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Chapter 98 A Truce With The Enemy

  • ❤️ A Truce With the Enemy ❤️
  • Rumi was still smiling.
  • "Don't try any harder Juno, he won't see you the way we both, especially you, see him," Rumi said once more and then her smile turned cruel, "Just die." she added and then brought her face closer to Juno and breathed on her face. Juno started vibrating and blood began coming out from her nose and mouth. "You are the only one standing between my happiness Juno and so I am doing the world a favor, doing myself and Storm a huge favor. 'She slept and didn't wake up again' that is the news that would reach Storm in an hour's time. See you at the other side of life, not soon though," she said and left the room. She heads home with a bright smile. Before the end of today, the news about Juno's death will circulate and Emera will bring the news to her. A better way to make the man more miserable.
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