Chapter 3937 The Descent Fetish:>>Ep64
- Cameron was a strapping young lad. Twenty years old and brimming with the confidence and delusions of grandeur expected of a young white male from an affluent background. While Amanda had relegated herself to the role of 'black sheep,' Cameron relished the role of the 'good son.' An all-American athlete in several sports with a perfect 4.0 GPA and two years closer to his BA in Business Management there was nothing that could stop him.
- As he sped down the highway in his silver Audi coupe Cameron ran a finger through his light brown hair and flashed a gleaming white smile into the rearview mirror at himself. No one had ever mistaken Cam for humble--and why should they? He had everything going for him, including his 6'1" 180lb frame of lean muscle stuffed into expensive clothes.
- Cam hadn't seen his parents since last Christmas nearly seven months ago and since then had only grown more confident and independent. During his time away from home he'd felt a sense of the man he was becoming really start to shine. If anything, it seemed everything came easy to Cam. The grades, the athletics, the girls--he barely had to work to get any of them. In this way he was the golden child and the Weaver family's pride and joy.