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Chapter 5

  • "Your majesty, there has been an attack on the eastern border”, the royal attendant said as he bustled in.
  • “How many soldiers survived”, the King said.
  • “None, your highness”, he said.
  • King Maximillian sighed, in just two days he had lost more than half of his kingdom and he knew who was just behind it, and he knew the game he was playing.
  • “How far will it be before they get to us”, King Maximillian said.
  • “Three days”.
  • “That’s enough, send a message to the northern kingdom”, he said.
  • “Don’t you think that’s too risky; you’re forfeiting your only chance”, the attendant said.
  • “There is no other option, I won’t let him have his hands on her, I have to keep her safe”.
  • “The princess is more than capable of taking care of herself, you’ve seen that yourself on the battlefield, she’s even better than most of our soldiers”, the attendant said.
  • “Nevertheless, I don’t plan on gambling with her life, she is precious to me”, the King said.
  • “But.... your majesty.......”.
  • “silence”, King Maximillian said, “I have spoken”.
  • “Your wish is my command, sire”, the attendant said, bowing as he left.
  • King Maximillian sighed, he knew his past deeds will come back to haunt him, but he never expected it to be in the person of the Da Vinci family, the Da Vinci family were brutal, merciless, in their killing, he was lucky enough to have won a battle over them, he thought he killed every one of them. But now, he spared one, as far as he could see, worse the poor bastard was smart, slowly conquering his kingdom step by step, waiting for him to decide, giving him a warning of what might happen if he didn’t decide well.
  • All hope was lost for him and the kingdom he had gotten through dubious means, but he’ll be damned if he let him anywhere his daughter, dead or alive. That’s why he had to make that decision for his daughter’s sake, she will be safe in their hands, he assured himself. She will be safe.
  • ***************************
  • “My lady, your highness”, Maria said running to the training room, where the princess was, fighting as usual.
  • “What is it now, Maria”, Dianne said tackling down a deficient soldier.
  • “Your father has requested your presence, my lady” the maid said.
  • “can’t it wait, I’m in the middle of something”, Dianne said wiping of her sweat.
  • “I’m afraid not, your highness”, Maria said, “it seemed urgent”.
  • Dianne narrowed her eyes, why could father be calling her when he knows fully well, she hates being disturbed when training.
  • “Tell him I’ll be there; I need to change”.
  • Maria shook her head again, “I was given strict orders to escort you to the throne room immediately”, she said.
  • Dianne nearly swore “fine, let’s go”, she said.
  • They reached the throne room and the guard bowed, while opening the door.
  • “Her royal highness, Princess Dianne Nefertiti Nigel Maximillian has arrived”, the royal attendant said as Dianne walked inside fuming.
  • “Father, you know I hate being interrupted when I’m training”, she said.
  • “Calm down, child, it’s all for a reason”, King Maximillian said.
  • “It better be good”.
  • “Tell me how do you see, Prince Edward”, He said.
  • “what”, Dianne’s mind drew up blank.
  • “Prince Edward, how do you fancy him”, the King said.
  • Dianne narrowed her eyes, father rarely asked for her opinion on men, something smells fishy, she shrugged.
  • “Well, he’s handsome and he’s friendly, on different circumstances I might actually like him”, she said.
  • “that’s more than enough”, he said.
  • “Father, why all these sudden questions”, Dianne asked, “I mean, you rarely asked about my opinion on things, most especially on men”.
  • “Your father has decided to let you get married to Prince Edward of the northern regions”.
  • “What?!”, Dianne said astonished.
  • “The date as already been fixed; the royal family of Prince Edward will be here anytime soon”.
  • “Father, you arranged a marriage for me without my consent, how could you”, Dianne said enraged, “what happens to me being the apple of your eyes, that you’ll never force me to do what I don’t like”.
  • “Times has changed, child, and I must do whatever I can to protect you”, King Maximillian said, he didn’t like hurting his daughter, but this has to be done.
  • “So, marrying me off to a man i don’t love is the best way”, Dianne said ready to kill.
  • “But you like him, in time you will grow to love as soon as you’re married”, he said.
  • “Is this about the killing going on”, Dianne said.
  • “This doesn’t concern you”.
  • “Oh, yes, it does, and don’t lie to me father, what is going on!" Dianne said, by now the guards had to hold her to prevent her from lunging at her father.
  • “All you have to do is to get married, you’ll be safe”, King Maximillian said, stepping back to evade his daughter’s anger.
  • “To hell with being married, you know very well, I can hold my own in a war, if it’s war they want, they’ll be getting it”, she growled.
  • “there’s no way I’m putting you at war with cannibals, hell I, myself stand no chance against them and I’m not putting your life in danger”.
  • “Father!”.
  • “No, child, we’ve lost this battle already, a long time ago even, but I’ll be damned if I let any bastard get their filthy hands on you, you’re all I have left, Dianne, I can’t lose you too”, King Maximillian.
  • “and that’s why, you’re marrying me off”.
  • “you’ll be safe there, married to a man you like, the engagement will be in two days, then after that, you will go to the northern region to be married fully, only when you’re far away from here, will I be happy”.
  • “But father......”
  • “No buts, I’m ordering you not as your father, but as your king, you will get married to Prince Edward, prepare yourself they’ll be here anytime soon, I your king has spoken”, King Maximillian said in an authoritative voice.
  • Dianne knew when she has been defeated, a single tear slid down her face, she genuflected.
  • “Yes, my king, your wish is my command”, she said....
  • *************************
  • “Do you think I was too harsh on her", King Maximillian said to the royal attendant.
  • “In time, she will be come to understand that you did a good thing and what is best for her, your majesty”, the royal attendant said.
  • “Yes, you’re right, but perhaps I would have spoken more quietly and gently to her”.
  • “My lord, you are a king, you did what’s best for your subjects”.
  • “You know very well, we have lost this battle”, King Maximillian.
  • “I am well aware that, your highness”, the attendant said.
  • “Aren’t you going to run for your life, I have lost everything I can possibly have but I will not allow a loyal servant to die on my behalf”, the king said.
  • “My lord, I’ve sworn to protect you, come what may, it is my royal duty”, the royal attendant said.
  • “I don’t want to see you waste your life in vain”, the king said.
  • “My lord, where you go, I go, if you live, I live, if you die, I die, this is my duty as your servant”, the royal attendant said.
  • The King sighed, such a loyal servant. “Are you sure I made a good choice”.
  • “Yes, your majesty, you did”, the attendant said.
  • “Who knows, we might actually win this war “, he added to soothe the King even though he knew it was a lie.
  • The King scoffed, they were doomed, and they both knew it....