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Chapter 5 The Proposals And Secrets

  • Chapter 5 Proposals and Secrets
  • General Matthews’ Home Office – Week of Engagement Party
  • General Matthews sat behind his large oak desk, his stern demeanor softened slightly by the presence of his daughter that many didn't know, Alicia, and her partner, Shane Thompson. The room was filled with a sense of urgency as they discussed the latest developments in their mission.
  • “Alicia, Shane, we need to proceed with caution. The stakes are higher than ever,” General Matthews said, his voice gravelly with concern.
  • Alicia nodded, her expression determined. “We’ve gathered significant information, but we need more concrete evidence to expose the full extent of HubInc’s illegal activities. The financial trails are complex, and we haven’t yet identified the real mastermind.”
  • Shane, lounging casually in his chair, added, “We know Tristan’s being set up as the fall guy, but we need to pinpoint who’s pulling the strings. In my snooping I finally found the project name and it's called The Project SafePass. Those files should have the answers we’re looking for.”
  • General Matthews leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. “Alicia, I need you to get those files before this weekend if possible. The engagement party would be a great excuse for slipping in and getting the information. With so many guests there and also security will be down this extraction should go without a hitch. This might be our only chance to go undetected. According to our intel, HubInc will have their weekly maintenance Friday that will last until Monday morning before HubInc is open for business again. I suspect the uncle is very old school and didn't leave a digital trail but used old-fashioned printed paper. I like when idiots put their crimes in black and white.”
  • Alicia nodded in agreement, feeling a surge of frustration. “I’ll get them, General. But I’ll need to be extremely careful. Julia’s already suspicious of me. She's been watching me like a hawk these last few days. I doubt it's about this mission but more likely because of Felicia. She's the woman who was supposed to marry Tristan, the main reason he proposed this marriage in the first place. That corny bitch has truly gotten on my nerves.”
  • "Your sentiment and everyone else in the entire company, probably city, hell county, feel the same way," Shane said, taking another sip of his drink.
  • General Matthews studied her confidence. “I trust you, Alicia. You're one of the best agents we have. Just... be careful.”
  • Shane chimed in, trying to lighten the mood. “And remember, if you get caught, just blame it on me for working you too hard. Everyone already thinks I’m up to no good.”
  • Alicia chuckled, appreciating Shane’s attempt to ease the tension. “Thanks, Shane. I’ll keep that in mind.”
  • The Blue Fin – Dinner with Tristan and Alicia
  • Later that evening, Alicia and Tristan arrived at Blue Fin, an upscale seafood restaurant located in the heart of downtown's nightlife and social scene. Tristan had arranged the dinner to discuss their engagement and the details they needed to iron out for their plan to go off without a hitch. As they were led to their table, Felicia, sitting at a nearby table, spotted them and immediately devised a plan to sow discord.
  • As they sat down, Alicia noticed Felicia’s smirk from across the room. She knew trouble was brewing and turned her head to pretend she didn't see Felicia, but to no avail.
  • "Look alive, trouble is on its way over here," Alicia alerted Tristan while he finished picking the wine for their dinner.
  • Felicia sauntered over, her demeanor smug and condescending. “Well, well, well. Look who’s here. Tristan and his lovely man-stealing bitch of a fiancée,” Felicia said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “You know, Tristan, I’ve been hearing some interesting things about Alicia and her ‘friend’ Shane.”
  • Tristan’s brow furrowed, a flicker of jealousy crossing his face. “What are you talking about, Felicia? You see that we are trying to enjoy our night in peace. So please just leave and leave the gossip mill outside and not around me.”
  • "But Tri-Tri. I feel you should know at least this little tidbit," Felicia leaned in, lowering her voice as if sharing a juicy secret.
  • “I’ve seen them together quite a bit. Very cozy, aren’t they? I have pictures too if you don't believe me. And you know what they say—where there’s smoke, there’s fire. People are talking.”
