Chapter 1741 It's A Dead Man's World:>55
- {{ Were you expecting EVERY mission to be a gunfight? }} the leader of Hybrid Security thought. {{ Ask Dennis and Allyson or Wyrm. Sitting around is most of what we do. In our business, 'interesting' tends to be synonymous with 'messy.' }}
- Terillia sighed. She glanced around, spotting the three members of the Triad inconspicuously guarding the back entrance. The three of them had been more than willing to hook up with as profitable a group as Hybrid Security. Bear was their spokesman. Terillia wasn't sure if that was his real name or not, but it certainly fit. He was six feet, six inches tall and as broad across the chest as the animal whose name he bore. Then there was Boomer, an explosives expert. He and Wyrm got along famously, which made everyone nervous. Finally there was Snake, a small arms and martial arts guru. He was slender but muscular, with long blonde hair that almost gave him an effeminate look. If he hadn't been male, Terillia probably would have found him attractive. Eliza hadn't been able to find a lycanthrope that suited her purposes, but they were still pretty well set for this mission. Thug and Tiny were inside somewhere, while Allyson and Dennis were undercover somewhere. Eliza and Veronica were being very high profile in the lobby. But Terillia remained convinced that things were going to get really hairy at any moment.
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