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Chapter 3 Taste Me

  • So warm. Diana moaned as she opened her eyes to see a lady bathing her.
  • Frightened, she tried to move but realized she couldn't move her legs. I must have broken it somehow. "Who are you?" Diana questioned, glaring at the lady.
  • The lady looked at her for a while before chuckling, "You're safe. Don't worry. Alpha Rolex asked me to clean you up," she explained as she continued scrubbing the dirt off her skin, "I tried to wake you but you were out cold."
  • Diana relaxed a little but still kept her guard up, "What does he want with me?" she asked. She was supposed to be his sex slave but there was something unclear.
  • The maid chuckled, "I truly do feel sorry for you. You'll have to keep that man's company," she sighed sadly.
  • "Is he that bad?" Diana asked as she played with her fingers.
  • "He's dangerous. He can be nice too but that's on rare occasions. Just don't try going against him, it won't end well," she warned, "He's very infamous for his… creative ways of torturing people."
  • Diana nodded although she didn't plan to listen to her. She wasn't going to be anyone's sperm dump, especially not for a man like Rolex. Although, she was confused about something.
  • The lady helped her out of the tub after rinsing her body and led her into the huge bedroom and sat her on the bed.
  • "What does he want with me?" she asked again as the lady handed her a robe.
  • The lady looked at her in confusion, "You're his sex slave—"
  • "Look at me. I'm not what you'd call a proper sex slave. I'm weak and I'm not exactly curvy. Why would he waste 5 million on me?" she asked.
  • "You do have a point. He has several women at his beck and call, and I'm pretty sure he prefers voluptuous women so why would he purchase you at that price?" she wondered, "You can never understand him. Just be careful," and with that said, she left the room.
  • Diana fell back to the bed and was about dozing off when she heard the door open. The moment she saw it was Rolex, she lunged for his throat but fell to the ground instead as a result of applying force on her injured leg.
  • "Is that your idea of an attack?" he sniggered before crouching beside her, "Don't test me, Diana. You'll regret it," he threatened.
  • He walked out of the room angrily, leaving her behind with full of tears and soon she blackened out.
  • "Dad, I wanna go outside. I want to play with the other wolves," Diana requested sadly as she laid in bed. She could hear the laughter of the other kids playing outside.
  • Her mum came to her side with a bowl of warm soup in hand, "You can't go out Diana. You know you can't play with them because of your condition," she reminded her warmly.
  • Diana went quiet afterwards and turned her head away, refusing to take the soup. She knew they were right but it didn't make it easier for her to accept it.
  • "Honey, you need to take this if you want to get better," her dad tried convincing her but she didn't budge.
  • Jamie suddenly ran in and jumped in the bed beside her. "Jamie," her mum scolded her.
  • She chuckled nervously before turning to Diana, "I heard someone refused to take her soup," she said as she began tickling Diana.
  • "Jamie, cut it out," Diana cried out in laughter.
  • "Why would you want to play with those other kids when you have me? Are you cheating on me now?" Jamie pouted jokingly making Diana and her parents burst out laughing.
  • "What are you even talking about?" Diana chuckled.
  • Jamie collected the soup from her mum, "Prove your faithfulness to me," she demanded as she handed Diana the soup.
  • Diana rolled her eyes with a smile on her face and collected the soup from her hand, "Fine, I will," she laughed, playing along to Jamie's games as she drank everything at once.
  • "That's my sis!" She cheered, earning laughter from all of them as she continued being silly.
  • Suddenly, they heard screams and growls, "Dad! What's going on?" Jamie questioned, her lips quivering. She took a deep breath and added, "I smell blood,"
  • "You two should stay in here. We'll go check it out," Their mum said, "Take care of your younger sister, Diana," she added as she and their father stepped outside leaving Diana and Jamie shivering in fear.
  • It had been a long while since their parents left and Jamie was starting to get worried, "I'm scared Diana. Do you think something happened to them?" she asked.
  • Diana hugged her tight, putting on a façade of confidence, "They're fine," she assured her.
  • Just then, two men and a lady walked in. They had swords that were dripping with blood in their hands, "Take them," the lady said before walking out.
  • "Hmmm…" Diana groaned as she recalled all that had happened the night her pack and parents were eradicated and she and Jamie were taken away. They served as slaves for six years before they were auctioned as sex slaves.
  • Tears welled in Diana's eyes as she recalled Jamie being murdered in front of her eyes while she just watched, "I'm so useless. I don't deserved to live," she lamented.
  • Everyone and everything she had ever loved had been taken from her and she simply watched it happen and did nothing about it, "I don't deserve to live," she repeated.
  • The door opened and she heard the sound of footsteps she was now all too familiar with. Rolex.
  • "Get up," he commanded. She weakly stood up and stared down at her feet.
  • "That's how you should be. Docile," he commented as he moved closer to her.
  • Now's my chance. She lunged for his throat again but he held her hands. He glared at her, anger swirling in his eyes, "Diana, Diana, Diana," he chanted, "I told you not to test my patience," he held her hands tighter making her wince in pain.
  • "I bought you at a very high price and I expect you to fulfill your duties as my slave," he reminded her before throwing her to the bed and pinning her to it.
  • "Get off me," she demanded.
  • He chuckled dangerously, "I bought you to satisfy me in bed and you tell me to get off you?"
  • She squirmed beneath him as he held her neck, "You will do ask I ask, Diana. I own you," he stated in anger.
  • "I don't belong to anyone. Not even the one who sold me," she stated angrily.
  • Rolex chuckled as he got up from her, "You will remain caged up in this room without food till you learn to obey your owner,"
  • "What do you want from me? Why did you buy me for such an amount," she asked him.
  • Rolex chuckled, "What do you mean? You're a sex slave–"
  • "You have several women at your beck and call, and you apparently like the voluptuous ones so why get a sex slave who isn't to your taste?"
  • He looked at her for a while, "And who do you think you are to question my choices?" he bellowed, making her flinch and then left the room.
  • She sat on the bed, wondering what he wanted with her when her stomach began grumbling, "Of all the times to be hungry," she complained, lying in bed till the moon came up.