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Chapter 4

  • "Good grief, I wish they would stop treating me like a child; I'll be fine, I'll behave, I promise."
  • "Okay, let's find your apartment because I have to go; I don't want to drive at night," Sandro says.
  • I walked towards the student apartment area. We found the one we were looking for; a receptionist and I approached her as we entered.
  • "Hi, I'm Giovanna Mazeratti; I'm registered for a shared apartment for this semester," I say to the receptionist.
  • "Hi, let me check our registration, let me," she said and started checking the computer.
  • "Yes, here you are; your roommate will be Hanna Smith; she already checked in and should be waiting in the apartment to meet you."
  • "Perfect, what a thrill you heard Sandro, I already have a roomie," I tell him, smiling.
  • "Huy yet, I can't wait to meet her," he tells me with his sarcastic smile.
  • "Here you go, these are your keys, and the elevator is on the right side; welcome," the receptionist tells me.
  • "Thank you" I take the keys and head to the elevator with Sandro behind me, who brings all my suitcases and just my carry-on bag and my cosmetic bags.
  • When we get to floor 3, we walk pro the halls to number 3030, and I open with my key; as I enter, I see a redhead dancing like crazy and singing, while Sandro stares at her with his mouth open.
  • "Please tell me she won't be your roomie; I can't be that unlucky," Sandro says as he puts his bags down.
  • "This semester is going to be crazy; I already feel like I love her," I say as I watch her dancing.
  • "Wowwww, you have a piano. This will be fun," said the redhead and took off her headphones, and looked at me," Hi, you must be Giovanna?" she asked me.
  • "Giovanna Mazeratti, but you can call me Giovanna," I said smiling.
  • "Hanna Smith, but you can call me, whatever you want, and you play the piano?" she asked, looking at me with a huge smile.
  • "you like music, and so do I; I already feel I love you, and we are going to get along wonderfully."
  • "You know how to play the piano, and I imagine you sing a little?" he asked me.
  • "If singing karaoke counts for anything, I'm quite the pro," I told him, and at that moment, I knew we would both become great friends.
  • I could see Sandro's face, regretting that I was here, now that he knew my new roomie.
  • "God makes them, and they come together," I heard Sandro say.
  • "What did you say?" asked Hanna.
  • "Nothing, that the place is nice," he said, lying.
  • "I don't doubt it, our apartment has three bedrooms, it was supposed to be three of us, but I'm glad we could get this one for just the two of us; we're going to have the time of our lives."
  • "I chose the bedroom that faces the end of the hallway, and I left you the one with the balcony facing the garden, or if you prefer the guest bedroom, you can choose," Hanna told me.
  • "Balcony to the garden, it's perfect, thank you very much," I tell him.
  • "And who is this beau, your boyfriend?" he asks me, and Sandro and I look at each other, but before he says anything, I go ahead.
  • "Not at all; this is Sandro. He's like my brother; we've been inseparable since we were kids, and he has the impossible mission from my dad, to take care of me while I'm in College."
  • "Sandro Maldini, nice to meet you."
  • "Wow, gallant and gentlemanly, I like you," says Hanna.
  • "Giovanna, I have to go, I would like to stay longer, but I must rime, nice to meet you, haha, sorry I forgot your name," says Sandro.
  • "Hanna!" she says.
  • "Sure, please, if anything happens with Giovanna, any emergency whatever don't hesitate to call me anytime anytime" and he hands her a card.
  • "Yes Sir," says Hanna smiling,
  • and puts her headset back on.
  • "Are you sure you don't want to change departments? You're still on time," says Sandro as I walk him out.
  • "Don't worry; I'll be fine."
  • We leave the building, and I walk him to his car, "Giovanna let's go get a coffee before I leave; I saw a coffee shop nearby."
  • "And here I thought you were in a hurry to leave, let's go, "I told him.
  • We went to the coffee shop and sat at a small table in the outdoor area while we drank coffee and talked about old memories.
  • Sandro took my hands and looked me in the eyes, "Giovanna, promise me that if anything happens or you need me, you will call me immediately."
  • "Sandro, don't worry; sometimes I think you worry too much; I'm really fine," he says confidently.
  • "I'm not that naive high school girl anymore; please trust me, I'll be fine, I promise," I tell him.
  • "You're right, forgive me. It's just that after what Michel did to you, I became very overprotective of you, forgive me, you're right. Everything will be fine, have fun, study, and I hope to see you soon," he tells me and kisses me on my forehead.
  • "I'll go pay the bill; I'll be right back," says Sandro and gets up from the table.
  • I'm looking towards the street when in front of me a black BMW stops. I see the car driver, a very handsome guy with green eyes and black hair, caught my attention.
  • And I can't help but look directly at him while waiting for the light to change at the traffic light, when I hear Sandro, "Giovanna, Giovanna!" he says, almost shouting at me.
  • And I come back to reality, "sorry you're talking to me," I said, a little distracted.