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Chapter 4

  • Aria.
  • The school had ended, without any further encounter with Hunter and I was thankful for it. I didn't want to get into any conversation with him, even being close to him hurt me.
  • I absentmindedly walked to reach the exit, most of the students had left, and due to my injured ankle, I was the only one who seemed to be taking more time than anyone else. The only destination in my mind was home, I felt safer there.
  • I sighed and tried to stop myself from thinking about him, but my thoughts were in a nutshell.
  • And suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside a room, I gasped in surprise but then my eyes took a glance at the owner of the hand. My breathing got caught in my throat as those dark brown orbs bore into my eyes.
  • "Alpha, what are you..." I couldn't complete my sentence as he suddenly slammed me hard against the door with my body completely pressed against mines.
  • The slight twitch of pain was nothing compared to the fear that prompted in my nerves.
  • "You shouldn't have said that in the class today..." His voice was dangerously low and leaned closer to my face, his lips lightly brushed against mines, and I gulped in terror. His hands resting on my hips began tightening their grip and his nails were almost digging into my skin.
  • "I-I..." I attempted to speak but he silenced me by putting his index finger on my lips.
  • "Don't you dare to say a word," He threatened, "You've already spoken little too much than you should've."
  • I was left tongue-tied. His dangerous stare and closeness were too overwhelming, the smell of his breath was more addicting than my tormentor himself.
  • "You said you are going away from me," He slowly buried his head into my neck. The goosebumps spread throughout my body and I shivered in his touch. Too close, he was too close.
  • "You think you'll be able to do that? Do you think I'll allow you to do that?" He raised his head to look at me, the stare itself held a promise. He wouldn't let me, "If you think you can, then you are absolutely wrong,"
  • My legs began feeling like jelly and my mind went into a frenzy.
  • "No matter what you do, Aria. Remember you are mine," He whispered closer to my ear, his hands on my first slid to my butt where he squeezed it putting me to bite my lips to stop the brazen moan.
  • "I'll not let you go, till my last breath," He trailed his mouth to my neck and sucked on my skin, the sensation went straight to my bottom and the moisture couldn't be hidden.
  • "Alpha, don't..." I managed to muster out but instead of stopping Hunter began moving his lips leaving leech-like kisses all the way across my jaw. The strange pull at my abdomen was worse than before.
  • His hand moved under my t-shirt, and he squeezed my breast from over my bra.
  • This time a moan slipped past my lips, I squeezed my eyes shut and had to refrain myself from moving my hand into his hair but then I felt my hand getting lifted, and as if Hunter had understood my hesitation he voluntarily let my hand slip into his hair locks and before I could question my decision my own body had betrayed me and I found myself gripping his soft hair locks.
  • Those were as soft as I could remember.
  • "You crave my touch," He whispered against my skin before he gently bit the skin below my ear, the pleasure shot through my body.
  • "You want me as much as I want you," He murmured, his hand traveling from my shoulder to my waist leaving the tingling sensation all over.
  • My heartbeat and breathing, both had taken a pace.
  • "Alpha...leave me," I breathed out, trying to gain control over my body. The urge to let him do whatever he wanted was no less but I knew him, I knew both sides of him; The one I had once found my best friend in and the one I found my bully.
  • And right now, it was my bully who was trying to control me by using my weak point.
  • "Never," He trailed his nose from the spot below my ear to my shoulder, installing my scent as he did so. My one hand that'd rested on his chest without letting me realize fisted his leather Jacket.
  • Hunter was my weak point, he had always been.
  • "You need to move away, Alpha," Despite the burning ache in my abdomen, I pushed at his chest with both of my hands but he didn't budge.
  • "Even you know that you don't want me to move away," My captor's voice cut through, his face hadn't moved an inch from my neck.
  • Damn it! He was right that I didn't want him to move away. If anything I wanted was to keep him here close to me but at the same time I wasn't unaware of his reality. Of his personality.
  • "No, I want you to.." My words died in my throat when he slowly moved to kiss beside my mouth, he softly kissed the corner of my lips before he moved to the other corner.
  • The fire set between my leg, he was gaining control over me with barely doing anything.
  • No! I can't let him do this to me. He is not the same Hunter I knew.
  • "Hunter, you need to..." His movement stilled before I could even finish my sentence. Just at that very moment, his name fell off my lips.
  • His eyes darkened and His hand moved to roughly grab my jaw as he shouted "It's Alpha to you, damn it! Do you not understand?", my body flinched for sure but then looking at the coldness in his gaze the years of sorrows, anger, grudges, tears, and lastly the pain--Everything decided to surface, and the outburst came out.
  • "No! I don't!" I pushed at him, the tears took no time to show up. Hunter looked at first but then his eyes were set in a glare. The coldness in them was back again.
  • "Aria..." He began with his threatening voice.
  • "No! I don't understand what I have done to make you hate me so much," I shouted, "I don't understand why everyone can call you by your name but not me. I don't understand why you keep treating me like some trash. I don't understand why you keep hurting me again and again. I don't understand why I see a monster in the same person I used to find comfort. I don't understand why you've made me lonely by keeping everyone in the school away from me. I don't understand why you insult me." My voice was breaking down, the sadness that howled inside me was greater than what I could express by mere sentences.
  • Hunter's hard expression was constantly getting a crack but I was too in immense agony to care about any of that, after all these years of bearing his hatred I had finally let my words out.
  • " I don't understand, why you get close to me, and the next moment you act like the heartless monster you've become," I shouted, "I don't understand, why have you taken my best friend away from me, why have you filled yourself with hatred for me, why you treat me like shit!"
  • He looked speechless as if he couldn't believe it was me who was saying all these to him. As if he couldn't believe all my words were true.
  • Surely he doesn't understand how much he had hurt me.
  • "But there's one thing I know," I wiped my tears," I had made the biggest mistake of my life by letting myself feel for someone so cheap and disgusting as you!"
  • "You've deemed so low that--that you are trying to get control over me by using these filthy ways? Why didn't you just kill me instead of doing all of these?" I spat.
  • "You'd be happier if I die, you'd be much happier to kill...." My words were left incompleted as he pulled me closer to him, my chest hit his ones and his smell wafted into my nostrils.
  • Fuck this feeling!
  • "Don't ever say that," He pressed his forehead against mines, his own breathing had taken a pace. His grip on me was possessive and almost protecting. As if he wasn't going to let me go at any cost, "Just don't," He breathed out and nuzzled my nose.
  • I felt myself losing myself into his eyes again, But I had enough of this shit so I gathered every drop of my strength and pushed his body away from me.
  • He looked stunned at my outburst but uttered nothing, he just stared at me. The impassive expression was no way there but there was something I couldn't figure out
  • "Goodbye, Alpha," I smiled and wiped my tears before without giving a glance back to him I turned on my heels and walked out of the room.