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Forced to Be Luna by My Possessive Alpha

Forced to Be Luna by My Possessive Alpha

Velvet Desires

Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1

  • The night was cold and eerie, the dimly lit candles in the small chamber offering little warmth to the young woman lying on the small wooden bed. Small whimpers escaped her lips as she writhed, her brows furrowed in distress and her eyes still closed in a deep sleep as she was trapped in the depths of an unsettling dream.
  • She found herself standing before an ethereal woman, clad in a white flowing gown, who smiled lovingly at her, gently stroking her cheek.
  • "Reyana, my child," the ethereal figure called, her voice a soothing melody that calmed the storm within Reyana's soul.
  • "Mother?" The young lady called out in a trembling voice, tears pooling in her eyes as she reached out to touch the woman, "Please take me with you, mother. I feel so lost without you," she pleaded, letting the tears flow freely from her big, round sapphire eyes.
  • "I am always with you, my child," the ethereal woman whispered, her voice a gentle breeze that caressed Reyana's cheek. "And remember the prophecy that has been kept hidden from the world:
  • “Beware, the wolf with eyes of green, For power wields a double-edged keen.
  • Mate's choice holds fate's decree, Blessing or curse, it soon shall be.
  • A mate's betrayal, a pack undone, In the darkest hour, the battle's won.
  • Seek the key in whispers old, Where tales untold, the future hold. In cryptic signs, the answers lie.
  • Whoever bears the mark of the green-eyed wolf becomes his doom or his blessings.
  • The chosen one, a maiden fair, Shall rise to face the black-eyed wolf. In her hands, the fate of all lies, To heed the call or let it fall.”
  • The chosen one, a maiden fair, Shall rise to face the black-eyed wolf. In her hands, the fate of all lies, To heed the call or let it fall." The ethereal woman quoted as she gradually vanished with the wind.
  • "No! Please stay with me! Mother!" Reyana let out a heart-wrenching cry as she was pulled back into the reality of the confines of her small chambers, making her jolt up in fear as she tried to steady her breathing.
  • It was yet another nightmare, but this time, it was a nightmare with a strange prophecy.
  • The journey begins, and the fate of their realm rests in the hands of those brave enough to seize it.
  • "You have to reject her. You know I am madly in love with her. She's all I've got! You can't possibly accept her as your fated mate!" Aldric's voice cracked with frustration and raw anger.
  • At that moment, the boundary between Alpha and Beta blurred for Aldric as he almost forgot the fact that he was talking to Randall, his Alpha. His agony was obvious in his eyes as they held torment and agony his words could not tell.
  • "Watch your tone, Aldric!" Alpha Randall's command boomed, his voice thundered at his Beta, giving no room for argument. "Do you know what it'd mean to reject my fated mate? Do you even realize the consequences of it all?" He asked, his sea-green eyes boring deep into Aldric's hazel eyes.
  • Aldric only looked away with his whole body trembling. "You can't do this, Alpha... She is my life, Please," he said in an almost inaudible tone, as he allowed tears to flow freely from his eyes, "I know how much you hate her. So, why hold onto her?"
  • "I can do whatever I damn want, Ric. I am your Alpha, and finding my mate is of great advantage to me and the pack. Get that right."
  • "But what about the prophesy, Alpha? I thought Visha was the prophesied one. You said that yourself," Aldric said in a whisper, looking around to make sure no one was in sight.
  • "What I do or don't do about my fated mate isn't any of your business, Ric. She is mine," Randall replied with an indifferent tone as he stormed out of the room.
  • Alpha Randall, a cold, ruthless, and unfeeling man in his early thirties had wondered why he'd never had a fated mate. It was beginning to become a matter of great concern until last night when everything changed for the worse.
  • *
  • The evening sun hung hollow in the sky, casting a warm glow on the earth. The air was thick with the acrid smell of blood and death as Alpha Randall rode ahead of his victorious army as they made a victorious entry into the Blood Crescent park, some rode on horses, while others marched on foot, chanting songs of victory.
  • Alpha Randall had just conquered a new territory and not a single soul was spared during the war.
  • His pack members all came out to cheer and sing songs of praise as they welcomed their ever-victorious Alpha and his undefeated army.
  • Alpha Randall was a god among men. Rich in power, strength, wealth, achievements... No one comes close. He was the envy of all.
  • As Alpha Randall drew closer to the crowd with his Beta and Gamma by his side, the whole world seemed to be at a standstill as his senses suddenly heightened by the intoxicating scent that filled the air as he felt his heart beating rapidly in his chest.
  • The strong scent of sweet Vanilla, rose and strawberry teased his nostrils, pulling him closer to the crowd. It was the most intoxicating scent he'd ever perceived all his life.
  • His eyes glowed a bright shade of red, burning with fierce intensity as the desperation to find out who the bearer of the irresistible scent consumed him entirely.
  • The cheering and chanting from the crowd died down as everyone's attention shifted to the direction of the Alpha, but no one dared look him in the face.
  • And in that moment, he saw her. Standing before him, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun, was the most beautiful being he had ever beheld.
  • Alpha Randall took slow, deliberate steps towards the lady who was about five feet and eight inches in height - just as he likes them... Small and fragile.
  • Her skin, smooth and flawless, seemed to glow with an inner radiance, casting a spell over him.
  • Randall felt as though he had been struck by lightning, his breath catching in his throat as he gazed upon her beauty, his towering figure dominating over hers.
  • "Mate." The word left his lips, earning him silent gasps from the crowd.