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Chapter 2 The Date

  • Sapphire's POV
  • My heart stopped when I read the letter in my shaking hands. It felt like my world had stopped and been tossed into a trance.
  • My scholarship had been withdrawn! I looked all over the letter maybe for even a valid reason but I couldn't get any. What…what the hell was this? My scholarship is the only way I can secure a good future for myself and my mother. If I lose it then it's over!
  • I slipped into my dress faster than lightening and before I knew it found my way to the admissions office where I was redirected to see the vice chancellor of the university who had initiated the withdrawal process. I was ready to cry and roll and even jump over the roof if he asked me but I couldn't lose this scholarship but then his next words sent my brain exploding into a billion pieces.
  • "I'm sorry miss Richardson but it's out of my hands. Request for your withdrawal came directly from the new owner and director of the institution. There was nothing I could do" He said looking really remorseful and I frowned.
  • "Sir, did you say new owner?
  • "Yes, Mr Lance Clawson head of Ema Claw corporated recently bought the institution and requested an immediate withdrawal of your scholarship"
  • "Why would he request the withdrawal of scholarship students?
  • "Not all scholarship students. Just yours Sapphire. For the reason I don't know but it's not in my hands anymore"
  • It felt like a slap to the face. Why would this individual who probably didn't even know me request my withdrawal. I was a pretty good student both in academics and behavior wise. What the hell did I do to deserve this?
  • "Sir what did you say the name of the new owner was?
  • "Mr Lance Clawson"
  • My wheel of thoughts stopped for a moment and my eyes widened.
  • Lance Clawson was the name of the second son to the Clawson family empire. The Clawson family empire was one of the richest and wealthiest in all the country. They owned majority of the country's industries, businesses and organizations. Lance Clawson in particular was a sole owner of one of the largest software company in the country. At a young age, he abandoned his family business and established his very own from scratch. He was indomitable and a freaking multi billionaire! But then why the hell would someone that high up be interested in me or my scholarship? Then it felt like a bell was slammed against my head. How did Lance Clawson look like?
  • I rushed out the chancellor's office and over to my apartment. I flipped my laptop open and began punching in some letters, my heart pounding against my rib cage then I saw it. The face. That face!
  • Lance Clawson was the so called Jerk I had stumbled upon two days ago at the club!
  • I had stopped breathing by now and held my chest. I was dead. I was dead meat. The Clawson family weren't only known for their wealth but also their power and their insane desire to crush whoever dared defy them. The second son in particular was a demon! What had I gotten myself into?
  • Just that moment I received a text message. I clicked on it and froze at what I saw.
  • It was an ejection letter! My landlord was requesting I vacate the premises even though I wasn't owing rent! His reason? Someone had bought the building and requested I got kicked out. The next minute I received another message from where I worked part time saying my services were no longer needed! I had just lost everything under five minutes! What the f....
  • I threw my phone on the bed and ran my hand over my hair.
  • What the hell have I gotten myself into?
  • Then I remembered his words.
  • "I'll make you eat those words"
  • Slowly I felt the tears force their way out. I couldn't lose my scholarship! I couldn't lose my apartment and my job! My mum …I had to find a way to foot her bills and I had to make something out of my life. I couldn't lose everything! If I did not only would I be miserable for the rest of my life, my mum would die.
  • Lance POV
  • I gazed at the red content in the glass cup for a few minutes before lifting it to my lips. For some reason I was in an insanely..should I say joyful mood today? Why? Maybe because my idiot of an elder brother had failed to acquire one of the most massive contracts the family had been aiming for. Of course I had beat him to it. As always.
  • My eyes caught sight of a frail female figure advancing towards me and a gentle but wicked smile played at the side of my lips. I looked to my watch. It was exactly 9am. Why was I not surprised? My pawn had arrived just on time.
  • I saw her look at him with pained eyes which I shrugged off.
  • "Take a seat" I said and I saw her bit her lips in hesitation but sit down eventually.
  • "You look rather worn out Sapphire. Seems this week was a bit tough for you?
  • I saw her frown and continuing sipping my drink in feigned ignorance. Before I knew it, her eyes were glistening with tears. I raised a brow.
  • "So is this your plan? To ruin the life of an innocent girl? What did I ever do to you? She spat clenching her fist and I scoffed. I didn't really care for her petty emotions.
  • "I didn't call you here to help me reawaken a dead conscience Sapphire. I said I wanted us to get married, didn't I?
  • I saw her crease her head in confusion and dread.
  • "Why...why would you want to marry me? I could feel the terror in her voice now. I wondered where all that brash impudence had gone.
  • "Because I just feel like it, you know. Besides you're left without much of a choice aren't you? Don't you have a sick mother to care for?
  • I saw her eyes widen in fear and I smirked. Two days ago I had gone to the club in search of just any regular bitch, one I could use to fulfil my plans. My plans to overtake my family's empire. The first step to doing that was getting married as required by the old man Clawson. Of course I was a man of class and she was way beneath what I would call class but then no one dared defy me, my competitors knew when to back off talk less of some average day bitch. So what more way to punish her for her insane arrogance by tormenting her to my pleasure and using her to achieve my goals?
  • "So what do you say? I asked dropping the glass on the table.
  • Sapphire's POV
  • I stared at him in dread as he asked the question. Dread was all I could feel. If I refused this guy would frustrate me and turn my life to a living hell. I doubt I could ever get another job anywhere. I had tried and everyone kept rejecting me! He had pulled some strings, I know. How he would go as far as tormenting an innocent person was sickening!
  • I felt like screaming at him. I felt like pouring water all over his stupid face but then wasn't that what caused my problems in the first place? But then what if I married him and he killed me? My body shook but if I didn't marry him, he could do away with me all the same. I had to choose the one that would help my mother. I looked straight at him red eyed.
  • "So…if I agree to marry you….will you reinstate my scholarship and let me get a job?
  • I saw him look away.
  • "Well, you're not really in a position to bargain love but if you accept I can assure you of your mother's treatment but your scholarship withdrawal is your punishment for stepping on my toes"
  • My shoulders dropped but I somehow felt grateful that my mum would be okay. All the same it hurt. It hurt bad.
  • "So, what do you say bitch?
  • I hated when he called me that but then I couldn't say anything. I brought this on myself. I sighed.
  • "I'll marry you"
  • "Good" I saw him get up that moment and signaled to his body guards who stood by the side. I looked on in confusion.
  • "Let's go" He growledat me and I was left stunned.
  • "Where….
  • "Let's go get married"
  • My heart stopped. Already?