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Chapter 3 Facing Her Reality

  • "I'm just saying he did his time."
  • "I bet Grandpa would have a very different view."
  • "Well, it's no longer up to Grandpa. Hunter's father permitted Romano to return. It was his decision."
  • "It was a terrible fucking decision. That fucker is a thief and a liar. He sees what he desires and takes it without regard for others." Noah’s gaze darts around the room as he massages the back of his neck.
  • "I know you're still mad at him, but you must focus on the future now. Forget about the past. It's all over."
  • Noah looks at Elle with narrowed eyes. "That jerk ruined my gambling business. He saw how much money I was making working with Da Vinci and decided he, too, wanted to be a bookie. Then he went after our customers. I'd still be getting shitloads of cash every week if it weren't for that jerk. Instead, I'm forced to be Hunter's peon."
  • "Hunter helped you get back on your feet after everything happened." Elle’s gaze returned to Hunter and his harem, and an icy pick pierced her heart.
  • "Yeah, great." He sighs and rolls his eyes. "Did you see where Mom and Dad went?"
  • She shook her head, but she knew they'd been absorbed by the crowd when they stepped into the funeral home. Even in times of distress, they maintain a united front.
  • "Romano's a scumbag," Noah snarls as he drags her to the front of the viewing area, bringing her closer to the person she doesn't want to be near with each step. "I don't want you around him."
  • She sighed. "You say that about every man."
  • "That's because they're all the same."
  • "Does that include you? Be cautious when tossing stones and other objects. Besides, you have forgotten that I am now at college. And I'm more than capable of taking care of myself."
  • "I know. And don't worry, if one of them jackoffs step out of line, I'll be there with my trusty bat."
  • "Is it any wonder why I ended up at the University of Boston?"
  • Noah smiles at her and winks. "You're only a plane ride away. If necessary, I can jump on a plane and beat the shit out of any of those things within three hours of leaving my house."
  • "You're impossible."
  • "I'm just trying to protect you."
  • "That's what everyone says. I'm a mature young lady." When Elle realizes how close they are to Hunter and his harem, chills run down her spine.
  • She blots her sweaty palms on her skirt. She doesn't want to approach him. As they approach the casket from the right, her eyes dart in every direction except his.
  • Her breaths are rapid, and her heart thuds faster with each stride. She is so concentrated on the flowers that she bangs into Noah's back when he comes to a halt to hold the hand of Hunter's father, Vince Moretti.
  • She exhales and jumps back, putting herself directly in Hunter's line of sight. And his deep, dark eyes pierce through her, tearing away her rage and exposing what has festered for so long.
  • She can't break the spell; no matter how hard she tries, his grip on her heart is too firm, like his gaze, which has her fixed to the spot and makes everything around her fade to white noise.
  • She was unable to breathe, think, or speak. All she can do is feel. And it's excruciatingly painful. Rejection. Loss. A shattered heart. These are just a few of the issues she’s been dealing with as she adjusts to her new life in Manhattan. But she was still stuck in the past four months later.
  • She swallowed past the lump in her throat and turned to Vince, breaking the physical and emotional connection between them. "I'm so sorry about Grandpa."
  • Vince pulls her into his arms for a short hug and thanks her for coming. "You already know how much he adored you, Elle. He constantly talked about your long Scrabble games and how much he missed them after you departed."
  • "I loved him as well. And he was a strong candidate." She forces a wet smile and brushes away a stray tear. "But you know he's happy with Grandma Lula now."
  • Vince gives a nod. His expression is solemn, but his eyes are closed. Not what Elle had expected from him. He is constantly on his game, regardless of the situation.
  • Everything about people recognizing weakness and such.
  • Elle wouldn't anticipate anything different now that he's taken over the family after his father's death. But she supposed there are times when you must let things go and let the sorrow take over, if only for a little while.
  • They all need time to mourn.
  • "I know. Thank you once more for your presence."
  • "Please let me know if you need assistance with Lily while I'm home. I don't have any plans, but I'm sure she could use some cheering up."
  • Vince smiles and takes Elle’s hand in his. "I'd be grateful. She'd be delighted to see you."
  • Elle took this as her cue to approach the coffin, but not before casting a quick glimpse over her shoulder to ensure that there were not two but four bimbos crawling all over Hunter's black Armani suit.
  • She clenches her teeth and kneels before Victor, praying not just for his soul but also for the soul of his only grandson. With the flock encircling him, it looks like he needs it now more than ever, not even being able to restrain themselves long enough to allow Victor’s body to turn cold.
  • Is it really that surprising? Hadn't she always known he'd never put love ahead of his career?
  • Hunter Moretti, if there's one thing Elle had learned over the years, doesn't make rash decisions. He's arguably the most calculated person she knows, and he weighs all the dangers before acting.
  • It's one of the reasons he and Noah get along so well and have remained friends despite their family feud. Noah is the polar opposite of Hunter, yet they somehow complement each other.
  • Elle’s fiery brother could use more of that balance but hope springs eternal. At least for certain folks.
  • When Elle got up from the prayer bench, she saw her parents shaking Vince's hand on her right. No words are exchanged and haven't been for as long as she can remember, but they're here, and that's all that matters.
  • Looking to her left, she noticed Noah whispering something into Hunter's ear. Hunter nods, but his eyes are fixed on her. It's as if they’re the only ones in the room, standing in their own little bubble, protecting the fantasy she mistakenly thought could become a reality until he rudely punctured it and shattered her dreams.
  • Elle squares her shoulders and approaches him, four heavily made-up eyes scrutinizing every inch of her. Noah is already out the door, leaving her to deal with this problem, which he obviously does not know because Hunter is still alive and breathing.
  • Hunter would have been another fatality in the world they live in if Noah had suspected anything.
  • She must make a decision at this very moment. She made the wrong choice before, and she doesn't want to make the same mistake again.
  • But, as wounded as her heart is, she requires it to mend.
  • It can only be stitched back together by one person. And he was there in front of her, the smell of lust and hormones assaulting her senses...she was not sure if that smell was coming from those harlots or herself.
  • So, she disregards every emotion she is experiencing and walks right by him without even a nod.