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Chapter 3954 The Descent Fetish:>>Ep81

  • Jim was almost a little bit embarrassed that he wasn't even able to make it past 10pm before he had decided to turn in for the night. He intended on doing his best to chaperone the party and oversee the madness that his life, his family, and his home had devolved into, but when the time had come, he had felt so utterly helpless and overwhelmed by it all he simply skulked off to the back patio to drown his anxieties in expensive whiskey.
  • He didn't so much as toured the bedlam that he could hear in the main area of the house, and despite the incredible and unexpected delight that was Jasmine in the early stages of the party, he had barely paid any attention to the goings-on of the party at all. As he headed back to his bedroom with the music still pounding and the sounds of young people partying, he thanked the numbing properties of the alcohol flowing through his bloodstream that would no doubt assist in drowning everything out so he could fall asleep.
  • It was precisely what happened, as well, as Jim seemed to lay down on the bed and close his eyes one minute and be awoken by the stirring of someone joining him in the bed the next. Looking at his phone upon waking he saw that it was past 1am, despite it feeling like he had merely blinked away several hours. Squinting in the darkness he tried to make out who was in the room with him, but there was little doubt in his mind that it was Amanda.
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