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Chapter 4 The Water Encounter

  • Audrey's life flashed in her face, old memories playing in her head as the waters began to quickly flood her nose.
  • "Granny!!!" Audrey called out as she ran into her grandmother's arm.
  • Jumping into her grandmother's arm everyday she came back from work had been nice therapy for Audrey.
  • "My beautiful sunshine" replied Henrietta, her granny. Henrietta would never get enough of her grand daughter.
  • Henrietta and Audrey would get locked in a tight hug.
  • "Did you miss me granny?" Audrey would ask, giving a her a childlike look.
  • Henrietta would never be able to hold back, seeing that look, she would always burst into laughter.
  • "I missed you so much, child" she would admit while painting Audrey's face with kisses.
  • A tear slid out of Audrey's eyes into the waters as her heart squeezed in pains.
  • Audrey felt the natural instincts to struggle but she did not as another memory came replaying in her head.
  • "I love you so much Audrey" it was a memory of Desmond, the one who had caused all of these pains for her.
  • "I strive to be a better person everyday only for you. If there comes a day I have to live without you, I rather welcome death. My life is completely empty without you in it Audrey."
  • "Seeing you everyday reminds me that I have someone so true and pure to live and die for". Desmond had whispered while looking deep into her eyes.
  • For a second, Audrey had been completely mesmerized.
  • "Stop it Desmond". Audrey had said, giggling. She could never contain the butterflies that seemed to want to explode her tummy. She leaned in for a passionate kiss.
  • Underwater, Audrey seemed to be getting the freedom she yearned for, but she felt one emotion still, hatred. Hatred for Desmond.
  • She was positive the other side she was heading to would be a whole lot better and calmer than the one she currently is.
  • She couldn't wait for life to leave her and for herself to reunite with her parents and wait for Henrietta to join them. There, nothing could forever separate them or so she thought with another smile on her face.
  • She closed her eyes as she sank deeper still not putting on any fights. It wasn't like she would win anyways. The waters could claim her life for it's trophy for all she cares.
  • *
  • Ever since Lord Adonis came back into the human world. He had one purpose and to fulfill this said purpose, he knew he was racing against time. He could feel his powers getting lesser each passing day which signified that more people were on Acris side. He had to act fast.
  • Just then, the mortal he met earlier flashed his mind. He remembered her eyes and pains that evolved from her tears.
  • He was sure about one thing, she wasn't your usual mortal. There was definitely something special about her he just couldn't place his hand on. He broke his rule for her. He had also given her one of his most prized object, his special umbrella.
  • He remembered the warmth he felt
  • "The human world seems to be more interesting than the way I left it. There is even someone who is mysterious to death." Adonis reasoned within himself.
  • Lord Adonis was still lost in his thoughts when he suddenly teleported against his wish.
  • "Not again" Adonis groaned to himself.
  • Was he teleporting against his wishes because his powers were getting lesser? Or he was finding it to adapt to the human world once more?
  • Adonis stood by the bridge wondering how and why he suddenly got there. Just as he was about to turn and leave, an object caught his attention.
  • His umbrella.
  • There was no way he wouldn't identify an object he personally engraved his name initials on.
  • He suddenly remembered the mortal he had met a few hours ago. It suddenly dawned on him that she could be lying at the bottom of the waters. For Adonis and this strange mortal, it was definitely going to be a long night.
  • Without thinking further, Adonis jumped into the water.
  • As soon as Adonis jumped into the water, all aquatic beings instantly felt the presence of his dark and cold aura and started swimming away from him as far as they could. The mere presence of a death agent would send fear into the creatures but the presence of the king of death himself sent more than fear into the creatures of the sea.
  • Pearldina, the most powerful being of the aquatic beings felt a frosty aura wondering who had dared to invade her territory. As she swam following her instincts, she felt gross darkness on her path.
  • "Lord Adonis" Pearldina gasps.
  • Did he return already? She asked no one in particular. But whatever it is that brought Lord Adonis to her territory. She knew for sure that it wasn't a good one.
  • For Adonis presence meant just one thing, "death".
  • Pearldina wondered what could've made the king of death visited her territory by himself. If it was to take the life of some creatures, his death agents would do that but he was here himself.
  • "Could he be here.... For me?" Her eyes widened with fear.
  • There was no creature that wasn't scared of Adonis, after all he had the powers to take away the most precious thing.... Life.
  • "I hail the end of all life on earth and beneath the earth!" Pearldina said, trying to keep her voice clear and soft. Her voice was yet laced with fear while bowing her head.
  • Adonis ignored her. It was no time for pleasantries.
  • He looked around and found her lying at the bottom of the water, already unconscious. Adonis gave a sigh of relief.
  • He swam towards her and picked Audrey up.
  • Pearldina who all this while was shivering due to his cold presence was shocked beyond words and lifted her head a bit to be sure she saw it right and she wasn't hallucinating.
  • 'What has come over Lord Adonis? Since when has the end of all lives started saving lives?' she pondered.
  • Pearldina was lost in her thought and didn't realize Adonis was already standing in front of her. Their eyes meet and she immediately lowered her eyes as she felt her own end was coming.
  • Adonis kept looking at Pearldina without blinking an eye.
  • "My Lord" she called out in fear and in pain as she felt his eyes sucking life out of her.
  • "Speak of this and I'll be sure of your extermination. Are we clear?" Adonis asked, his voice, authoritative, chilly and yet managing to be so cool at the same time.
  • "Yes my Lord " replied Pearldina who was apparently already freezing. As Adonis swam past her, Pearldina felt herself catching her breath and breathing again.
  • Who was the woman Lord Adonis came to rescue by himself? If she had not witnessed it herself and had just been told, she wouldn't have believed even in a million years.
  • Lord Adonis bought Audrey to the bank of the river.
  • There was something about this little fragile mortal that words couldn't explain.
  • Adonis was as old as time and had met quite an handful number of tenacious people brave enough to take their own lives but never had he meet anyone subtle enough to make him do against his wish.
  • But here he was breaking his own rules. He had not only saved her once but twice in just one night.
  • Audrey felt a strange cold shiver down her pine as Adonis held her but it wasn't the same for Adonis as he felt his dead cold heart beat for a millisecond.
  • Adonis stopped to take a very good look at this fragile mortal who was making him do the impossible.
  • He stared so hard and cold as though he could find the answers written boldly on her face but there was absolutely nothing special about her, at least not yet.
  • Audrey could barely keep her eyes open at this point. She was cold, colder than she was at the bottom of the water.
  • She struggled to catch a glimpse of the one who brought her out of her end but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get a clear picture of what he looks like with her hazy and weak vision, she was human after all.
  • Slowly she drifted into unconsciousness.
  • Adonis gave Audrey one more look and vanished into the thin air.