash🎋

  • "I feel like killing you right now, dickhead! How dare you do that to her? She is our mate!" Fangs whined, jumping about in anger as he tried to unleash but I reined him in, standing at my favourite spot over the cliff that overlooked the wide expense of my Kingdom as I looked on aimlessly.
  • I knew I had gone overboard last night with what I did to our mate. But I will never feel guilty over it. I warned her. I gave her a chance to back out. To come to me and accept my rejection. But she was stubborn.
  • What was she thinking? That I will change my mind? I scoffed and took a swig from the bottle of black Whiskey I came out with. "You keep whining like an old crow but it won't change nothing, Fangs."
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