Chapter 4 Professionals
- How? How could this be? And why me? Haven't life given me enough trauma that I have to face this now? I can't believe it! I realise that I'm still standing looking at him like a hungry old lady who’s craving some action in her life. I could not speak a single word now. Fu*k this.
- As soon as I build the courage to speak, He starts walking towards me. My heart starts pounding as if I know what’ll happen next and, God I’ll be lying if I say I do not want to cause any “scene like a romance movie” where you fell in love with the dirties sexiest man ever. B
- ut something happens. He walks right past me. He slips into his chair and looks directly at me saying, “Take a seat. Miss May.” How is that even possible? No man has ever had this kind of behaviour with me after I’ve slept with him. And the kind of behaviour he’s showing? It is totally different from last night. He was a completely different person. Was it just the drinks? Or was he really into me? Or was he only there for me for s*x? It doesn't matter now.
- I guess I just have to listen to what he has to say. I sit down in front of him and wait for him to speak. He stays silent for a while as if he’s observing my body language.
- “Let’s start shall we?” He says. Sure, Mr Ramsey, I reply.
- "The reason I called you here is that I needed to meet you in person. Before handing this tough position to you I have to make sure you got what it takes." So, anytime you’re ready.
- "What? I think to myself. How the hell is he acting like this?" I mean the one woman with whom you had the most dominant night you can ever have is sitting in front of you and you’re acting all, professional? How! I have to admit his presence was enough to make me nervous and now I have to speak paragraphs to show my worthiness. Fu*k me.
- I take a deep breath and gather what’s left in my mind and start speaking.
- "The reason that I know that I’m perfect for this job is that I know I would be perfect for it. I’m a well-oriented person and I do my tasks within deadlines. I do well with others and I know that if I do a task assigned to me with a full passion I would do it no matter what happens.."
- “You would know”, what the f*ck did I just say?
- Did I recall him accidentally, on purpose, about last night? I close my eyes in embarrassment and feel like total crap. I blew this interview and I very well know it. “I’ll escort myself out” is the only sentence that could come out of me.
- I start to stand up but surprisingly he stops me by giving me a hand sign. His eyes stare into mine, then they land on my deep glossy red lips as if he’s rewinding what happened between the two of us. He takes a deep breath and asks me to sit.
- “Please, take a seat.” Here’s that dominant voice I was talking about, he knew his way yesterday I guess he was just trying to remember how unimaginative he was.
- "Of course", I need to get my stuff together, opportunities like this do not come with open hands. I have seen your record, of course. I have seen and also talked to the company’s manager you worked for before.
- "With the experience you have in this field, I can say for sure you won’t be a disappointment for us. Don’t make me regret this."
- “Wait what, did I f*cking get the job?” Are you saying that I? You start on Monday, be on time. “He gets up, straightens his suit and tightens his tie while he looks at me. He smiles with confidence and shows professionalism like he’s welcoming me for having me on board. I sit there in silence trying to process the situation.
- I look back from my seat, watching him go. He stops, turns and slides both his hands into his pockets.
- “Miss May?” Yes? I reply.
- “This job consists of not having personal relationships with any of the staff or those with a much higher post, I think you get my point.”
- He smirks at me, almost giving me a devilish look as if he’s toying with me. Like he wants me to take the first step without making me realise. It’s like he’s manipulating me into doing a crime that I do not want to do.
- I scoff, before I could say anything he gives me one last look.
- “Miss May, it’s been a pleasure to have you on board.” He walks out.
- That’s it? He does not even escort me out? This isn’t professional. That’s a crazy son of a bit
- -----at home with Natalia----
- "GENIUS! He’s a goddamn genius! Says Natalia. I mean, you totally screwed up the Interview of course but he gave you a chance to do better."
- "And you’re sitting here blaming that hot son of the hottest devil?" How!
- "I don’t know, Nat. I guess I just…"
- "You just what? You have to control your inner hooker, Angelica." The life you had before is nothing like this one. You can’t mess this up okay? Promise me you won’t do anything stupid.
- “I hate it when she’s right.” She is right though, my life now is going on a totally different track from my last life. And I can not SCREW THIS UP.
- —beep beep— I check my phone, looking at a text from a number I don’t recognise that well. “Congratulations on the new job. I’ll be there soon.”
- PS - Remember me?
- What the f*ck?