Chapter 690 A Naughty Offer: Ep94
- Answering all of her son's questions with a slow nod and a big loving smile, Julia simply said: "Yeah, baby, it's perfectly okay."
- As Mike's mind reeled and his caged erection pulsated against her bare pussy so powerfully that it seemed about to tear through his constricting clothes, Julia laughed and planted a final flurry of soothing smooches all over her son's flustered face before pulling back from him with a bright laugh. Then, turning her head to the side and leaning closer to Jennifer's beautiful visage, Julia confirmed all the naughty thoughts whirling inside her horny boy's head by planting a torrid kiss on her sister's mouth, which Jennifer instantly reciprocated with equal passion.
- A long groan of arousal escaped Mike's slack mouth as he stared at his mom and aunt making out right before his bugged-out eyes, their tongues intertwining and their lips joining flawlessly in smooch after moaning smooch, testifying to their life-long practice in the act. As excited as he already was, Mike felt his libido spike up to a new unprecedented high when his mother broke her sisterly soulkiss with Jennifer and turned to him, murmuring: "Come here, baby... Mommy and Auntie want you so bad!"