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Chapter 6 Huang Liong

  • As soon as the middle-aged man's fingers were removed from Fang Han's body. The young man screamed.
  • It was like there were thousands of ants moving in his meridians and consuming all the True Qi in his body.
  • The middle-aged man didn't care about Fang Han's suffering. He vaguely muttered, “The meridians are swelling. Dantian can barely be used to contain pure air. Locked Spirit Root. With such a body condition … I would even give up the path of a cultivator.”
  • He took a deep breath, and continued, “Luckily, your body is very strong. It is equivalent to a low-grade artifact. Also, RootSpiritual you were locked inside the dantian since you were little. This just proves you have RootSpiritual which is very strong. Even your body cannot bear it.”
  • Fang Han could only vaguely hear every word that came out of the middle-aged man's mouth. Fang Han was too busy with the pain wracking his body.
  • Only after some time had passed was he finally able to stop his screams. Even though the pain continues.
  • “W–will l–learning t–the lute be able to relieve the pain in my body, senior?” Fang Han felt that the purpose of the middle-aged man's question was for his recovery. He couldn't help asking directly.
  • The middle-aged man sneered. “Only now do you understand my good intentions. So, do you want to learn it or not?!”
  • There was firmness in every word he said.
  • Fang Han thought for a while. “B–but, J–junior isn't talented in music games and the like.”
  • “That's not important. I see your fingers are very flexible, there is even a certain herbal smell there. You are certainly familiar with Alchemy. However, ignore this. Just with your flexible fingers, this is more than enough qualification to play the harp. Then, I also won't force you to learn all the music I learned. Just one, that's enough.” The middle-aged man grumbled because Fang Han looked down on himself.
  • Fang Han immediately understood the true purpose of the middle-aged man's words. 'Could it be the music he previously played? It can relieve pain and bring great comfort.'
  • Fang Han did not hesitate any longer and said, “Alright, senior. Previously, what was the senior's name? And what music will the seniors teach?”
  • The middle-aged man chuckled, now there was a certain joy in his personality. “Why do you look so hasty, young man?”
  • Fang Han lowered his head in shame. The middle-aged man repeatedly did not answer his questions. However, he also managed to guess what he was thinking many times.
  • Fang Han thought about his situation, thinking about Qiau Yuelin, Su Ruoxi, and his parents. Who knows where they are now, who knows when he can meet them? There was sadness reflected in seven points in the young man's eyes.
  • His heart felt empty.
  • In the end, Fang Han told everything that was in his heart to the middle-aged man. There's nothing to hide. Even including the final desperate fight.
  • After telling everything, Fang Han sighed, there was great relief in him.
  • Heard as great as Fang Han's story. The middle-aged man also felt the pain. He sighed and said, “No wonder, you are being so hasty. However, for now, you should forget about haste. Under these conditions, you should focus on recovering—”
  • The middle-aged man paused for a moment and took a deep breath. “You ask who I am, young man? Alright, here's your match to meet this old man. This senior is just a casual cultivator who likes playing music. People call me, the Zither God of the Nine Heavens—Huang Liong.”
  • Fang Han was stunned. The middle-aged man's name was truly full of intimidation and arrogance. Even the nickname he introduced could shake anyone's heart. ‘Huang Liong—Dragon Emperor’ isn’t this too intimidating?
  • Huang Liong saw the change in Fang Han's expression. He sighed and sneered at himself. He realized that Fang Han also felt what other people had felt when he said his name.
  • “What's wrong with your face? That seems to be changing, young man. Is my name too domineering? Yes, it doesn't matter, after all, in this Era, the cultivators have already forgotten my name and title. I haven't appeared in two hundred years.” Huang Liong tried to dispel Fang Han's worries.
  • Fang Han could feel a deep loneliness from the middle-aged man's words. This was the same feeling he felt. It was as if fate had truly brought the two of them together. People are stricken with loneliness.
  • However, Huang Liong suffered more because he was alone for longer. It has even been forgotten by others, its name drowned by the long passage of time.
  • Fang Han shrugged and tried to go back to their earlier conversation. “So, Uncle Huang. You told me not to rush. How long does it take to learn the one piece of music you are going to teach?!”
  • Huang Liong returned to his calm. He did not answer, but walked over to Fang Han on the stone bed, and took out a musical instrument similar to a zither from the storage ring.
  • This is a very ancient harp. The style and shape of the carvings are as beautiful as the lyre on the front table.
  • Huang Liong handed the harp to Fang Han. Then he pressed his index finger to Fang Han's forehead. It is a type of knowledge transfer technique through spiritual awareness.
  • The golden rune seemed to be imprinted on Fang Han's head.
  • “This is the Music of the Nine Seas of Soul Soothing. Even if you've got a complete note of the exact pitch. However, you will not be able to master this song if you lack practice.” Huang Liong explained briefly.
  • Huang Liong also explained that a beginner can master how to play the song well. That will take about two weeks.
  • For Fang Han, two weeks was a long time. Although he tried to restrain himself from being hasty. But, that's still impossible. Fang Han will try his best to condense the learning time.
  • Fang Han tried to reread the golden rune that appeared in his head. There were some things he didn't understand, so he immediately asked Huang Liong.
  • That is the absolute truth when it comes to making experience the best teacher. Satisfied with asking, Fang Han didn't waste any time at all, he started to try plucking the harp strings and playing the Nine Seas Soul Calming Music.
  • Yes, he is just a beginner. The tone that Fang Han played was very chaotic.
  • Huang Liong chuckled amusedly and gave advice. “It would be good if you meditate tonight, improving the flow of your inner energy little by little. Tomorrow you can practice Soul Calming Nine Seas Music again.”
  • Fang Han thought. “Senior Huang's suggestion, it's not completely bad.”
  • “Will it work to return to the path of cultivation with the help of the Nine Seas Soul Calming Music?!”