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Chapter 2 He's Hotter Than I Thought

  • My trembling hands fumbled with the card key as I raced to unlock the hotel room door.
  • “Want help?” Arthur said, his voice low and full of innuendo. He leaned over my shoulder. His incredible smell – subtle expensive cologne and underneath that sexy, raw male power – made me speechless. I just shook my head and breathed deeply.
  • I could do this. I wanted this. I needed this.
  • I nervously opened the door to my apartment, heart racing as I led Arthur inside. I couldn't believe I brought him home with me! Yet from the moment I saw him, I felt pulled to him by some invisible cosmic force. Yes, his incredible good looks helped, but it was much more than that.
  • As soon as we got inside, we were all over each other, a frenzy of want. He pressed me up against the door. I had one second to admire his chiseled jawline and barely banked lust in his piercing gray-blue eyes.
  • Then he kissed me with the kind of hunger I’d always dreamed of but never thought I’d have.
  • I could feel the chemistry between us building, lightning slamming in a bottle, waiting to explode. He deepened the kiss, and he knew what he was doing. My heart raced. My body loosened, submitting.
  • I moaned, wanting more. He responded eagerly, one hand gripping my hip and the other hand caressing upward from my waist. We were puzzle pieces fitting together.
  • Arthur yanked off my shirt and unzipped my skirt, pushing it down. They pooled around my ankles on the hardwood floor.
  • His hot gaze traveled from hair to toes and back. Being exposed while he was dressed made me nervous. What if he didn't like what he saw?
  • But there was approval, acceptance, and blazing desire in his assessment.
  • My mouth twitched up in a smile.
  • I wanted to say something but Arthur stole all my words with a simple lick of his lips. The want in his gaze left me trembling with excitement and anticipation for what came next.
  • Arthur leaned forward, his hot breath against my skin driving me wild with desire. He murmured compliments as he peppered my skin with kisses. "You were so hot tonight." Kiss.
  • "Your voice was better than smoke, whiskey, chocolate, sin, and gold." Kiss.
  • His tongue gently stroked a path down my neck. Arthur bit my collarbones gently, and I jumped. He chuckled, the sound warm and dangerous.
  • "What? You don't like biting?"
  • "I didn't say that."
  • He kissed my hip until he reached his ultimate destination - between thighs.
  • Arthur teased at first. My plain white panties were soaked within seconds. He took his time until I was mewling with need.
  • Arthur carefully placed his fingers into the waistband of my underwear. "Can I take these off?" His voice was deep with promise.
  • It was a good thing I was leaning against the door or I would probably swoon. "Yes," I whispered while nodding.
  • Arthur slowly dragged my panties down. He kissed and bit my thighs. He found the sensitive spot behind my knees, of course he did.
  • As he worked his way up, I started begging. Shame raced up my body and reddened my cheeks. The alcohol was both catching up and wearing off.
  • "I want you so desperately," I whined. "Please."
  • That chuckle again. I knew this was only for one night, but I'd remember that chuckle forever.
  • He finally got to where I needed him most. Arthur knew what he was doing.
  • He explored every inch of sensitive terrain before taking things up another level by skillfully flicking circles around primed nerve endings over and over until I thought I would come apart right then and there.
  • My entire body zinged with pleasure.
  • I stood there, panting.
  • "That took the edge off," he said.
  • I just raised an eyebrow.
  • Arthur carried me to the bedroom. "I think ten is a perfect number of orgasms for you. One down, ten to go."
  • "What? No!" I panicked and squirmed.
  • Arthur dropped me down on the mattress. "Alright, just nine then," he said with a cockiness that shouldn't have been so attractive. "You can handle it."
  • He took off his clothes fast and revealed a perfect, hard body that probably earned him plenty as a stripper. I had thought it was weird that he was wearing a suit, but now I understood the appeal.
  • He was 100% CEO fantasy.
  • It must have shown on my face because he smiled.
  • Serious Arthur was hot. Smiling Arthur was devastating.
  • He was hard all over. I stared at one particular hardness straining toward me.
  • Arthur put a condom on with one smooth motion. He moved his body over mine. He paused and just stared at me.
  • There was that connection again. In his expression, in my caught breath, zinging in the air.
  • Arthur's forearms were on the bed on either side of me. I felt trapped and protected at the same time.
  • This was no ordinary stripper.
  • "You're more a magician than anything else," I whispered.
  • He pushed into me, slowly at first, letting me adjust to his huge size. Time stood still and so did he.
  • He hit that perfect spot of pressure. I felt every inch enter my slick depths.
  • Arthur snapped into action, every stroke pushing me toward the headboard and ecstasy.
  • I arched my back as the pleasure was perfect— almost too much.
  • "You'll come first," he gritted out between barred teeth. "You'll come again...and again...when I say so."
  • My God, that's so hot.
  • "We're going to fuck all night." His tone was low, dangerous.
  • Arthur and I moved together as if we had been made for each other — taking turns leading and following.
  • His hands expertly roamed over my neck, my breasts, everywhere.
  • "We have all the time in the world," he said.
  • He's nothing like Bob, who never cared if I got off. This guy was a thousand times better than Bob.
  • This was more red-hot passion in a few hours than I'd ever had with Bob in all the time I'd known him.
  • "I want to make this night special,” Arthur said, still hard inside me. “I want to make it last."
  • I laughed. It was pure joy releasing after so much pain. Arthur joined in; I think he felt the same.
  • "I want to fuck you over and over until you scream my name," he said.
  • And he did.
  • He stroked even harder until I exploded, squeezing around him.
  • I screamed his name, many, many times.
  • * *
  • I woke up to find Arthur lying next to me, sound asleep. His back was facing me, and I couldn't help but notice the old scars that marred his skin. My heart ached at the thought of what he must have gone through.
  • I took out all the cash I had, placing it gently on the pillow beside him. I couldn't really afford it, but maybe it would help him.
  • I scribbled a nice note and left it beside the money. I kissed his temple gently, not wanting to wake him.
  • Our sex together had been so great, I knew I'd have trouble concentrating, but I needed the job to pay for my apartment and Noah's bills. There was no way I could quit, even if going to work was humiliating.
  • I woke up after the best sleep I had in years. The spot next to me was cold. I rolled over and found money on my pillow.
  • “What the hell?”
  • I snatched the bills. I couldn’t believe it. Doris actually left me money.
  • I thought she was joking. She must really have thought I was a stripper.
  • I stuffed the cash into my wallet, which only had black cards.
  • I dressed quickly and took out my phone.
  • “Asher,” I said to my assistant. “Bring me my AirBus H225 and a change of clothes.” I texted him the address.
  • The helicopter blades sliced through the air as it landed on the hotel roof. My team of bodyguards and employees greeted me with respect.
  • “Your first meeting is with the CEO of the electronics company you’re acquiring,” Asher said. “It should only take about a half hour.
  • I felt a surge of satisfaction. I was known as “the investment genius”, “the youngest billionaire”, “the recluse worth millions a minute”. Even though I kept my image out of the media, I’d made a name for myself.
  • Not that Doris knew any of that. She paid me. My mouth twitched up in a smile. I would find a way to pay her back.
  • I glimpsed at my limited-edition Patek Philippe. I felt unstoppable.
  • I’d just had the best sex of my life. Of course, I felt great. I went through meeting after meeting, killing it, while dreaming of Doris’ sweet submission and walking on clouds.
  • Then my mother called, interrupting my thoughts by prattling on about her new boyfriend, Bob.
  • “Did you hear me, Arthur?” Mom screeched. “I want you to meet him.”