Chapter 4075 My Cock & Her Pussy (Incest/Taboo):>Ep6
- She sort of ran out of steam. I found myself looking at her. Perhaps that is seeing her for the first time. Although, her face was lined with the worries from the last few years, she was still pretty. I would never had admitted that just a short few days ago but now, in all honesty, she's an eyeful. It's clear that her body needs to regain a few pounds. Starvation doesn't suit her. Noticed that she had a nice ass but a few more pounds would really round it out. Found myself looking closely at her chest. Guessed maybe a b-cup, at best. Note to self: Look closer. You need to be able to identify her if she goes missing. Right.
- "Bobbie, I think you already are."
- She smiled and took my hand. "I hope we will be."