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Chapter 7 Release

  • The weekend was over. Calvin and Darcy had been considerate enough to take my apology and let the whole thing go.
  • I'd kissed a model, sucked a renowned actor's dick all in one night, and I couldn't tell anyone about it. They made sure of it when I signed the document.
  • The cheer team was having constant practices for a big game coming up. My stress level had gone from high to ducking insane and I knew I needed release before I cracked.
  • Jessica was being a Queen bitch passing orders around and expecting us the girls to do all the working like a bunch of ants.
  • Coach Calton hadn't texted me since the last time. It took constant control on my side to stop myself from hitting him up. Just say hi, see how he's doing. It's harmless, I tried to convince myself but I knew I was just being desperate.
  • Letting my desperation show was game over. I couldn't let that happen.
  • In my quest for finding release, I tried a couple of things. Food. Skydiving. Yoga. Massage. More food. Acupuncture (at this point I was on edge to getting the release I so badly needed)
  • I even smoked a joint. That's a story for another time. And then I went back to food. Still, nothing.
  • Then it hit me. Release. There was only one way I was getting release. As the Brits would say, "I need a good ol' shagging."
  • I could create a Tinder account and in minutes find a willing dick but that wasn't me. I wasn't that girl.
  • I could get a boyfriend just for fucks and once I get what I wanted, sayonara son of Adam. The thought appealed to me. As evil as it was. But I wasn't that girl either.
  • That afternoon, I decided to try out something I'd abandon for a while. My G-spot vibrator.
  • I locked myself in my room ready to go all out on my lil' bad boy. But where did I put it? It wasn't in my bag. I'd checked when I got back from school.
  • It wasn't in my bedside drawer either. I checked my known hiding spots but it wasn't there. Where did I keep it last?
  • I sat down on the edge of the bed trying to think. My memory was whacky for all its worth but I had my Sherlock moments.
  • My brows furrowed as I filtered through my mind for the answers I needed. The harder I thought the more obvious it became I was just going to hurt my head for nothing.
  • I cursed in frustration kicking the air furiously.
  • Guess I have to do this the old fashioned way. I wiggled my fingers. It had been a while, I thought as I unzipped my pants with my left hand.
  • "Tiana!" My mother's voice bawled through the hall way. I could tell she was in the living room.
  • I was sure she would stop calling if I ignored her twice. It had worked before.
  • I waited two beats and when I didn't hear a call, I started popping off the buttons.
  • "Tiana!" Her voice was louder.
  • That's the second one. Now we're clear, I thought grinning.
  • I wiggled off the shirt and was about to unclasp my bra when my mother yelled my name.
  • "Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shitty shitttttt." I blurted out red faced.
  • "Coming." I yelled getting dressed.
  • By the time I'd crossed the stairs to the landing, my face had gotten its color back. I could hear voices. My mother had guests. Probably her book club.
  • I turned the corner and froze when I saw my mother, Mrs. McKenzie, and Jenna, the pastor's wife.
  • "Come on dear. Don't just stand there." Jenna's smile would have destroyed an iceberg.
  • I hesitated before taking a sit opposite my mom. Her facial expression was deadpan. Flat. Unreadable. Which was her normal look so I couldn't tell what was going on.
  • I turned to Mrs. McKenzie. The same Mrs. McKenzie who had run into me in the sex shop down the street and had suggested I get the G-spot vibrator. Her smile was fixed and for some reason it looked like she was avoiding eye contact.
  • Jenna had a Bible in her hand. It was one of those black leather types that was big but not so big that you couldn't put it in a bag. That was the first sign of impending danger.
  • Her cherry complexion and pleasant face were highlighted by her white blonde hair. She didn't have makeup on but would easy turn heads if she was to walk into a bar. Her cream suit gave off an authoritative vibe.
  • I waited for them to talk. Speaking when I had no idea what was going on would be like shooting myself in the ass.
  • What if Mrs. McKenzie had told them about how she had run into me in the sex shop. Something was off about that conclusion. She would be exposing herself too.
  • I recoiled into myself as another possibility hit me and made my stomach turn.
  • My missing G-spot vibrator!
  • What if my mother had found it and she had called Mrs. McKenzie and Jenna. I could imagine them performing a crucifixion or exorcism on me. It made sense. Oh God, no.
  • A lump closed around my throat so tight as the feeling of being trapped overwhelmed me.
  • "Tiana, dear." Jenna spoke. "Your mother has brought something to our attention."
  • I went pale.
  • It was just like her to gather an angry mob whenever she wanted to solve any problem. I was sure whatever my mother had told Jenna had nothing to do with her opinion on how Jenna was too young for our dear pastor. She had her eyes on the bag, mother had said. She had been yapping about it for a while.
  • "This is a very delicate matter and we don't mean to drop it on you like this especially with school and the big game coming." Mrs. McKenzie said. She was selecting her words carefully.
  • Perspiration formed beads on my forehead. My mother's eyes bore deep into me. She knows. She fucking knows. I could tell from the death stare she gave me.
  • "I, uhm. There's." I tried to speak but stuttered too bad to form words.
  • Jenna's warm smile took some of the tension from my bones. She had that effect on people. Then it became clear to me. This was a classic good cop bad cop situation.
  • Mother was obviously the bad cop looking like she was poke my eyes out any minute. Jenna was the good cop with her angelic presence and calm composure. Mrs. McKenzie had to be the middle cop; a balance between the bad and good.
  • "Relax, dear. We want you to be calm while we talk."
  • I'm calm, I thought while the voices in my head screamed for me to make a run for it.
  • "We were hoping you'd join the club." My mother said in a cool icy voice.
  • The club? The book club! They were talking about the book club...
  • I felt my spirit leave my body, zipped around the room and return back to its place. I relaxed for the first time since walking into the living room. I breathed, even and steady.
  • "So?" Mrs. McKenzie asked moving forward in her chair.
  • I nodded unable to speak. Sure, sure, I'd join their stupid book club. It didn't matter as long as this wasn't about the G-spot vibrator.
  • "Are you okay, dear?" Jenna asked with a worried look on her olive face.
  • "Sure."
  • My mother's eyebrow raised slightly as she regarded me suspiciously. She would open the door to my mind and walk in if she had the power to do so.
  • "Is that all?" I asked wanting to be anywhere but there. "I have practice in some minutes."
  • Jenna said it was all and I left them shooting off through the front door as fast as my legs would let me.
  • I got to the gym five minutes late. The girls were stretching when I got there and I was about to join in when Jessica blocked my path.
  • "Nice of you to join us." Her tone was hard. It was granite.
  • "We all have our part to play this weekend some more important than the others." She rolled her eyes at me. "Coming late doesn't help."
  • I tried to talk but she held up a finger cutting me off. The girls were watching.
  • "Get off your high horse and fall in line, Rogers. This should be the last time."
  • I knew what I wanted to say to her. There was so much she deserved to hear. I wanted to put her in her place so bad but I knew it was the wrong move to make. I didn't want to be the bad guy.
  • Taking a deep breath, I exhaled and smiled at her. "I won't do it again."
  • She looked satisfied as she turned around.
  • My smile twisted into a smirk. An evil smirk that gave me a sinister dark appearance. I was going to enjoy destroying Jessica.
  • That was how I'd get my release.