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Chapter 6 Doomed

  • My whole body froze at her warm gesture, a hug wasn't what I expected. I slolwy reciprocated, with shaky hands.
  • She pulled away, before asking, "What do you do for a living? Are you working or..."
  • Before I could say anything, Diego interrupted her. "She is a reporter," he said, making me glare at him from the corner of my eyes.
  • Wasn't he aware that I had been suspended from work? It was all his fault, after all. Who knows what strings he pulled to make my manager so furious?
  • "That's a great job! I hope you'll write some fantastic articles that will become really popular," she said sweetly, her smile still in place. As much as I wanted to shove it in Diego's face that I was suspended because of him, I didn't want to hurt Scarlet’s feelings, so I returned the smile.
  • Looking at her, doubt crept in my mind. What if she also had a hand in my father's death? You know what they say, the smiley ones are the deadliest.
  • She suddenly hit her head lightly. "I can't believe I kept you standing for so long," she muttered. With a gentle push, she added, "Diego will show you to your room."
  • Diego snorted loudly before leading the way reluctantly, I followed him from behind without saying a word. I needed a break too, I needed time to recount the day's scenario and finally come to terms that I was married.
  • "The room is soundproof so you don't have to worry about screaming out loud at night," I heard Scarlett say, her voice faint in the distance.
  • My cheeks burned in embarrassment. I was never comfortable talking about things like that. Out of curiosity, I turned to Diego to check his countenance, but he just maintained a straight look.
  • I wasn't the only one who heard that, right?
  • After passing countless rooms in the hall way, he finally stopped at a particular door, which I guessed was my room.
  • He twisted the knob and opened the door wide. I entered quickly, and shut the door at his handsome face.
  • Finally, I had a space to myself. I needed to plan how my investigation and revenge plan would be.
  • A knock sounded on the door, snapping me out of my thoughts. I reached for the door and opened it. My gaze fell on Diego standing right in front of the door with his hands tuck in his pocket. He had a scrowl on his face.
  • I put my head out, not opening the door fully, throwing him a questioning look. Why was he still standing there? If he thought I would allow him inside, he was being delusional.
  • He didn't say anything and just looked on. "Uh..." I paused, unsure of what to say. "Thank you," I said more like a question, raising an eyebrow. "For showing me my room," I decided to add.
  • He chuckled. "You never cease to amaze me. First was a confrontation, now you shut me out of my own room," he grimaced.
  • I tilted my head, puzzled at his words. What did he mean by it was his room? It finally hit me hard, making a gasp escaped my lips.
  • "Why would you bring me to your room? Where is mine?" I asked, trying to sound ignorant. Though I had a bad feeling we would be sharing the same room.
  • "Are you naturally dumb?" He glared at me harshly, before making his way inside my.... Shit! Was I to say his room or "our" room?
  • "I can't stay in the same room as you. There are several rooms in the hallway, you could fix me in one of them," I said, standing defiantly.
  • "Why don't you go down there and tell the family? We're supposed to be madly in love, remember? Besides, couples are supposed to share a room," he said with an eye roll.
  • "That was your idea!" I half-yelled, inwardly relieved that the room was soundproof.
  • He ignored me, walking to the wardrobe. Frowning, I threw a fist in the air. I hated his gut!
  • "Feel free to hate me," he said, his back still turned on me.
  • Oh great! Was he a mind reader now?
  • He removed his suit, unbuttoning his shirt until he was shirtless. Turning to face me, he smirked and added, "I don't care."
  • A gasp escaped my lips as I stared at his well-defined abs, smooth skin, broad chest, and muscles... He was a total definition of sexy.
  • A handsome and sexy psychopath.
  • His shoulder brushed against mine as he passed beside me, making me lose my balance, and at the same time, it brought me back to reality.
  • "You're so screwed, Ellie," I screamed in my head, packing my hair in loose handfuls. His body was a distraction.
  • The door clicked as he shut it from the bathroom, making me release the breath I didn't realize I was holding.
  • Something suddenly sparked in my head. I could find clues by searching the room. Raising my gown up, I started from his drawer, going through every single documents.
  • They were mostly the company's account, business proposals, financial recordings, nothing stood out as suspicious.
  • I moved to the other side of the bed stand, there was nothing inside. Though I wasn't sure of what exactly I was searching for, but I just had to keep digging in.
  • Beads of sweat gathered on my forehead, despite the air-conditioner working fine.
  • "There has to be something," I muttered, massaging my temples while drawing invincible lines in circular motion, it was my own way of making me focus.
  • My eyes landed on a briefcase and my heart gave a leap. It was common for billionaires to keep valuables in their briefcases and hide their dirty secrets in it.
  • I walked on my tiptoe, trying hard not to make a sound though the water was still running in the bathroom. It wouldn't hurt being extra careful.
  • Getting the briefcase, it needed a password to unlock it. "This is going to be hard," I muttered, biting hard on my bottom lip. "What could it be?" I said to myself.
  • I tried his birth date, but it didn’t work. Then I tried his parents' anniversary, his brother’s birth date, Clint’s... I just kept trying, even though I knew they were ridiculous attempts.
  • I slowly got fed up, but it only increased my suspicions. "I just need to get this open," I muttered, running a hand through my hair, already frustrated. I knew clearly that breaking the suitcase wasn't an option.
  • "What are you doing with my briefcase?" I heard the voice I dreaded most. My eyes widened at once, it was Diego's voice.
  • Water dripped from his hair, evident he just had a shower. His upper body was slightly wet, he was shirtless again. He just had a towel wrapped around his waist and another one in his hands, drying his damp hair.
  • It seemed the time stood still at his entrance.
  • Holy shit! I shouldn't be staring at his body!
  • I was doomed! Totally doomed!