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Chapter 5 His Offers Like A Shooting Gun

  • As I confided in Bianca about the peculiar job offer, she wasted no time in presenting me with an alternative.
  • “Are you certain that someone actually offered you that strange job? It might be better for you to work part-time at my restaurant instead. We can have some fun with wealthy gentlemen who would be more than willing to spoil us,” she suggested eagerly.
  • “I’m not entirely convinced that I have what it takes for that kind of endeavor, Bi. I’m not particularly skilled at seducing men,” I replied, my uncertainty evident in my voice.
  • Bianca quickly dismissed my doubts.
  • “You’re not lacking in naughtiness, nor are you incapable of seduction,” she retorted. “Remember how Irene used to dress provocatively every time a man visited your house?”
  • I chuckled at the mention of Irene.
  • “That girl is nothing but trouble,” I remarked, acknowledging her mischievous nature.
  • Bianca’s voice snaked around me, honeyed and persistent.
  • “Listen, babe,” she cooed, “We all got our own grooves, yeah? But nothing wrong with spicing things up, stepping outside the box. Throw on that little black number, you know the one with the killer lace you rocked at prom? Add some wavy magic to your mane, paint your face with subtle fire – all that jazz. Trust me, when you’re vibing confidence, the boys take notice fast.”
  • A knot of doubt twisted in my stomach. “What if they think I’m a space cadet, Bianca? All dressed up with nowhere to go.”
  • She smirked, eyes glinting like disco balls. “Confidence, girl, that’s the key to unlocking any desire. Besides, Terrell done played you for a fool, left you high and dry. Time to show him what he’s missing, what he can’t even dream of.”
  • A spark flickered in my eyes, chasing away the fear. “Alright, alright, you win. Let’s paint the town red, Bianca-style.”
  • The dress, however, was a whole other story. It clung to me like a spiderweb, threatening to give up the ghost at any second. Way too tight, way too short – more Vegas showgirl than neighborhood sweetheart.
  • Bianca just winked, her lips curving into a mischievous crescent. “Trust me, boo, those dudes’ll be drooling faster than a bulldog at a steak cookout. You’re gonna be queen of the night, hotter than a habanero on the Fourth of July.”
  • I snorted, shaking my head. “Girl, I look like I raided a costume shop after too many margaritas. More like ‘hooker on holiday’ than anything else.”
  • “Absolutely. Men are often drawn to that kind of excitement,” Bianca whispered in my ear. “Wear the dress tomorrow when you come to the restaurant. I’ve already informed my boss that we have a very seductive girl coming in for an interview.”
  • Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn’t help but ask, “Is the guy you were with yesterday, your boss?”
  • Bianca shrugged nonchalantly as she returned to her seat.
  • “Maybe. I meet a lot of people, Leslie. It’s hard to keep track of them all,” she replied. “But he did pique my interest,” I muttered to myself.
  • “You should consider his offer, or at least try to seduce him if you’re not interested in working at my restaurant. I know you come from a wealthy family, and I’m not sure if this is the kind of job you want,” Bianca advised.
  • “I’m more intrigued by his business. What kind of entertainment do wealthy, exclusive men like him indulge in?” I pondered aloud.
  • Bianca offered her suggestion. “I have no idea. It’s better if you find out for yourself. Give him a call.”
  • “I don’t think I have the courage to call a stranger at this late hour,” I grumbled.
  • “Well then, get some rest. You need to be here at 6 a.m. sharp,” Bianca reminded me.
  • “My boss can be a bit of a psychopath at times,” she added with a chuckle.
  • The next morning, I arrived at Bianca’s workplace as instructed, still feeling uneasy about the dress. However, knowing that I needed the job, I wore it anyway.
  • While waiting for Bianca’s boss, I found myself serving a group of affluent businessmen. Among them was an elderly man who continuously stared at me, making me feel uneasy. I did my best to ignore his gaze and focus on my job. However, the situation took a turn for the worse when one of the elderly man’ subordinates attempted to touch me inappropriately. I was taken aback and didn’t know how to react.
  • That’s when Ryo Suzaki suddenly appeared, grabbing my arm and swiftly pulling me away from the table.
  • “Come with me,” he said, leading me out of the restaurant and towards a parked Lamborghini.
  • I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I should trust him. But the fear of what could happen if I stayed in the restaurant compelled me to follow him. As we drove away, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for Ryo’s intervention.
  • “Thank you,” I whispered softly.
  • “You’re welcome,” he replied with a smile.
  • “I couldn’t just let him get away with that.”
  • We drove in silence for a while until Ryo finally broke the silence. “You know, Leslie, you don’t have to work in a place like that. You deserve better.”
  • “I have bills to pay,” I responded defensively.
  • “I just moved to Phoenix City, and I have no money to survive here.”
  • “I can help you with that,” he offered. “And I can provide you with a better life than what you have now.”
  • “I-I didn’t realize you were Bianca’s boss,” I stammered.
  • “Bianca? I don’t know her. Perhaps she’s an employee of my best friend. He owns that restaurant,” Rafayel explained.
  • I paused, processing this new information.
  • “You seem like a rabbit trapped in a den of wolves disguised as sheep, Leslie. That restaurant is filled with lustful men and why do you instead wear a tight and provocative dress like that? You even dress like you’re naked.” Rafayel sighed. “But don’t worry, I have a job opening specifically for you.
  • Initially, I was reluctant, not wanting to be indebted to him. However, the prospect of a better life was too alluring to refuse.
  • Moreover, after the incident at the restaurant, I no longer felt safe working there. So, I accepted his offer. Ryo brought me to his lavish residence, where he revealed that he was the CEO of a company called SEXBOMB ENTERTAINMENT.
  • This was an app that specialized in live-streamed adult content and paid dating services. His revelation left me somewhat taken aback.
  • “Are you... are you serious?”
  • This was no different from the restaurant, was it? He was offering me a position as one of his performers, right? This was insane.
  • “I’m dead serious,” he confirmed. “I’ve been running this operation for a decade.”
  • “Didn’t you mention you were an artist?” I queried.
  • “I did. So, are you in or out?” He posed the question with a flirtatious grin.
  • “Um...”
  • “I actually have a job proposition that’s a step up from live streaming,” he suggested.
  • “What might that be?”
  • “Being mine.”
  • “W-what do you mean?” I stammered. As Rafayel’s sturdy arms enveloped me, my heart pounded and my thoughts scattered.
  • The unexpected contact of his body against mine was both thrilling and daunting.
  • “I’d like you to accompany me tonight,” he murmured, his voice a low rumble that sent a chill down my spine.
  • “I... I’m not sure,” I stuttered, attempting to collect my thoughts.
  • “I’m prepared to offer you a million dollars a month if you accept my proposition,” he whispered, his breath warm against my ear.
  • His proposal was enticing, but I couldn’t shake off the discomfort gnawing at me. I’d been working at a restaurant, serving a wealthy older gentleman, when one of his associates had tried to touch me inappropriately. Rafayel had intervened, whisking me away from the restaurant. He’d come to my rescue twice.
  • “I don’t need your money. I just want to earn an honest living,” I asserted, hoping he’d comprehend.
  • “I get it, Leslie. But please, let me look after you. I won’t let anything harm you again,” he assured, his voice brimming with concern. I met his gaze and saw the genuine concern there. Despite my apprehension and uncertainty, a part of me yearned to take a leap of faith and trust him.
  • “Dad!”