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Chapter 3928 The Descent Fetish:>>Ep55

  • Now, however, those superficial concerns had dissolved into the background as more pressing interests captured her attention. Getting off and getting high chief amongst them. She was intent on satisfying the second one at the moment and intended on marching into the lounge to do so regardless of the social faux pas of appearing in public covered in another married man's cum. All the better that his wife would be present to appreciate it, she thought to herself darkly.
  • Taking two successive drags on the half-smoked cigarette calmed her fraying nerves enough to proceed. She trapped the thick smoke deeply in her lungs as it anchored her to reality while she strode out of the bathroom down the hall. Music playing softly in the background also helped make her feel less like the bull in a China shop as she stepped into the lounge and inevitably drew the attention of those in attendance. She hardly noted the array of different expressions as she scanned the place she'd been seated at the couch for her purse.
  • Damnit--she cursed to herself as she realized it wasn't there.
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