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Chapter 6 About Him

  • “WHAT? For real?” Helen couldn’t believe it when Sam talked about her encounter with the same guy who left her inside that grocery store—picking condoms on the floor.
  • “Yeah. I never thought that I will meet that jerk again,” said Sam. The two are walking down the street—they’re on their way home.
  • “And you even recognized him?”
  • “Actually, it’s late when I got familiarized with his face.”
  • “But why did you slap him? it’s been so long. Besides, it’s not a grave sin leaving you picking up those condoms on the floor.”
  • Sam heaved a deep sigh. “Sorry not sorry, but it’s Bob's fault. Why does he need to make me do that damn thing? Geez.”
  • “And you heaped your anger on that man?”
  • Sam shrugged her shoulders. She stopped and looked at the beautiful signature dress won by the mannequin in the glass window of a shop.
  • “I feel sorry for that man you just slapped,” said Helen and looked also at the display. “It’s beautiful right?” She was referring to the dress.
  • “Yeah, is that look good on me?” asked Sam.
  • Helen stared at her, imagining that Sam’s wearing the dress. She then nodded and raised her right thumb.
  • They walked again. “What are you saying a while ago?” asked Sam.
  • “I was saying that I feel sorry for the man you just slapped.”
  • "It was just fair. I gave him joy and I was compensated,” replied Sam.
  • “Well compensated,” Helen corrected. “He paid you big time, but you just slap him. Good thing he didn’t report you to Bob.”
  • Sam was stunned. Her friend was right. Well, she didn’t mean to, but she was just annoyed with Bob, and it happens that the guy also did something to her about a year ago.
  • “What does the man look like?” asked Helen.
  • “Handsome.”
  • An O formed in Helen’s mouth. “Wow! What’s his name?”
  • Sam shook her head, “I don’t know.”
  • “Geez, why did you let the chance slip from your grip? You should’ve asked him.”
  • “Our meeting didn’t end well, how can I get to know him? The name of our customers wasn’t that important, right? What matters is the bread we get from their pockets.”
  • They laughed in unison.
  • “You know what… I’m getting tired of this job,” said Helen. “It’s sad to think that we’re no different from low-flying women,” she added.
  • Sam felt a throb in her chest. Helen was right. People will still think of them as a whore, filthy slut who used their bodies to fill their pockets.
  • “Well, that doesn’t matter, isn’t it? What matter is…”
  • “Bread,” they said in unison and laughed out loud, echoing the streets.
  • ANDRIUS SEEMED to have a fever when he woke up the next day. And he didn’t get enough sleep last night because he keeps on imagining Sam’s body—swaying, moving, and grinding on his top.
  • He was mad because Sam slapped him, but his lust prevailed over anger. Sam’s charm is different—it can awaken his sleeping muscles and veins.
  • He got up and went to the bathroom. He soaked his body under the bathtub until the heat in his body finally subsided.
  • What he felt for Sam was only lust. He should just forget the woman. He promised himself that he would never go back to that club. He would not let himself get tempted by Sam, again.
  • He doesn’t want to cheat on Beatrice, his girlfriend. Even though they’re not married; he knew that lusting after other women were infidelity.
  • When he came out of the bathroom, Chuck was already awake. “Did the chick provoke a stir in your…”
  • “Shut the fuck up!” He raised his hand. He doesn’t want to talk about Sam anymore.
  • “Okay.” Chuck got up and fix the bed. “We need to be in LA by noon. I have a very important appointment,” said Chuck.
  • Chuck and he were ready to leave when Marcy called him. According to Marcy, Mr. Johansson wants to talk with him. He then called the old man.
  • On the other hand, Mr. Johansson begged him to stay for one more day. But Chuck has an important appointment, he had already returned to LA, and he was left alone.
  • Mr. Johansson wants to invite him to the show tonight that’s why he asked for him to stay. The presentation was a small greeting of Mr. Johansson to Presly, an international musician.
  • Presley will perform at the Silver Dust Hotel for a week.
  • When Chuck left, Andrius just ate at the restaurant inside the hotel and then he went back to his suite. It was nice to sleep again because of the cold weather. He still has time to get enough sleep because the event will still be at night.
  • He then remembered Sam again. He smiled at the thoughts of how they first met. He remembered that a guy bumped him in the back, and he happens to lose control and bumped into the girl too. And the coins in her hand flew into the boxes of condoms. But when he remembered the strong slap from her, he suddenly felt angry towards her, again.
  • He had done a small thing to her, and it had been a long time just for a slap from her. If he hadn’t worried last night about being beaten by the bouncer, maybe he may do something unexpected to that woman.
  • Afternoon when he went to Mr. Johansson’s office. The old man and the musician were already there.
  • Mr. Johansson introduced him to Presly. Building up his photography skills, the musician also begged for his service. Just like his other clients, Mr. Presly got amazed by the results of his work. The musician also invited him to watch one of its performances. Such an opportunity is rare. So, Andrius decided to stay longer in Las Vegas.
  • He will accept the invitation of the great musician.