Chapter 3924 The Descent Fetish:>>Ep51
- Fucking her husband would do it, and it would certainly be fun—but could she manage it? She intended on finding out and began chatting with them as they sat on the couch. Before long, Julian was no longer stealing looks at Chloe or calling her over to chat but was intensely focused on Sharon. Sharon tried including Sarah in the conversation, but she was mostly impervious to her attempts and only gave curt nods of short answers before going back to sitting quietly.
- For Sharon, this was all the motivation she needed to resort to the option of fucking Julian as her means to shatter this woman's reality. From there it was easy. Sharon had gotten to the point now where it felt like riding a bike. She smiled, licked her lips, tucked her hair behind her ear, and offered a soft touch on the arm or leg like it was a dance she was performing. Before long Sharon recognized the hungry look of lust in Julian's eyes and sense his intentions. Now all that was left was how to arrange it.
- "Sarah, do you like art?" Sharon asked as nonchalantly as she could.