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Chapter 4 A Boss or a Husband

  • Sarah sat at the sitting area of her room taking in the beautiful view of the garden behind those glasses
  • “I haven’t picked up a brush in a while” she said to herself as she got an inspiration while she sat there.
  • Adjusting to her new world took more time than she had imagined. The shift was drastic and it took a toll on her.
  • “Hmm, this will look stunning on canvas” She said and just then her cell phone rang.
  • She turned around to pick up her ringing cell phone.
  • “Meet me in my study in five minutes” a cold, stern voice spoke at the other end of the phone. Sarah knew who exactly it was.
  • “Yes sir” she replied him as she stood up from the comfortable sofa she sat on.
  • That phone call obviously disrupted her line of thought and she hoped that it was worth it.
  • “Come in”
  • Lucas lifted his head when he heard the knock on his door.
  • “You’re a minute and ten seconds late, sit” he said to her as she entered his study.
  • Sarah opened her eyes surprised at his accuracy, but she kept her composure.
  • “We have a ball that we must attend tonight” he started to speak before Sarah sat down.
  • “I have made arrangements for your outfit, so you don’t have to worry about that. All you have to do is make yourself available and look your best, you will be the bell of the ball tonight” he voiced out those words like he was talking to a robot.
  • His focus was on his paperwork till he had to say the last sentence, laying so much emphasis on them.
  • Taking in deep breath she replied.
  • “I understand”
  • Sarah has attended more social events these past few months than she has before they got married.
  • It was exhausting; she had to pretend that she was happy with her current situation every time they went for those events.
  • But on the bright side, she had few hours to be out in the world and not the four walls of Lucas’ mansion.
  • Sarah looked at him, her brows slightly raised.
  • “Will that be all?” She asked, impatient to leave his presence.
  • Lucas only lifted his eyes to look at her and she felt shivers run down her spine.
  • “Yes, you may leave”
  • Sarah got up to leave but she accidentally knocked over his pen holder.
  • In that moment she felt like she had just stepped on a lion’s tail, the silence was palpable.
  • “I’m so sorry. It was an accident” she bent down quickly to gather the objects littered on the floor.
  • Lucas watched his frightened, clumsy wife pick up his pen and place them back on his desk.
  • “Are you settling in nicely?” he asked in a more rather calm and caring tone barely lifting up his head.
  • Sarah turned to look at him with her eyes and mouth wide open in alter disbelief.
  • “Did Lucas Anderson just ask me that?” she asked herself in her mind.
  • Lucas lifted his head to look as his surprised wife.
  • She immediately snapped out of her own world.
  • “Oh...well, yes I’m settling in just fine” she lied replying to his question.
  • In few seconds she imagined if she said she wasn’t settling in nicely, he would have blamed the domestic staff and that wouldn’t have been a good one, so she had to lie.
  • “Good, that’ll be all for now. You should be ready at exactly 7pm sharp. This isn’t a family dinner, it’s a ball”
  • He said to her before she disappeared from his presence, making reference to her missing dinner on her first night.
  • The evening came and Sarah had all the help she needed getting ready.
  • Lucas had already picked out a dress for to wear.
  • It was a dark blue dress that fell beautifully well on her thin frame. Her blond hair neatly styled in cluster of roses, giving her an elegant look. Her honey brown eyes were enhanced by the colour of her dress making her truly stand out.
  • Sarah wasn’t so comfortable in her dress but she didn’t have a choice. It was specially picked by her husband. And it’ll be foolish to refuse it.
  • Her personal maid, Elena, noticed her discomfort and tried to ease her tensed mind.
  • “You look stunning Mrs Anderson” she said as she put finishing touches to her makeup.
  • “If only that were true” Sarah said disbelieving her.
  • She couldn’t help adjusting the dress every now and again.
  • “I wouldn’t have said it if it wasn’t true, Mrs Anderson. You’re truly beautiful” she reassured her as she stood looking at her through the mirror.
  • Sarah felt more confident than she did few seconds ago.
  • Elena helped her put on her sliver shimmering shoes. The heels were high enough for comfort.
  • “He has a great sense of fashion at least” she whispered to herself smiling.
  • She got up taking her purse, and making sure one last time that she wasn’t looking anything less than the ‘bell of the ball’
  • “Thank you so much Elena. You really made me look beautiful tonight”
  • Sarah patted Elena’s shoulders as they made their way to the door.
  • “You’re welcome ma’am” she said with a smile on her face as she opened the door for her.
  • “Mr Anderson will be smitten when he sees you” she said as they walked down the corridor to meet impatient Lucas.
  • “Let’s hope so” Sarah said walking in hast now as it was few seconds to 7pm.
  • She couldn’t afford to be late this time, that would really piss Lucas off.
  • Lucas was standing by his car waiting for her.
  • He was elegantly dressed in his blue tuxedo. His hair was neatly done. His shoes and his belt complimented each other; his tie fell gracefully on his muscular build.
  • “Beautiful” he said as she door opened, revealing the ‘bell of the ball’.
  • Sarah had a wide smile on her face as he spoke.
  • “You’re not late this time”
  • The smile on Sarah’s face slowly faded away. She thought he was referring to her looks when he said beautiful.
  • “Of course, what was I expecting” she said as she rolled her eyes before walking towards the car.
  • Adjusting his cufflinks, Lucas began to talk.
  • “You must be on your best behaviour tonight, Sarah. I’ll be having investors littered all over the place, so I need you to behave right tonight” Lucas said to her like he was talking to a truant child.
  • Sarah closed her eyes tight and bit her lip.
  • “Yes sir” she gave him a brief, angry stare.
  • “Good” he replied.
  • The drive to Willow brook was quiet. The tension in the air could be felt from miles away.
  • Sarah couldn’t wait for the evening to be over.
  • Lucas adjusted his tux one last time.
  • “Here we are” he said as he looked around.
  • Beautifully dressed women holding their partners lined up ascending the properly decorated stairs.
  • The smile on their faces couldn’t go unnoticed, and Sarah wondered if they were truly happy or they were just like her.
  • Sarah also wondered if she was also going to hold her husband’s hands.
  • They both got down from the car. Lucas walked closer to her.
  • “Come” he extended his hands in a curved manner just like other men did.
  • Sarah hesitated but she finally took his hands.
  • “You must be on your best behaviour” Lucas words resonated in her head.
  • They quietly ascended the stairs and once again, Sarah had to plaster a fake smile on her face and pretend to be very happy for the time they were here.
  • The ballroom was an expense of grandeur and elegance. The ceiling was adorned with intricate frescoes and glided mouldings.
  • Crystal chandeliers hang like constellations, casting a soft, radiant glow that illuminates the polished marble floor.
  • Sarah looking round and taking in the beauty of the place,
  • “Wow” she whispered.
  • Lucas shared handshakes with different important looking personnel the moment they got to the ballroom.
  • “You’re entitled to only one glass for tonight”
  • Lucas started his lecture, leaning closer to Sarah’s ears so that she could hear him properly.
  • “You must say hello to everyone I say hello to...” he continued dishing out instructions.
  • Sarah got bored of listening to him, so she zoned off instead.
  • The sommelier approached them with a tray of wine in his hand, swiftly gliding through the crowd.
  • She took one glass out of the tray and started to drink from it but she was rudely interrupted.
  • “Sarah, is that you?” Dave the love of her life called her name as he stood face to face with Sarah and her Husband.
  • Sarah spilled the wine that was in her mouth.
  • “What have I got myself into?”
  • She held onto Lucas arm and wished that she would become invisible.
  • Everyone awaited Lucas’ response to the situation.