  • Alicia’s jaw tightened, but she maintained her composure. “Felicia, Shane is my colleague and friend. There’s nothing more to it. If you want my autograph all you had to do was ask. Let me see if I have something to write with.” Alicia looked through her purse and brought out her middle finger towards Felicia.
  • "So mature," Felicia said, trying to maintain her innocent look.
  • Tristan’s eyes narrowed as he studied Alicia. He had heard the rumors too—whispers of late-night visits to Shane’s office, their frequent laughter echoing through the halls, and their undeniable camaraderie. It was enough to plant seeds of doubt.
  • “Is that so?” Tristan said, his tone cool. “I’ve heard those rumors too, Alicia. Can you blame me for being just a bit curious?”
  • Alicia met his gaze, her eyes steady and clasped then squeezed Tristian's hand. “Tristan, I promise you, there’s nothing between Shane and me. He’s... he's married with six kids, for heaven’s sake. Felicia is just trying to create drama. I know that you feel that I am purposely stealing your unclaimed man. But Tristian can agree when I say that it was love at first sight. When it's real, why wait for six minutes let alone six years because of a promise and no ring in sight? I mean what would your man be waiting for?”
  • "I believe you," Tristian said, squeezing her hand back trying not to laugh out loud.
  • Felicia’s expression soured, realizing her plan was backfiring. “Well, I just thought you should know,” she said, turning on her heel and walking away.
  • The two blew out their held breath as they stifled a laugh and began ordering their food and drinks.
  • Tristan watched Felicia return to her seat. Her insinuations gnawed at him a bit because he too heard the rumors. It was none of his business but still, he needed everyone to believe that he was the only one on Alicia's mind and not part of a reverse harem. He resolved to keep a closer eye on her interactions with Shane just to make sure their relationship was just as she said. Because if it wasn't then he needed to catch Shane up to speed on Alicia's new status and being she was "permanently off the dating market" when they said I Do. He just needed to inform Alicia of that particular change in plans.
  • After Dinner
  • Tristain signaled for his personal waiter to bring over the dessert as he watched Alicia observe the room around them. He looked at her simple forest green evening gown she wore that accentuated her well-endowed breasts that he longed to hold and feel between his fingers. He loved how she carried herself and didn't hide her face behind mountains of makeup like most women seem to do. He reached over, grabbed her hand, and squeezed it, then placed a gentle kiss at the back of her hand.
  • "Alicia, tell me more about yourself. What do I not know about you?" Tristain asked sincerely.
  • Alicia chuckled because that was a loaded question if she was honest with herself. She took another sip of her white wine, savoring its rich and luscious taste. The pale golden hue shimmered in the glass, and the bouquet of ripe mango, pineapple, and lychee filled her senses. As she let the smooth, velvety texture coat her tongue, she tasted notes of juicy peach and honeydew melon, balanced by a refreshing acidity. The long, satisfying finish left a hint of floral and citrus zest, making her smile softly before she answered.
  • "Well, Tristain," she began, "I suppose there are a few things you don't know. I've always had a knack for figuring things out, whether it's numbers, puzzles, or people. I guess you could say I'm a bit of a problem solver. And I have a few hobbies—painting, for one. It helps me relax and clear my mind. I also ride motorcycles, dabble in a bit of investing here and there. It's fascinating how the market moves and how much strategy is involved."
  • Tristain leaned in, intrigued. "That sounds interesting. Anything else?"
  • Alicia smiled, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "Let's just say I've picked up a few skills over the years that come in handy in unexpected ways. But for now, I'm content playing the role of your secretary and I guess now fiancée. It keeps things... interesting."
  • Tristain raised an eyebrow, sensing there was more to her story, but respecting her subtle deflection. "Interesting indeed. Well, I'm glad you're here, Alicia. You make everything more intriguing."
