Chapter 49
- Alec didn’t know how far they’d gone but judging by how tired she was and how sick of branches smacking her, she was sure it had to be at least an hour. Her face hurt from the scratches, her legs were like lead and each step was harder to take. If Ian hadn’t been sticking close and catching her, she would have been face down in the damp dirt more than once. All she wanted to do was sit down and wait for rescue. The only problem was no one knew where they were. They didn’t even know.
- Swatting the mosquitos off her arms, she groaned. “We really need bug spray...” she waved her hands around in front of her face trying to discourage the bloodsucking insects from landing on her, “and a phone.”
- Ian held a branch aside for her. “Next convenience store we see, we’ll stop and get some.”