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Chapter 5 In The Royal Pack

  • Cecilia's POV
  • I couldn't have been more disappointed. How could the moon goddess have fated my sister with someone like Kaeya?
  • Kiana didn't deserve someone like him. Everyone knows the name Kaeya. He is the dream mate of every girl, even in other packs. He was the only werewolf blessed to have such power to control lightning.
  • His blue eyes did unimaginable things to me whenever I looked at them. I watched as he held my sister close to himself and I wished I could switch places with Kiana right now.
  • All I want to do is run my fingers through that sexy black hair and have him stare at me with his intense eyes.
  • Why should someone so powerful and handsome be cursed to have my loser of a sister as his mate? A to-be alpha, mated to a wolfless person like Kiana?
  • I am the future alpha of Twilight pack. No one other than me should have Kaeya as a mate, no one! I have a wolf, I deserve him, not Kiana.
  • "If you don't mind, I have to heal my sister. She's in a really bad shape. " I said to him, smiling but he didn't seem like he wanted to let go of Kiana.
  • "Curse you Kiana! " I screamed in my mind.
  • "I'll hold her, you can heal her while she's in my arms. " He said to me.
  • "As you wish. " I said and placed my hands on Kiana. I used that as an opportunity to touch Kaeya.
  • I decided to mind link my parents to our current location. I can no longer stand Kiana being in Kaeya's arms.
  • Kiana's wounds were almost completely healed when my parents showed up.
  • "Kiana! " My mother yelled before rushing to my sister.
  • "Who are you? " My father asked Kaeya who was still unwilling to let anyone touch Kiana.
  • "I am the son of Alpha Simon. " Kaeya said.
  • "You shouldn't let your parents know about who Kaeya is to your sister Cecilia. " Amber said. My wolf's name was Amber.
  • "Why? " I asked her.
  • "If you do that, you will only be making it more difficult to make Kaeya yours. " Amber said.
  • She had a point. If I wanted Kaeya to be mine without any troubles, then I have to make sure no one knows about him being Kiana's mate.
  • "What are you doing with my daughter? " My father asked Kaeya.
  • "Uhm... Father, I don't think now is the right time for such questions. He saved Kiana's life and staying here any longer would put his efforts to waste. We have to get Kiana to somewhere safe. It's too cold out here. " I quickly intervened.
  • Our pack's beta took Kiana from Kaeya and just then, some men walked to us.
  • "What are you doing out here Kaeya? " A man I recognized to be alpha Simon asked.
  • "Alpha Adam? "
  • Both alphas exchanged pleasantries while I followed my mother and the beta back to the pack.
  • Kaeya just stood and watched us leave.
  • Don't worry Kaeya, I'm coming for you.
  • Writer's POV
  • It was here. The day the heirs have been waiting for; the annual kingdom masquerade festival. It was something they had always looked forward to since they were kids.
  • They would also get to meet their grandfather. The kingdom masquerade was one of the few times they got to see their grandfather.
  • As Alpha king, he always had too many duties to attend to. Luna Queen Stephanie knew how much the twins and their grandfather missed each other so she made this day so that the alpha king could always dedicate all of his time to his granddaughters on this day.
  • Kiana's POV
  • I didn't want to attend this year's Kingdom masquerade. I just had a weird feeling about it moreover, I would rather stay with the one true love of my life. I felt really sorry for almost leaving him two years ago. I'm so happy we are together once again.
  • I still had mixed feelings about him being my mate. My mother had told me different stories about how werewolves fell in love with people who weren't their mates. In the end, they would either have to choose their mate and hurt their love or choose their love and hurt the mate.
  • I believe David will turn out to be my mate. Well, my eighteenth birthday was only three days away, I would know by then if David was truly my mate.
  • "I'm gonna miss you. " David said, holding my waist.
  • "Me too. " I just wish I could remain with him at the pack house.
  • "Kiana! Let's go! " I heard Cecilia's voice from outside.
  • "I have to go now. See you soon. " I said and placed a quick kiss on his lips before going to join my family.
  • "I love you! " I heard him yell after me, I only turned my head and smiled at him.
  • I definitely couldn't say that back to him until I confirmed that he was my mate.
  • After a long ride, we finally arrived at the Royal pack.
  • We arrived a little late so we had to go to go to the Royal tailor to try out our gowns before the festival begins.
  • There were so many gowns. I scanned each of them, hoping to find one that I would like. I wanted a dress that would hide my scars.
  • Well, every time I got depressed or emotional, I would hurt myself with whatever object I could lay my hands on. Thus, I had numerous scars on my body which I felt insecure about.
  • Soon, my eyes landed on a long velvety wine gown. It was beautifully designed and could cover enough of my body parts. I went to it and touched the square shaped neck. The back was nearly pleated to the waist area.
  • "I think I like this one mother. " I said to my mother, smiling.
  • "You do? " My mother said, coming to check the gown I had chosen.
  • " Of course she does, she's classless after all." Cecilia said, laughing as she flaunted her exposive dress.
  • "Cecilia? Don't talk like that to your sister. " My mother cautioned Cecilia. Little did she know that she was only wasting her time.
  • Cecilia came to stand beside me and I could clearly see her entire cleavage. The transparent cotton used for some parts of the dress revealed her thighs and back.
  • "I'd go check on the tailor. " My mother said before walking away.
  • "You know, you have no place here, right? " I knew Cecilia was going to say something.
  • "You seem to have forgotten your wolfless nature Kiana. " Cecilia said.
  • "Like I've always said, I would rather be wolfless than be you. Have you looked in the mirror? You think you're dressed as the daughter of an alpha should? Well you certainly are not my dearest sister. Just in case you haven't noticed, you look like a fucking harlot, desperate to have men dazzle her with attention! " I yelled at her and everyone else that was with us turned to look at me.