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Chapter 85

  • Someone must have come and dealt with the brunette, and she couldn't see her anywhere. Someone was leading her somewhere. She could barely register what exactly was happening. She felt like a zombie walking. She definitely hadn't collapsed or fainted, which was good. Lucas's secretary was leading her to Lucas's office. Wait. Is that really where she wanted to go? She felt like her brain couldn't process anything. Lucas i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.ed someone. Lucas made someone pregnant. Lucas is going to be a dad. To a baby who wasn't her. She could feel her heart is breaking bit by bit. No. No. No!!! She stopped walking even after the secretary shot her a peculiar look.
  • "No. I don't want to be here anymore." She whispered softly. She felt like if she spoke loudly, She would crack and become a sobbing mess. What had happened to her? Was she always such an emotional wreck?
  • "I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation for this, Ma'am." the secretary said soothingly.
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