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Chapter 3 Breaking Out

  • Morris Scott fumed in anger, his eyes glazing "What do you mean by that!... Out of all the options you have, you choose her?" Still sitting on his chair, He trembled in rage as he realized George had played him and taken advantage of his desperation. "Why would you want the daughter of a drug trafficker? Have you forgotten we were warned to stay away from them?"
  • "She is not…!!" George yelled, his jaws clenching so hard from his growing irritation "I repeat, she is not the daughter of a drug trafficker!! That was five years ago. Besides, we all know Arthur was innocent."
  • Morris stared in shock, George had never raised his voice at him – not even once. "Did you just yell at me?"
  • "Yes I did, and I will do it again if I have to"
  • "How dare you!!" Morris jumped to his feet, still refusing to believe that George was talking back at him "How dare you open your petty mouth to –"
  • "Oh please…" George interrupted him, a look of disgust settling on his face. "...just stop it already! This is not what I came here for. We both know I would never come to see you for any reason – so now that I'm here, let's finish the main conversation so I can get out of your sight."
  • "There is no way…absolutely no way I'll allow her to marry into this family, after what her father did. It's bad for the image of this company and it's bad for your public image" Morris insisted, determined to have his way.
  • "Stop acting like you care about me or my image, it irritates me." George replied, shaking his head slightly in disapproval "Besides, you don't have to worry about the company's image. We'll have a small and private wedding. No visitors, no reporters. You can do that."
  • Morris stood in front of George – his large office table in between them – shaking in rage. He was dumbfounded by George's sudden boldness. In the past, it was never like this. Whenever he made a demand, George would agree whether he liked it or not. Back then, Morris knew that George was desperate to please him and he had taken advantage of that. But as he looked at George now – sitting across the table with an unremorseful and determined expression on his face – Morris realized that something had changed. George no longer cared whether he preferred his stepbrother to him. Right now, he wanted what he came here for and it was going to be hard to make him accept his demands this time.
  • "I refuse to tarnish the reputation of my family by becoming an in-law to the daughter of a drug trafficker" Morris stubbornly insisted, trying hard to annoy George – hoping he would walk out and this conversation would come to an end. He would have to find another way to fix the sales problem in the company.
  • "Almost everybody knows that Arthur Reeves was innocent back then. There's no need to continue spitting out what the police put in your head. You should know your own friend better than anybody" George didn't even move from his seat, he was determined to get what he wanted. "In that case, Rachel is not the daughter of a drug trafficker because her father was never a drug trafficker."
  • "I still refuse" Morris stated, his face clouded with worry that if he accepts George's offer, it might cause a problem in the future.
  • "Then you leave me no choice" George stood on his feet and hunched towards his father – his two hands resting on the table that separated both of them – with a mischievous smile on his lips. "I wonder how the internet will react if I upload some more pictures. I should probably post some close-up shots so they can see me properly. I wonder if your precious company will survive that."
  • Morris gritted his teeth, his shoulders tensing up "Are you…are you threatening me? Your father?" He never knew a day like this would come when the son he disregarded the most would somehow be in control.
  • "You've threatened me so many times in the past by using my mother to bend my will, so you could have your way," George retorted, stepping away from the table with a revengeful look on his face. "You should be able to receive a little of what you give, right? You'll have to bend to my will today. If not, I won't let you get what you want."
  • Reality dawned on Morris, and for the first time ever, he realized he wouldn't win this argument. George was a different person now. He had no choice but to accept his offer. Morris needed some time to think about the consequences of his decision. "Alright, we'll talk properly about this later…" he breathed out loud in despair, wondering what he was getting himself into. "...then, I'll send a letter of proposal to her. You'll get what you want. If she accepts your proposal, it will be a small private wedding."
  • "Fine!" George replied firmly, nodding in approval "You can take a picture of our back view during our wedding and use that to stop the rumors. That's the only way to keep her privacy and at the same time – fix the sales problem in the company."
  • And with that, George turned away and walked out of the office leaving his father in a daze of how the conversation ended. Morris still couldn't believe that George had his way.
  • He had to keep his promise, regardless.
  • ~~~~~*~~~~~
  • Rachel wiped the tears that slid down her face, staring in disbelief and gratitude at the letter of proposal that lay on the table in front of her. She couldn't believe it, what she had been having sleepless nights over for years had finally been sorted out.
  • It felt like the heavens were working in her favor. If not, how would this happen so easily, without her even trying? She remembered the letter mentioning her husband to be was George Scott, the son of her father's friend. They would have a contract marriage of one year. If she decided to not continue with the marriage, she could break it off after one year.
  • "Thank goodness" Rachel exhaled in relief. She wouldn't want to be tied down to anyone from Imperial Hub Limited. Her plan was to leave the moment she got justice for her father.
  • Sophia Benson, Rachel's longtime friend – a private detective by occupation – strolled in with two plates of pasta and salad in her hands. Placing them on a table, she sat on a chair nearby and fixed her gaze on Rachel. Pointing at the proposal letter, she whispered "So, will you accept the proposal or not?"
  • Rachel sat up on the bed where she laid and moved closer to the table to grab a plate. "Is that supposed to be a question?... Of course, I will"
  • "Are you sure about this? There's no guarantee that you'll find an answer there. And not just that, they may not treat you well. Don't forget that you may not be safe there" Sophia poured cool water into two glass cups, worry spreading across her face. "We still don't know who your father's enemy is. I'm still investigating your father's case from five years ago. But, what if you become the next target?"
  • "The thing is… I'll never know if I don't try" Rachel explained. She had obviously made up her mind, a chance like this might never come again. "I really don't care about how they treat me. It's just for one year. If I could survive these last five years, then I can go through anything. Right?"
  • "Your mother isn't going to like this, I'm sure you know that"
  • Rachel let out a shaky breath. Her mother would conclude she was trying to kill her, if not, why would she openly walk into the lion's den? "I know, I know. I'll have to find a way to convince her."
  • "Convince me of what?!!" An angry middle-aged feminine voice thundered from behind the slightly open door, causing Sophia and Rachel to jump in shock.
  • Rachel's mother walked in with her two hands resting on her rounded waist – slowly taking one step after the other and breathing harshly – like she was trying to hold back herself from pouncing on her daughter. "I said, convince me of what?!!..." She spat in anger, her voice shaking as she spoke. "You want to get married to someone from that company? Are you out of your mind?"
  • "Mom…" Rachel whispered in fright, not expecting that her mother would overhear their conversation. Sophia excused herself and ran out to give them the privacy they needed. "...I can explain. It's not as bad as you think."
  • "Really? What is your father going to think about this?" Amanda Reeves quaked, her eyes welling with angry tears.
  • "He must not know about this. The marriage is to last for only one year" Rachel replied, her brown eyes pleading for understanding. "Please give me a chance to help my father. He is the one that made Imperial Hub Limited what it is. Are you really going to tell me to sit back and watch him waste away for another five years? Don't you miss him?"
  • Amanda Reeves stared silently at the empty wall behind her daughter. It was true, she missed her husband. She also knew Rachel would find a way to get what she wanted no matter what, and what she wanted was revenge. Dragging her gaze back to Rachel, her lips curved in a warm but sad smile and she whispered the words that Rachel wanted to hear.
  • "Go on. Do what you want. Get justice for your father."