Chapter 3172 Fuck Baby, Watch Me:>Ep2
- I woke up to the sound of my alarm trilling. How I'd managed to fall into a deep, lasting sleep after the events of the night before was totally beyond me. Gabby. Her gorgeous tits. Her shaking orgasm. Her eyes locked on mine. My hips powering my cock through my grip. Coming at the same time as my daughter. My dick was waking up too and it definitely wanted to pay Gabrielle an early morning visit.
- No sooner did I make up my mind to do so, I heard someone stomping down the stairs, like only teenagers can do, then the backdoor slammed, and the engine on Gabrielle's hand me down car chugged to life. I jumped up and ran to the front facing window in the master bedroom. Sure enough, Gabby was behind the wheel, backing out of our suburban driveway.
- "Damn it, Gabs!" My 17-year-old echoed my thoughts from his own bedroom. She was in such a hurry to escape the house, escape me, that she'd left Smith behind.