Chapter 1688 It's A Dead Man's World:>2
- After Wyrm, a man named Dennis Murgo and his wife Allyson had contacted her. The couple had met while severing in the military, and both were experts in surveillance and tactics. Dennis had been with special ops while Allyson was an explosives expert. While in their late thirties, both of them were in phenomenal shape, and were perfect additions to the team.
- Despite the occasional boredom, Eliza loved her job. It was dangerous and exciting, and it was the sort of job her parents hated. Within four or five years, they had earned themselves a reputation as some of the best in the world at what they did, which meant Eliza and her team took the jobs they wanted and named their own price.
- She glanced over towards a shadowy area in front of some curtains where she knew Thug was sitting. Once you spotted a camouflaged troll, you could usually keep track of them. She thought she could make out where his eyes were, particularly when he rolled them. She was willing to bet he was bored too. Luckily, she had a telepathic link established with all the team-members so they could talk completely silently while they waited. Mentally linking multiple people was tricky for most magic wielders, but it was old hat to Eliza.