Chapter 2400 You Could Pretend (Incest/Taboo):>3
- The first days of our holiday together passed without awkwardness and we could relax together as I showed her around the Island. She saw first-hand that there was no lover waiting for me and it was that, I think, that opened the doors to a cautious reawakening of our brother sister relationship.
- Did I say "cautious?"
- Cautious would be a fitting description of my feelings but Janet seemed to fling caution to the winds and quickly resumed her role of boss, director, adjudicator in all things and not least, big sister. It was as if she now, having lost her hopeless husband, needed to turn the clock back and take charge of looking after me again. Having never had a successful long term relationship these 30 years I fell easily in with her wishes and realised I had found my soul mate again.