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Chapter 4 Kiss Me

  • Eva Marie's POV
  • I pushed him away and went to the back of the mansion, where I sat, and contemplated how I could escape this situation. I want to live everyday life and attend school to build my future, just like other ordinary people.
  • “Are you running away from me?”
  • I glance at my back while hugging myself, “Y-Yes….”
  • “You need to go back to our table, people are wondering where is the stepdaughter of Armando Sullier….”
  • He dragged me back to our table then Armando and my mom were waiting for us. My heart is beating so fast, and it is like I have felt anxious all the time ever since I came here. Then there's a guy who looks so mysterious who approaches Armando, and they are talking about something.
  • "My dear stepdaughter!" Armando said and was about to hug me when Jacob stopped him.
  • Armando understood and persuaded the man next to him to join us. "His name is Leo Sullier, my son."
  • "Hi, look so gorgeous, just like your mom,"
  • "T-Thank you."
  • The gentleman named Leo offered his hand to me, so I had no choice but to accept it and smile wryly.
  • My mother continues to ignore me as if she has been doing so the entire time. I understand why she did that, because of what happened the last time. She believed she had finally given me the life she thought would be better for me, but it was not. It was nearly a hellish place when I met Armando.
  • “Well, your mom told me so much about you. She said you’re good at arts, such as painting and interior design!” Leo said and smiled at me.
  • Jacob exhaled profoundly, and I felt like he doesnt want to share me with Leo. so I distanced myself from Leo.
  • “Don’t worry, Eva… Leo will repurchase you so that he can marry you!” Armando said that he is a little tipsy right now, thats why he is talking non-stop nonsense.
  • “Do you think I would accept his money? Even if he offers so much money, I won’t accept it!” Jacob said calmly and with a warning in his voice.
  • Leo stares at me, “Don’t worry, Eva…It’s okay and don’t feel uncomfortable with the sitautions… I am sure, Jacob will take the compensations payment that I sent to him so that I could get you….”
  • I feel really disgusted coming here, and staring at them one by one makes me terrified.
  • “I am not a thing that you can just buy if you want to!” I yelled at them, and everyone was staring at me.
  • “There’s no problem everyone, continue the party!” My mom said rest assuring the other people.
  • My tears rolled over my cheeks, and even my mom couldn’t even protect me from these evil men.
  • But one thing is for sure: I don’t want to return to this evil family. It really disgusts me.
  • Jacob smirked and made a few words saying, “She’s mine.” before he held my hand and dragged me to the exit. “We need to leave now.”
  • “So you’re not giving me to them?”
  • “Of course not!”
  • “Then what’s your plan of me, huh? Just like other girls, you want me to be your sex slave or….”
  • He shut my mouth with his finger, “Don’t say that, why would I want you to be my sex slave, if I can have you to be my bride.”
  • “What?!”
  • “No, I don’t want!” I’m shocked to hear that from him, I don’t see myself years from now getting married.
  • I sighed as he stare at me, “That’s the only thing I can solve this problem, if you are my wife already, they can’t take you away from me! do you really want to go back to that family?”
  • I shake my head while crying, “So marrying you can solve everything?”
  • "Yes, I believe Don Armando wants you to return to his territory. He will petition the organization for permission cause. Since I obtained you, there is no contract stating that you will remain with me permanently; he wants you back for his son!"
  • I continuously cried. Existing in this world makes me feel terribly sad and alone. If I want to escape, they will pursue me and hunt me like a rat if I cannot save myself. I only wanted to be with my mother, but she introduced me to this chaotic and greedy life.
  • “I’m sorry, but you don’t have a choice but to marry me.”
  • "I'm not going to marry you because you don't love me and because marriage is sacred and not just about sex..."
  • "We are simply going to be married but that’s only on paper, that’s it!” he grabbed me and shoved me inside the passenger seat, “We are leaving right now because we are going to get married tonight!”
  • My eyes widened and I gulped, “What? are you serious? are you really doing this?!” I am confused, shocked, and even nervous.
  • “I don’t say that I’m going to marry you!”
  • “Then, Eva will you marry me?” he leaned and offer me a diamond ring. “How did you get a diamond ring?”
  • “Why do you have a lot of questions? You just need to say yes or no!” he said and sit next to me, he put me on his lap and I feel the bulge under my back.
  • He take a closer look at my face and slid the finger on my finger, “Marry me.”
  • “You are too demanding! but yes, I’m going to marry you…on paper!” then he plastered a smile on his face and bit his lower lip, “So you’re going to kiss me right now.”
  • “Huh? why?”
  • “Because you finally said yes!”
  • I tried to get away from him and went back to my seat, but his arms locked in my waist, “Kiss me.”
  • “No,”
  • “Kiss me or I won’t marry you!”
  • I stared at him, gasped in my breath, and closed my eyes when I heard an explosion outside.
  • “What the f*ck—”