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Chapter 5

  • Adrian's POV
  • Immediately I got home after dropping Abigail, I got into the shower to take a cold bath just to calm my erection that strained painfully against my trousers as I kissed and made out with Abigail.
  • "This girl will be the end of me" I swore.
  • When I regained control of my desires, I got off the shower and went into my room.
  • It's already 1:00am. I need to sleep now so I can meet up for my meeting by eight.
  • I had the urge to pick up my phone and call Abigail to know if she was asleep but I dispelled that thought immediately it came.
  • "I need to make her miss me and long to be in my arms."
  • I won't call her myself. I'd rather wait for her call. She'll definitely call me because am sure she can't resist my charms.
  • I picked up her file that sat on the table beside my bed. I picked up a picture of her that was taken without her knowledge by my private investigator. She was sitting in a restaurant having lunch with her friend. I watched the smile plastered on her face which reminded me of how she smiled and flirted with me at the event.
  • "Shit!! Am hard as rock once more" I went to run another cold bath for myself.
  • "This seductress will be my undoing"
  • When I got out of the shower I gathered every picture of her and put back in the file and I returned the file to my briefcase. I got into bed and sleep off, still thinking about Abi.
  • I arrived at the office by 7:30am. I needed to go through some files and review the financial report prepared by my accountant before I went for the meeting. I was in the middle of the report when my office door opened and Toby walked in grinning like a fool.
  • "You need to learn to knock on my fucking door" I scolded.
  • "Yeah whatever man."
  • I glared at him, feigning annoyance but he saw right through me.
  • "I know what you're trying to do man, but guess what?? Am not letting you off easy."
  • "I've got no idea of what you're talking about" i responded faking ignorance.
  • "Come on man, You know I came for the juicy details... Tell me, where did you guys spend the night? Your place or her's??" He enquired too eagerly.
  • I had no answer to his questions so I simply ignored him and gathered the things I needed for my meeting. I was just about to walk out on him when he burst into fits of laughter, laughing so hard that he was holding his stomach.
  • "What's so funny??
  • "Nothing man. I just realized that I asked the wrong question. The question should be "Did you meet with Abigail last night, I mean was she even there??"
  • I squinted my eyes and stared at him, trying to understand what he's saying.
  • "Oh come on man, it's obvious you didn't get to satisfy your desires for her last night and that's why your so grumpy." he smirked.
  • "What the fuck are you talking about? I have no desires for Abigail Allan." I shot back at him.
  • "Keep telling yourself that and maybe you'll end up believing it, he huffed. "You're obviously interested in her man. I'll suggest you just get over yourself and fuck her already."
  • I left him there and went for my meeting. I think he's right though. Am letting her get under my skin which is definitely not a part of my plans. I'll need to make my move sooner than I planned.
  • Even now, I could not concentrate on my meeting because I kept thinking about her. She's affecting me in ways I never thought was possible. My heart yearns for Abigail.
  • I sat through the meeting without commenting on anything that was being said which is so unusual.
  • After the meeting, I headed back to my office with Toby closely behind me. i know he's going to comment on my silence in the meeting and I don't really have anything to say to him right now.
  • "Leave me alone Toby.. I need to work and your a distraction."
  • "Wrong bro, am not the distraction. Abigail Allan is the distraction" he said smugly and I glared at him angrily. He just brushed it off and continued,
  • "You need to get laid bro. It's been awhile since you had sex, that's why you're acting like a grumpy old man."
  • "My sex life is none of your business. Now leave my office I need to work."
  • He left after teasing me some more and embraced the peace and quiet after he left.
  • I picked up my phone severally to call her but I ended up changing my mind because I wanted her to call first.
  • I focused on the files in front of me and got to work, trying to get my mind off her.
  • I first worked on the files involving the government contract my company just landed, then I went to the files involving my expansion project.
  • I'll be having lunch with a potential investor later today. I want to open a branch in China. The project is already in progress but I need more investors to partner with me.
  • The chairman of BNC groups showed interest in my project and he's sending his daughter Tricia as a representative for our meeting today.
  • I had my secretary book a table for us in a Chinese restaurant. I left the office before lunch and headed for the restaurant.
