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Chapter 4

  • As she vanished into the crowd, Bryan felt a pang of frustration. Her swift departure and the invisible barrier she erected around herself only fueled his desire to unravel her mystery. He was attracted to her, yeah but there was something else. He signaled discreetly to his discreetly positioned bodyguard, instructing him to tail Ava without raising any suspicion.
  • With a steely determination, Bryan decided to delve deeper into the enigma that was Ava. What lay beneath her composed exterior? What secrets did she conceal behind that inscrutable facade? There was an undeniable pull, a magnetic force that drew him toward her, despite the barriers she erected.
  • It wasn't just her captivating presence or the elegance that radiated from her being. It was the flicker of sadness that momentarily clouded her eyes, the hidden sorrow that she tried so hard to mask. Bryan couldn't help but wonder about the cause of her guarded demeanor, a past perhaps etched with pain or loss that made her retreat into solitude.
  • As he retraced their brief encounter in his mind, Bryan found himself captivated by the way Ava carried herself. She exuded an air of resilience, yet her guarded gestures spoke volumes of an untold story. He wanted to understand her, to chip away at the walls she'd erected, not out of intrusion but out of genuine concern.
  • The minutes ticked by, and Bryan impatiently waited for updates from his bodyguard. Meanwhile, his mind raced with questions, trying to piece together the fragments of Ava's life. Who was she? What drove her to maintain such a careful distance from others?
  • The more he dwelled on her, the more his fascination grew. There was an allure in the challenge she presented—a challenge that Bryan was more than willing to undertake. He wasn't just captivated by her beauty; it was her inner complexity that drew him in, a puzzle waiting to be solved.
  • As the day transitioned into the gentle embrace of the evening, Bryan's anticipation heightened. He needed to know more about Ava, to unravel the layers she so carefully cloaked herself in. His curiosity had transformed into an unyielding determination to breach the walls she had erected, to understand the enigma that she embodied.
  • Finally, a discreet vibration from his phone signaled a message from his bodyguard, providing details of Ava's whereabouts. Bryan's lips curved into a determined smile. The journey to unveil the mystery of Ava had just begun.
  • *********************
  • Ava walked briskly down the street, her canvas tote bag swinging gently at her side, filled with groceries. Her thoughts were consumed by the encounter with Bryan at the grocery store. She replayed their brief conversation in her mind, pondering over what made him stand out.
  • " He's just another handsome face " she mused to herself. But there was something about him that lingered in her thoughts. As she reached the crosswalk, she glanced around, trying to shake off the thoughts of Bryan, but his image kept resurfacing. " Where have I seen him before? " she murmured, furrowing her brows.
  • Amidst the bustling street, Ava continued her journey home, passing familiar shops and street vendors. The city's chatter provided a backdrop to her contemplations. She remembered his charming smile and the way his eyes sparkled when they locked gazes.
  • Unlocking her apartment door, she set her groceries on the kitchen counter, her mind still occupied by Bryan's enigmatic presence. As she unpacked her purchases, she caught herself absentmindedly arranging items, lost in thoughts about the mysterious man from the store.
  • " He's different " she whispered aloud, placing a loaf of bread in the pantry. She couldn't pinpoint why Bryan intrigued her so much. Was it his charisma, or was it something deeper she couldn't decipher?
  • Leaning against the kitchen counter, Ava sighed, allowing her mind to wander back to their conversation. She remembered the way his voice carried a soothing tone, and his laughter, infectious yet calming.
  • She decided to distract herself by preparing dinner, chopping vegetables as her mind kept revisiting the encounter. " Maybe he's a regular at the store " she mused, trying to rationalize her attraction.
  • As the aroma of the simmering dish filled her apartment, Ava found herself lost in thoughts again, pondering over Bryan's familiarity. Was he a friend of a friend, or perhaps a distant acquaintance from her past?
  • Finishing dinner, she sat down at the table, her appetite not matching her thoughts. She absentmindedly twirled the fork in her pasta, lost in the enigma of Bryan.
  • Eventually, she glanced at the clock, realizing how much time had slipped away. " I should get some work done " she reminded herself, gathering her laptop and settling onto the couch. Yet, Bryan's face lingered in her mind, disrupting her focus on her tasks.
  • As the evening progressed, Ava found herself flipping through old photos on her phone, hoping to stumble upon a familiar face that resembled Bryan's. Minutes turned to hours as she scrolled through countless images, but she couldn't find any connection.
  • Finally, with a sigh, she closed her laptop, accepting that the mystery of Bryan's familiarity might remain unsolved for the time being. Rising from the couch, she tidied up the remnants of the day, preparing for a night of sleep that she hoped would bring clarity to her puzzling thoughts. But sleep eluded her as her mind was occupied with thoughts of Bryan.
  • She picked up her phone and called Bella. She couldn't keep all that bottled in and needed to share her thoughts with someone and the best person was Bella. She could already imagine Bella's excitement.
  • The latter's voice came on the second ring " Heyy "
  • " Hey. You sleeping? " Ava asked, noticing that her voice sounded groggy.
  • " Nahh " Bella replied " What's up? " She asked.
  • Ava sighed and didn't say anything for some minutes " You okay? " Bella asked, concern evident in her voice.
  • Ava laughed, glad that she had managed to trick Bella.
  • " B*tch " Bella muttered. Ava laughed some more proceeded to tell her about Bryan.