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Double Trouble (Book 3)

Double Trouble (Book 3)

Yves Chanelle

Last update: 2023-03-21

Chapter 1

  • ***
  • Writer's POV:
  • In just a few years, a once gloomy house, full of dark and ugly secrets, had been completely transformed.
  • Now full of life, love And joy. The Enrique family seemed reborn. Literally. There were more laughs than cries. More reasons to live. Every single person was happy; from Lodovica Enrique down to the youngest maid or houseboy.
  • Nothing to do with the house that once belonged to Eugene.
  • No, this one was filled with new air. Everyone had his or her share of happiness like the late father Lorenzo, was watching over them with a good eye.
  • Anthonio and his wife were deep in love, same with Leandro and Kloe.
  • Lodovica's dream had come true.
  • But apart from all that, those that brought the brightest smiles to everyone's lips were the next generation of the Enrique family. The grandchildren of late Lorenzo.
  • Little Noemi Lèaina Enrique had recently joined the family and she was just growing up just as fast.
  • The house's princess and her parents reason to live. She was a little dime. As precious as a ruby.
  • And then, there were her older brothers; Her cousins and guardians like her father would say.
  • The twins. Lorenzo and Alejandro. Two identical and very handsome little boys.
  • At first it wasn't easy differentiating them but as they grew older, it got a little easy. Though they still succeeded in getting people mixed up in their heads. Sometimes their own family members.
  • When they turned five, some differences were easily noticeable.
  • Lorenzo hardly smiled while Alejandro did every time. Irony was, Lorenzo loved to play more than Alejandro.
  • And other than that, Lorenzo seemed to have darker hair than his brother.
  • Even with those little differences, it wasn't enough at times to tell them apart still and so to help, they had different hairstyles.
  • With a father and uncle like Anthonio and Leandro, they were sure to wear the best of clothes. Always stylish and updated. Yes just like little Noemi, they were spoiled in every kind of way.
  • *
  • Donnica's POV:
  • The twins and Noemi always received at least two pairs of new shoes after every four days from either their uncle or father.
  • It pleased me to see how love was so evident in our everyday lives. And things had gotten better since Leandro and Kloe had sealed things up at their wedding three years ago.
  • Little Noemi was now three and a half while the twins were five. And they sure knew how to give us a hard time. Screams and laughter throughout the day.
  • Lodovica's wished had come true.
  • They were finally running about the house, screaming, laughing, playing, breaking stuff and getting scolded for that. It amused me. There Kloe and I were.
  • Mothers, married and in love. Everything was perfect.
  • The twins always spent time with their father and uncle who made sure to spoil them with the best of toys and clothes.
  • Always taking the kids out for ice cream and food.
  • -
  • One day we sat in the living room all four of us when the kids came running in as usual.
  • "What did I say about running about the house??" I asked sternly, making them halt immediately.
  • "What if you break things again or worse, hurt yourself."
  • I repeated the same song over and over but it was close to useless. The boys were really stubborn and of course, little Noemi followed them in what they did.
  • "Sorry mama!" They all giggled.
  • Noemi then ran into her father's arms and he carried her immediately.
  • "My princess. Muah!" He kissed her round cheek and her little giggles were the best sound.
  • "Daddy?..." She called in her tiny voice.
  • "Yes my Angel?"
  • "You pomised to zake me to the mall to get me earring holez..." Her way of pronouncing her words were so funny and cute. There was that little lisp she and the twins had, like any other kid of their age. And with that little Latino accent, it made them a whole lot cuter.
  • "Oh it's true. Let's go then."
  • "Yay!!"
  • The twins immediately jumped on their father and we laughed.
  • "Papa can we go wif them?? Pleeeaash!" They both begged and it was so hard refusing.
  • "Hahaha okay. Okay."
  • "And we'll get ice cream right after..." Leandro chuckled.
  • "Yessss!!" Now was time to hop on uncle Leandro too.
  • They eventually left and after two hours or so, they returned.
  • Little Noemi was all over the place, flaunting her new earrings and making us laugh.
  • But then, I froze on seeing the twins, realising they had earrings on too!!
  • "What??" I squatted to face them, realising they both had holes on each ear.
  • "Anthonio you let them have earring holes too??" I asked in disbelief.
  • "Yeah why not? I have earrings so I thought they would look great with them too." He chuckled and walked past me.
  • I couldn't believe my eyes.
  • I looked at them. What else could I do. I ended up shaking my head and kissing them in amusement.
  • At least the earrings would help in differentiating too.
  • ********
  • Writer's POV:
  • The days flew by, followed by months, then years.
  • When the twins hit puberty, at 13, they decided to get rid of their curls, straightening their hair and opting for the same hairstyle, similar to their father's and uncle's.
  • The twins had always been stubborn though they did respect their parents. When their parents or family were around, they were on their best behavior. But when the cat is absent, the mice play.
  • As they grew older and hit puberty, they got even more attractive and fond of girls. Of course the girls got fond of them too.
  • They were like infected with a disease that only girls could cure.
  • And this was a problem that gave every adult in that house a hard time. But what did they expect? They were Enrique boys after all.
  • At thirteen, everyone was already tired of their girl issues. It was such an amusing fact.
  • One day, Anthonio was walking down one of the corridors of the huge house when he heard low voices behind one of the doors.
  • He halted and approached the door, leaning against it to listen; and what he heard almost drove him mad.
  • "I shouldn't be here..." Juanita's twelve year old daughter could be heard whispering to Anthonio's hearing on the other side of the door. She usually assisted her mother in the kitchen.
  • "Don't be worried. I'm with you. You know how I feel about you Lucita. I'm in love with you."
  • Anthonio couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't tell which of the twins it was.
  • "We don't know what love is Lorenzo..."
  • "I do. Let me teach you everything I know. Close your eyes and let me..."
  • Anthonio nearly choked! Was it his thirteen year old son talking like that???
  • He immediately opened the door as angry as ever, surprising both kids. Lorenzo froze, wide eyed.
  • "Lorenzo what is wrong with you????!!!" Anthonio scolded "How... What....why....?!! You know what, Lucita go to your mother right away! Move it."
  • The scared little girl immediately ran out of the room and down the staircase. Anthonio stared at his son, speechless and angry.
  • "What did I tell you Lorenzo???! Alejandro got grounded for something similar And here you are! I... don't even know what to do with you!" Anthonio ran his fingers through his hair.
  • Just then, Donnica followed by the other twin and Leandro appeared.
  • "What's wrong this time?" Leandro mused.
  • "Donnica please ask your son what's going on! I'm tired. He was busy fooling Lucita behind this door!"
  • Leandro had to withhold himself from laughing.
  • "What?" Donnica turned to Lorenzo "Is that so? Okay choose. Grounded for a month or you do everyone's laundry."
  • "Grounded mama!" Lorenzo immediately made his choice.
  • "Get all your electric devices. From phone to laptop and give them to me. Plus, no TV."
  • Donnica frowned and walked away, followed by father and amused uncle.
  • Lorenzo turned to his now laughing brother.
  • "What are you laughing at." He frowned and Alejandro laughed even more.
  • "Lucita? Seriously? Jasmine is way cuter." He mused succeeding in getting a smile on Lorenzo's lips.
  • "True." He chuckled.
  • "You kissed her?"
  • "Was going to before papa came around."
  • "That makes one for me and zero for you."
  • "Shut up." He playfully pushed his younger brother's head and both laughed, going down the hall with each one's arm on the other's shoulder.