  • As the host, I wanted to be there before her. I was just placing my order for a bottle of red wine when she sauntered towards our table.
  • I must admit she looked good. The figure hugging black dress highlighted the curves of her body and made her skin more radiant. Her blonde hair piled atop her head, giving the illusion that she is taller and her heavy makeup that beacons for attention.
  • Toby's words came back to me "You need to get laid bro." I think he's right. It's been quite awhile since I had sex and I believe that's the reason am having these strange feelings for Abigail.
  • "Perhaps it's time to remedy that situation"
  • I smiled at her as she approached and took her hand and brought it to my lips with my eyes fixed on hers.
  • "Normally I don't mix business with pleasure but am making an exception today because I need to get laid" according to Toby.
  • "You look amazing, I said as I locked my gaze with her's, giving her an inkling of desires. I smiled as her breadth hitched in response to my seduction.
  • "Thank you" She responded as her face heated from the sudden flames of desires that burned her entire body.
  • "I already ordered wine, hope you don't mind red??
  • "Reds fine with me" she smiled.
  • We talked about our business collaboration and their company's percentage if they partnered with us. I discovered that She's quite enlightened in the business world and I admire her for that.
  • The waiter arrived with the wine and poured some into the glass and held it out to me. I accepted the sample, taking a moment to savour it, rolling the liquid around my tongue. When I was satisfied with the taste, I nodded for the waiter to fill our glasses.
  • She took a sip and signed in pleasure at the taste.
  • "An image of her moaning in my arms as I rip off her clothes and fuck her savagely appears in my head but funny enough, I didn't get hard like I did for Abigail.
  • "You have an excellent taste in wine"
  • I smiled at her compliment and raised my glass in a toast, "To a successful business deal"
  • "To a successful business deal" she echoed.
  • She picked up the menu and launched into a discussion of meal choices.
  • I listened with an ear while my gaze ran the length of the restaurant.
  • Our table is by the window in a secluded area and we had an excellent view of the city. I gazed at the busy roads and people going about their businesses.
  • I turned my attention back to the charming beauty seated across from me. She seems to have decided on her choice of meal so we gestured to the waiters and placed our orders.
  • I was distracted by a couple entering the restaurant. They stopped to talk to the hostess for a minute. Their backs were turned towards me but I seem to love the shape of the lady from behind with her full round ass.
  • "What the hell is wrong with me?? I have a beautiful woman seated across from me who seems interested in me, yet am admiring the ass of another lady. When did I become a Casanova?? I chided myself.
  • I watched as the couple walked in hand in hand heading to their table.
  • The whole restaurant seemed to dissolve into nothingness as I recognised the woman in the blue dress. "Abigail".
  • She looked stunning in a short blue dress that showed off her perfect curves and practically had me salivating. She was laughing at something her date said and I recalled how she laughed at my jokes too just last night which made me so jealous.
  • I looked at the guy with her, sizing him up. I could not help but notice the deep lust in his eyes which made me angry and furious.
  • My gaze lingered on them to the point where their hands joined. I could not help the feeling of possessiveness that arose in me. My jaw twitched as I fought the urge to rip the guys arm from her, "Which seems weird considering the fact that she's the daughter of my enemy and I don't love her, besides I have an equally pretty lady seated across from me."
  • They approached our table and she tore her gaze from her date long enough to glance around.
  • I had the satisfaction of seeing her freeze in shock when she spotted me and a blush appeared on her cheeks immediately. "I guess she just recalled our escapades last night"
  • I was so disappointed when she walked past me, ignoring me completely.
  • They arrived at their table and her date pulled out her seat and she sat down gracefully and turned to smile at him as she mouthed a thanks.
  • I was boiling in anger and my countenance changed tremendously. I could not even pay attention to Tricia who kept conversing with me.
  • Their table is just opposite us and her date sat facing her with his back to me while she sat facing me directly.
  • She put her hands on the table and leaned on them and I could see her exposed cleavage which made my dick hardened immediately.
  • I could feel my dick twitching in my trousers and I cursed silently,
  • "Fuck!! This girl will be the end of me"