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Chapter 4 She's A Fucking Traitor

  • POV: Arabella
  • “I’m sorry, Ana, please talk to me. I have no one but you….
  • You don’t intend to ignore me forever do you, we are best friends, Ana, and I miss you…
  • I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, let’s meets up and talk things over…” I texted her for the umpteenth time since that day, but she wouldn’t respond to my calls or texts.
  • I was wrong to think that Tiana was only bluffing when she said she would stop being friends with me if I don’t agree to come to the party with her and her friends. It’s been three weeks now, the party was last week and they all attended the damn party and had so much fun like they claim. But Tiana has joined the other omega’s in training to treat me like a plague. She doesn’t speak with me, and she doesn’t sit in the same area with me as well. She acts all high and mighty when our paths cross in the hallway either in school or back home in the omega quarters. I can’t believe she would end our friendship for such a minor misunderstanding. Its simply unbelievable.
  • Now, I don’t have to face bullies only in school, I face them right here in the pack house as well. Now that I have no one to speak up for me again, the other girls saw this as an opportunity to bully me and cause more issues for me. Sometimes, they mess up where I was assigned to clean, making it look even worse than it was before I was given the task. It’s our last week of training and they are making me look so stupid. At this rate, I don’t think I will be assigned to even the lowest family in this pack because they are making it look as if I take pleasure from destroying things. It looks like I am acting like a rebel because I am not a true member of the pack.
  • Marietta tries so hard to make me look good, but I keep disappointing her over and over again. I never told her what is going on, so it makes her feel bad sometimes because it seems I am trying to tarnish her image and destroy my future as well. If I’m asked to run errands for anyone in the pack house, I will need to double check my surroundings for booby-traps, and anything that could ruin my hard work. They are always lingering around me to trip and push me so I could destroy something in the pack house and get punished by the Luna.
  • Even if I decided to ask Marietta for help, don’t you think I will look stupid if I tell her I’m suffering all this because I refuse to be a mistress?
  • For fucks same she is a fucking mistress!
  • It’s just so complicated and stupid, so fucking stupid!
  • I won’t go crying to her, I’m old enough to take care of myself, I don’t need her standing up for me like mother hen. It’s just a few days left before we are officially assigned to our permanent duty post. After the coronation of the new Alpha, we would be given a form I al letter with our assigned duty post. I’m sure I won’t have to put up with such malicious omega’s after I get my permanent duty. Everyone would be too busy trying to please our new bosses, and hopefully seduce their bosses. They would not have the time to sit around coming up with silly pranks to infuriate me.
  • So, like I said earlier, today is going to be a great and eventful day For everyone. Today is our last day of training, and at the same time, the Alpha would be choosing and marking his Luna today. It’s not supposed to be so ceremonial, but they were both from wealthy families and they decided to make it a formal occasion for the Alpha and his Luna to be celebrated by everyone. These marking ceremonies are common these days. It’s just like a marriage ceremony, one rich dude finds a rich heiress and claims her as a mate. Next thing we know, they are celebrating their marking ceremony, and voila!
  • They are bonded forever!
  • It’s such a shame because no one values the mating ritual anymore, no one even borders to wait for their true mate. They seem happy and content to get hitched to a girl of their choice while keeping as many mistresses as they can, just to try and fill that void in their hearts. They do this because they weren’t patient enough to wait for their one true mate, and a chosen mate can never replace a true mate. No matter how many mistresses they chose to keep, they will always yearn for that one person that the moon goddess made just for you.
  • I wonder if Richard skipped class when we were taught about the mating bond. Actually, I’m sure he did, because if he know all about the bond, why would he go on with this ceremony when he knows deep within his heart that I am his mate. He did not bother me in school today, only Lisa and her friends picked on me in the cafeteria. She wouldn’t stop squealing and announcing to everyone that she is finally going to be marked by Richard. Seeing her excitement today, you would think she won a lottery ticket or something like that. She bumped into me on purpose and dumped her lunch on me. Then she turns around and accuses me of wanting to ruin her day, trying to get Richard to hurt me.
  • But for some weird reasons, Richard refused to even look at my face today. When she wouldn’t stop whining about me, he got up from his seat and walked away with his guys, leaving her staring after him in rage. I did not wait for her to think of another way to punish me, I quickly apologized profusely and ran off before she could turn my way. It seems like the smart move at the time, but I regretted it a few minutes later when I stumbled on something I wasn’t supposed to see.
  • I saw his Beta and Gamma, dragging Tiana and two other omega’s to the locker room. They pushed them roughly as if they were common slaves. From the way they were looking around every second, it’s obvious that they do not want to be seen by anyone. I wonder what is going on and what could be so secretive that they had to make sure no one was within earshot. I’ve never seen Tiana or those other omega’s getting bullied before. They are some of the lucky ones, or so I thought anyway. She is always boasting to me that she cannot be bullied because she is a mistress.