  • Tristain watched Alicia with a mixture of admiration and curiosity. He called the waiter over again, his heart pounding with anticipation. As the waiter approached, Tristain glanced at Alicia, who was still savoring her wine. She looked up, meeting his gaze with a smile.
  • "What's going on?" she asked, her eyes twinkling.
  • Tristain grinned, trying to keep his excitement in check. "Just a little surprise for you," he said, nodding to the waiter.
  • The waiter placed three desserts in front of Alicia, each one more exquisite than the last. A delicate tiramisu, a rich chocolate mousse, and a beautifully arranged fruit tart. Alicia's eyes widened in delight as she looked at the desserts.
  • "You didn’t have to, Tristain," she said, touched by the gesture.
  • "I wanted to," he replied. "But there's a bit more to it," he replied. " Choose one."
  • Alicia looked at him, puzzled, but played along. She studied each dessert carefully, finally deciding on the chocolate mousse. She picked up her spoon and took a small bite, her eyes closing in bliss.
  • "This is amazing," she said, smiling.
  • Tristain reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box, his hands trembling slightly. "I'm glad you like it, but there's something else I'd like to ask you."
  • Alicia looked up, her smile fading into a look of surprise and curiosity. Tristain took a deep breath, stood up from his chair, and knelt beside her. The entire restaurant fell silent, all eyes turning toward them.
  • "Alicia," Tristain began, his voice steady but filled with emotion, "you've brought so much light and excitement into my life. I can't imagine my future without you. I know this might seem sudden, but I have to ask properly—will you marry me?"
  • He opened the box, revealing a stunning engagement ring nestled inside. The ring had a dazzling diamond surrounded by smaller gems, the same deep green as Alicia's evening gown. Alicia's hand flew to her mouth, her eyes wide with shock and emotion.
  • "Tristain," she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes.
  • "Choose me," he said softly. "Not just for tonight, but for forever."
  • Alicia was overwhelmed, her mind racing. She looked at Tristain, seeing the sincerity and love in his eyes. Despite the whirlwind of her life and the secret mission she was on, she felt a warmth and security she hadn't known in a long time.
  • With her heart pounding, Alicia nodded, her voice barely a whisper. "Yes, Tristain. I'll marry you."
  • The restaurant erupted in applause as Tristain slipped the ring onto her finger. He stood, pulling her into a tight embrace, and kissed her deeply. The sweetness of the moment mingled with the rich taste of the chocolate mousse still on her lips, creating a perfect blend of love and celebration.
  • As they pulled away, Tristain looked into Alicia's eyes, his heart swelling with happiness. "You have no idea how happy you've made me."
  • Alicia smiled, her heart filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. "And you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into. But a nice touch too."
  • They both laughed, knowing that their journey together was only just beginning, with all its twists, turns, and unexpected surprises.
  • Later That Night
  • As they walked out of the restaurant, hand in hand, Alicia couldn't help but feel a sense of unease despite the happiness she felt. She knew the mission she was on could jeopardize everything, including her relationship with Tristain. But she also knew she couldn't keep him in the dark forever.
  • "Tristain, there's something I need to tell you," she began, her voice steady but serious.
  • Tristain looked at her, concern etched on his face. "What is it, Alicia?"
  • She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "I can't tell you everything right now, but there are things about my life that are... complicated. I need you to trust me, no matter what happens."
  • Tristain nodded, his eyes full of understanding. "I trust you, Alicia. Whatever it is, we'll face it together."
  • Alicia squeezed his hand, grateful for his support. "Thank you, Tristain. I promise I'll tell you everything when the time is right."
  • They continued walking, the night air cool and refreshing. Despite the challenges ahead, Alicia felt a renewed sense of hope. She knew she could handle whatever came their way, as long as they were together.
  • As they reached Tristain's car, he opened the door for her with a flourish. "To our future," he said with a smile.
  • Alicia laughed, feeling lighter than she had in days. "To our future," she echoed, stepping into the car and looking forward to whatever lay ahead.