Chapter 53 What Do I Do To Get A Part Iv
- The effects of the marijuana and the hypnotic tone of Dr. Johnson's voice reinforced the mood, persuading the impressionable young girl to lose herself in the role of Titania, the play was gradually forgotten and the words in her script meant nothing compared to the love that Titania felt for this strong handsome man and without thinking about it, the words and feelings just tumbled from her mouth.
- "I love you, my handsome prince," she gushed as the role took over her fuddled mind and she became Titania, the queen of the fairies.
- "Fair queen," replied Dr. Johnson. His face so close to the young girl's that she could feel his warm breath on her cheek, his hypnotic voice in her ear. "How can you be so cruel to mock me thus? I am no prince. I am but a common man, a plain and ugly man, never deserving of the love of one as fair and beautiful as you."