  • I never bothered to ask her who’s she is screwing, but I thought she was covered by immunity, I thought she could never be bullied by these guys and I wondered if she did something to offend her lover. There are many thoughts in my head, and I keep wondering how I could save her from him at this point. She had always came to my rescue when I was bullied and now it was my turn to save her from them. But I don’t know what to do, I don’t even know what is going on and why she is being attacked this time. I
  • had to sneak into the locker room to find out what is going on.
  • I was so careful not to announce my presence. If I’m caught, I would face an even worse punishment than what Tiana was facing right now. These guys are not just stronger, they are faster and well trained. I had to be extremely careful so I don’t make a sound. Even my breathing had to controlled, it was so fucking hard. I took off my shoes and held it in my hands, then I turned the doorknob as slowly as I could, pushing open the door without letting it make a creaking sound. I tiptoed inside, leaving the door ajar so I don’t make a sound. Richard was yelling angrily, so it was a bit easy for me to follow his voice to their location.
  • If only I could let Phoenix out, I could have released her for a while so I can stay far away from their location and still listen in with my wolf hearing. But I couldn’t risk letting her out when an Alpha, Beta and Gamma are just a whiff away. They would sense her immediately and if they find us and sniff me, they would know my true identity and that would be the end of me. I crawled a bit closer, hiding behind a locker to listen to their conversation. I’m sure they would have felt my presence, but they weren’t expecting anyone to come this way at this time, so they weren’t really paying attention to their surroundings.
  • Besides, they were too engrossed in their conversation with the omega’s to care about anything else. I tried to peek, but I couldn’t. There is no way I can push my head out without getting exposed. So I decided to just stay put and listen to them, that is all I could do at this moment. I could hear Richard yelling and kicking Tiana furiously. He claims that they had a deal and she didn’t meet up to her end of the bargain. Apparently, she has been screwing the Alpha for almost a year in promise of recruiting all the other omega’s into this mistress thing they were into.
  • “I did exactly what you asked for, I got many girls in. I was faithful like you requested, I never banged another man. I did everything you ever asked,” she sobbed, making my heart bleed on her behalf.
  • “You left out the part where I asked you to get me Arabella Wellington!” he screamed at her, kicking her hard in the stomach, making her yelp in pain as her hands instinctively flew to her stomach to curb the pain. She gasped a few times, but I couldn’t pity her this time because I was so fucking pissed at this bitch. I loved her like a sister, I thought we were friends, I thought she was looking out for me when she asked me to join her. How could she do this to me, why did she betray me this way, what did I ever do to her? I
  • “I tried, Alpha, I swear, I really tried. But she wouldn’t listen to me, she is one of those prude Virgins who still believe that staying chaste would find them a mate. I made her my friend, and I tried to even get her to attend the parties even once. But she wouldn’t listen to me, she is too stubborn!
  • Besides, I figured you don’t even need her as a mistress. I can be your Mistress for as long as you desire. I can serve you better than her, I’ve been doing this for a while now, I know how to please a man, I know how to ease your pain and stress and make you cum hard and fast,” she let out shamelessly, making me feel so disgusted. I don’t know what is happening there, but I heard a crashing sound, and I heard Richard snarling at her in anger when she screamed in pain.
  • “Lay your filthy hands on me one more time, and I’ll fucking break them!” he roared angrily. I’m guessing she tried to seduce him and ended up getting rejected and hurt. I don’t know if I should feel happy that Richard doesn’t hate me as much as I thought, or feel insulted that he chose Mira as a mate and Luna, while plotting with that whore I call a friend to convince me to be his Mistress. It’s just too much to process, like, what is wrong with him?
  • “I wouldn’t pick a whore like you as my personal slave, let alone my mistress. It’s Bella I want, and you are going to make it happen. Do not forget that the omega training will end today, and you need me to convince my mother to make you the head omega of this batch. Marietta would want her precious Arabella to have that position, and you know her relationship with my father. She would use her influence to make Bella take her place after she retires. So it’s either you get me what I want, or I’ll make you get the worst position ever!
  • I’ll fucking make you clean the streets for the rest of your miserable life!” he threatened, making her sob pitifully as she begged for a second chance, promising to deliver me on a platter of gold.
  • “Don’t do this to me, Alpha. I’ve worked my butt off for that position, I can’t use it to her, I can’t let her win. I’ll make her come to you, I promise, I’ll drag her to you if I have to. I won’t let her win!” she swore vehemently, making me gasp in shock at her commitment.
  • “You had better keep to your word, and don’t fucking keep me waiting!” he warned sternly before leaving the locker room. His friends did a number on the other two omega’s before leaving. They were left rolling on the floor in pain with no one to help them. All Tiana could do is to yell my name furiously, blaming me for what just happened.
  • “That fucking bitch!
  • I’ll make her pay for this, I’ll make sure she gets to clean the streets and not me!” she yelled at no one in particular, sounding like a lunatic. I was left wondering if I have been blind all these years. I never even knew that Tiana and I are rivals in anything, I would never have believed that she hated me this much. What did I ever do to her?